Instructions for filling out form 18 organization registration card

  • Regulatory and methodological support and control over this is carried out by the Interdepartmental Commission of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies that have reserves and work in government bodies, local governments and private companies.
    The procedure for maintaining military records (VR) is determined at the legislative level. As stated in Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998, such an obligation arises for every organization at the time of registration. By virtue of the rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2002 No. 438, the registering authority is obliged to provide information about the new legal entity to a number of authorities within 5 days, including the territorial military commissariat.

    The military registration and enlistment office puts the legal entity in its register and immediately begins to interact with it. The employer, in turn, is obliged to take into account all of its employees, promptly inform the military registration and enlistment office about all changes and transmit data on the state of current affairs. For these purposes, the organization's summary card for the military registration and enlistment office (Form 18) is used. Let's consider what kind of document this is and how to draw it up correctly.

    Military registration comes in two varieties (it depends on the type of legal entity):

    1. Simple.
    2. Provides for the reservation of jobs for persons in reserve.

  • When drawing up a document, you will need a sample to fill out (Form 18, organization registration card). The form must indicate information about all the features of maintaining a temporary residence permit and cases of booking citizens. Employers and educational institutions complete this report once every two years.

    Military registration comes in two varieties (it depends on the type of legal entity):

    1. Simple.
    2. Provides for the reservation of jobs for persons in reserve.

    When drawing up a document, you will need a sample to fill out (Form 18, organization registration card). The form must indicate information about all the features of maintaining a temporary residence permit and cases of booking citizens. Employers and educational institutions complete this report once every two years. You can download the new sample organizational registration card (form 18) at the end of the article.

    The company's military registration card must be filled out for the first time and submitted to the territorial military registration and enlistment office and the district reservation commission within two weeks from the date of state registration and entry of information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Further, every two years the card is also expected at the reservation commission and the military commissariat until December 31 of the reporting year. In this case, information in the report must be indicated as of January 1 of the next year. In addition to information about employees, educational organizations are required to submit information about students and graduate students.

    The document is always drawn up in triplicate:

    1. For the military registration and enlistment office.
    2. For commission.
    3. Remains in the organization.

    When the card is initially sent to the reservation commission, it is registered there in a special journal. She is assigned a registration number, which must then be marked on all forms.

    The report form consists of one double-sided sheet. When filling out the report, you need to code it so that it is immediately clear what type of business activity the company maintains:

    • code A - only VU;
    • code B - VU and reservation of “reserves”.

    Now you can start filling out the data that the military registration and enlistment office is interested in: about employees who are in the reserves. They need to be classified by rank. In addition, you need to indicate the number of persons with a mobile order and the number of conscripts (citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 but have not yet served in the army). After filling out the table, a mark is placed indicating whether the legal entity is making reservations.

    Form 18 displays the company’s employees, citizens of the Russian Federation, who are in reserve. Organizations based on the method of keeping records are divided into two types: those who simply keep records and those who make reservations for citizens who are in reserve. In addition to employees, higher education institutions also list final year students and graduate students. Form 18 is completed every two years and submitted to the relevant government authorities by December 31 of the current year as of January 1 of the next year.

    The card is filled out carefully. The document must contain reliable information. After filling out, the director signs three copies of Form 18, the signature is sealed. One copy is sent to the military registration and enlistment office for verification. After the verification procedure, the district military commission registers this document and puts a registration mark on the organization’s copy. A third copy of the form is sent to the City Council Reservations Committee.

    Before filling out the report, you need to determine which type of enterprise the enterprise belongs to: it is engaged in maintaining military records or carries out reservations of citizens for the period of mobilization and military operations.

    Note. In addition to their employees, educational institutions also indicate full-time students and graduate students in the report.

    The F-18 card is filled out by the person responsible for maintaining military records. To provide information to military commissariats, he prints it out in triplicate. The document is signed by the manager and certified with a seal. The report is registered in a special journal and assigned a specific number. It is stamped on two copies.

    In paragraph 1 of the card, indicate the full name of the organization that is submitting the report.

    Paragraphs 2-7 reflect the following information:

    • Full name of the head;
    • phone number;
    • Full name of the responsible person;
    • phone number;
    • legal address of the enterprise;
    • actual business address/postal address.

    The eighth paragraph is filled out if the company is a subsidiary. That is, he has a higher organization. In paragraph 9 you must indicate the company codes. They are noted on the form. You need to write a digital code and its decoding.

    The category of citizens subject to military registration includes only two groups of people: conscripts and those liable for military service.

    Conscripts are considered men aged 18 to 27 years, who are required to be registered with the military and not be in the reserves.

    Persons liable for military service include:

    • All categories of military personnel and military personnel who were sent to the reserve;
    • Persons who have received a deferment or release from service;
    • Persons who have completed alternative civil service;
    • Citizens who served in military departments in relevant institutions;
    • Women with military powers.

    The following are not subject to military service:

    • foreigners and citizens who permanently reside outside our country;
    • FSB or SVR reserve officers;
    • women who do not have a military specialty and are exempt from conscription under Art. 23 of Law No. 53-FZ.

    Next, we begin to prepare regulatory and organizational documentation for military registration. Please note that the listed forms are mandatory for all organizations. Such recommendations are provided for in paragraph 39 of the Methodological Recommendations.

    Prepared documents:

    1. Order on the organization of military registration of citizens , including reservation of citizens who are in reserve. Register it at the time of establishment of the enterprise. The order must be approved annually, on the eve of the start of the calendar year. The draft order will need to be agreed upon with the local military commissariat. If this is not available at the location of the enterprise, then with the local government body. The order is approved in the form given in Appendix No. 4 of the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff.

    2. Work plan for maintaining military records , approved by the head when creating the company. It is reviewed annually, then reconfirmed, but no later than the date established by the military commissariat.

    For reference: in military registration, a lot of things happen not according to regulations, but rather according to unofficial explanations of military registration and enlistment offices. I recommend that you take this into account in your work.

    For example, from year to year the plan was submitted for approval in December. And in 2021, at the request of the military registration and enlistment offices, this deadline was moved to November.

    I recommend that you independently discuss the date for approving the plan for 2021 with your military commissariat.

    3. Card index of personal cards of citizens of conscripts and persons in reserve . Cards must be kept using standardized forms No. T-2. For state and municipal employees, a different form No. T-2GS (MS) is provided.

    4. Special audit log on the form approved by Appendix No. 18 of the Methodological Recommendations. It contains measures for monitoring military registration and reservation of reserve citizens.

    5. The organization’s registration card (KUO form No. 18) is submitted annually no later than December 31 of the current year. I recommend that you fill out several cards at once according to Form 18. The requirements in the regions are different, in some places the card will need to be provided only to the regional commission, and in others it will also be required at the military commissariat.

    Make sure the organization is assigned a registration number. It is indicated in the upper right corner of the card. If the index B is indicated in the number, this means that the enterprise must also maintain special military records. Information about him is available only at the military commissariat.

    6. Receipts for receiving documents from enterprise employees classified as persons liable for military service. The receipt must be filled out according to the unified form approved by Appendix No. 14 to the Methodological Recommendations.

    The list presented is not final. In different regions there are requirements to maintain other additional documents. I would like to note that responsible employees carry out methodological work and explain why military registration of employees is needed and what its purpose is.

    Coordination of documentation is a mandatory step before starting military registration. As a rule, they agree on an order, a work plan and some other documents requested by the military commissariat. To do this, you need to contact the territorial branch of the military commissariat at the place of registration of the company. It happens that a municipality does not have a military registration and enlistment office, in which case documents must be submitted to local government authorities.

    Until 2021, the fine for violating the rules of military registration was approximately 100-500 rubles. For this reason, some individuals neglected the deadlines for registration or deregistration.

    Rules for filling out form 18 military registration

    When liquidating an organization (introducing a monitoring procedure or bankruptcy proceedings), report in writing to the city commission for the reservation of gas processing plants through the mobilization department of the City Government of the city of Kaluga the reasons for deregistration (date and number of the decision of a higher organization, decision of the liquidation commission or other reasons). 7. If there is a change in the manager, employee responsible for military registration and reservation, work telephone numbers and addresses of the organization, report within 3 days to the department of the military commissariat of the Kaluga region at the location of the organization and to the city commission for the reservation of the GPP (Kaluga, Kutuzova str., 2/1, office 414, t.

    Form 18: organization registration card (form and sample)

    We will tell you in the article what a sample of filling out Form 18 “Organization Account Card” looks like in 2021 and how not to make mistakes when filling out the form. From the article you will learn:

    • how to fill out form 18 of the organization’s registration card, form 2018;
    • procedure and sample for filling out Form 18 of the organization’s registration card 2018;
    • Form 18 of the organization's registration card.

    Organization registration card at the military registration and enlistment officeDownload in .doc How to fill out form 18 of the organization registration card, form 2021. Organization registration card form 18, sample completion for 2021, contains information about employees of the organization who are citizens of the Russian Federation and are in the reserves, employed under employment contracts.

    Features of filling out Form 18 for submission to the military registration and enlistment office

    The registration number of the organization corresponds to the serial number of the entry in the registration journal. After assigning the organization to section A or B of the card index, the registration number additionally indicates the section of the card index (for example, 121-A).

    The organization's registration card is filled out in two copies. The copy that remains in the organization’s file is marked with registration by the district commission.4.

    Clause 8 indicates the name of the government body, local government body or organization (for example, Gazprom OJSC) depending on the departmental subordination of the registered organization.

    If there is no departmental subordination, paragraph 8 is not filled in.5. Clause 13 indicates the taxpayer identification number (TIN) assigned to the organization.6.

    Organization registration card: sample filling

    Open in Word format 1. The district commission maintains a card index of organizations, consisting of organization registration cards placed in alphabetical order by organization name.

    The card index of organizations should be conditionally divided into two sections: - section A - organizations where only military registration of citizens in reserve is maintained; - section B - organizations where military registration and reservation of citizens in reserve are maintained.2.

    Organization registration card

    When paying for “children’s” sick leave, you will have to be more careful. A certificate of incapacity for caring for a sick child under 7 years of age will be issued for the entire period of illness without any time limits. But be careful: the procedure for paying for “children’s” sick leave remains the same!

    Income tax: the list of expenses has been expanded. A law has been signed that has amended the list of expenses related to wages.

    Thus, employers will be able to take into account in the “profitable” base the costs of paying for services for organizing tourism, sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation in Russia for employees and members of their families (parents, spouses and children).

    Sample of filling out form 18 military registration

    It is better to pay off tax debts before May 1. Otherwise, potential and existing counterparties will see information that the company owes to the budget for a whole year.

    Attention So, for such persons you need to take both SZV-M and SZV-STAZH!

    In 2021, the federal minimum wage will be 11,163 rubles, which is 1,674 rubles more than now. This means that employers who pay their employees at the minimum wage must raise their wages from May 1.

    Russian Federation males aged 18 to 27 years, who are required to be registered with the military or who are not in the reserve, as well as all citizens of military age. It is worth considering that in clause 10.1. these citizens are not counted; 12.

    • clause 10.5. filled out only by organizations that make reservations for Russian citizens who are in reserve; 13.
    • paragraph 12 of the organization registration card, form 18, the new form is filled out by organizations that carry out reservations for citizens staying in reserve; 14.
    • Clause 15 with subclauses 15.1 and 15. are filled out only by organizations that carry out reservations for citizens staying in reserve.
    • Note! When deregistering an organization with the district commission, in case of complete liquidation or change of legal address, the motives are indicated in the corresponding line “Notes on liquidation and deregistration of the organization.”

    The number of warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants and foremen, reserve soldiers and sailors is indicated. 10.1c The number of limited fit for military service due to health reasons (B) from among warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants, foremen, reserve soldiers and sailors is indicated. 10.

    2 The number of reserved citizens staying in reserve is indicated (for organizations making reservations). 10.3 The number of citizens in reserve who have mobilization orders is indicated. 10.4 The number of citizens subject to conscription for military service is indicated (having a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription into the RF Armed Forces (registration certificate).

    10.5 The number of unbooked citizens staying in reserve is indicated) 11 Is reservation being made?

    Procedure for filling out form 18 military registration

    OKFS and text transcript, OKVED and text transcript, as well as TIN and OGRN are indicated in accordance with the data of the state statistics body and are clarified with the organization’s accountant. 3. When filling out the back of the card, you should be guided by the following algorithms: 10.

    1 “citizens in reserve” = 10.1a “officers and generals” +10.1b “warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants and foremen, soldiers and sailors” (for organizations carrying out military registration 10.1 “citizens in reserve” = 10 .

    5 “unreserved citizens in reserve”), (for organizations making reservations 10.1 “citizens in reserve” = 10.2 “reserved citizens in reserve” + 10.5 “unreserved citizens in reserve”, 10.5 “unreserved citizens in stock"=10.

    1 “citizens in reserve” - 10.2 “citizens in reserve are reserved”).


    The procedure for filling out Form 18 of an organization’s registration card


    – News – Procedure for filling out Form 18 of an organization’s registration card

    If there is a change in the manager, employee responsible for military registration and reservation, work telephone numbers and addresses of the organization must be reported within 3 days to the department of the military commissariat of the Kaluga region at the location of the organization and to the city commission for the reservation of the GPP (Kaluga, st. Kutuzova, 2/1, room 414, t.

    Registration of an organization's registration card

    Attention This mark is placed on all copies. The registration number must correspond to the number of the entry in the journal. A letter code A or B is also assigned:

    • A - only control is carried out;
    • B - military registration and reservation of citizens who are in reserve are carried out.

    Deadlines for submitting the document The card is one of the mandatory documents drawn up when maintaining the VU.


    It must be submitted to the district reservation commission within two weeks from the date the company was registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It also needs to be sent to the military commissariat and the district reservation commission not only when creating a company, but also at the end of the year (at the end of the reporting period).

    The procedure for filling out the document Organization Registration Card Form No. 18 is contained in the Letter of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2015 N 344-01-39-VA “On the provision of an organization registration card.”

    How to fill out an organization's registration card

    The number of warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants and foremen, reserve soldiers and sailors is indicated. 10.1c The number of limited fit for military service due to health reasons (B) from among warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants, foremen, reserve soldiers and sailors is indicated. 10.

    2 The number of reserved citizens staying in reserve is indicated (for organizations making reservations). 10.3 The number of citizens in reserve who have mobilization orders is indicated. 10.4 The number of citizens subject to conscription for military service is indicated (having a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription into the RF Armed Forces (registration certificate). 10.

    5 The number of unbooked citizens who are in reserve is indicated) 11 Is reservation being made?

    Sample of filling out form 18 organization registration card

    Download form 18 for the military registration and enlistment office, form 2021 Download Information for filling out the card Before filling out the card, you must determine which of the two types the organization belongs to:

    • deals only with maintaining military records;
    • also carries out reservations for citizens staying in reserve.

    Educational organizations of higher professional education indicate not only employees, but also penultimate and final year students, as well as full-time graduate students. The card is filled out by the person responsible for maintaining military records at the enterprise.

    The document is printed in triplicate and signed by the head of the company with the obligatory decoding of the signature. At the end of the document the date of compilation and stamp are indicated.

    All copies are submitted to the district commission for the reservation of citizens.

    Issuing mobilization orders and making marks with stamps on the delivery of mobilization orders in the military ID cards of citizens in the reserve (Military ID of a reserve officer - pp. 15-22; military ID of a soldier, sergeant, reserve warrant officer - pp.

    16-18) 2. Codes OKATO, OKPO, OKOPF and text decoding, OKFS and text decoding, OKVED and text decoding, as well as INN and OGRN are indicated in accordance with the data of the state statistics body and are clarified with the organization’s accountant. 3.

    The procedure for filling out Form 18 of an organization's registration card, Form 18

    Liquidation of an organization: what to do with tax overpayments The owners of a liquidated company cannot claim that the amount of taxes or contributions overpaid by the company will be returned to them.

    At such moments, it is easy to forget about equally important but routine tasks. So that you do not miss the deadlines for transferring regular payments to the budget and submitting reports, we have prepared our weekly reminders for you.

    When filling out the back of the card, you should be guided by the following algorithms = 10.1a “officers and generals” +10.1b “warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants and foremen, soldiers and sailors” (for organizations carrying out military registration 10.1 “citizens in reserve” = 10.

    5 “unreserved citizens in reserve”), (for organizations making reservations 10.1 “citizens in reserve” = 10.2 “reserved citizens in reserve” + 10.5 “unreserved citizens in reserve”, 10.5 “unreserved citizens in reserve" = 10.1 "citizens in reserve" - ​​10.2 "reserved citizens in reserve").

    Citizens specified in clause 10.4 are not taken into account in clause 10.1.

    Citizens specified in clause 10.3 are taken into account in clause 10.5. 4.

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation 1998 N 53-FZ). The list of specialties for which female citizens are subject to military registration is defined in the annex to the Regulations on Military Registration. In subclause a) of clause 10.1. the number of reserve officers is indicated.

    In subparagraph b) of paragraph 10.1. the total number of warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants and foremen, soldiers and sailors in the reserve is indicated. At the same time, subparagraph c) of paragraph 10.1 indicates the total number of citizens in the reserve (from subparagraph b)) who have a category of fitness for military service for health reasons “B”. 7. In clause 10.4.

    — indicates the total number of male citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18 to 27 years who are required to be registered with the military and are not in the reserves (conscripts). In clause 10.1. these citizens are not counted. 8. Clause 10.5.

    A complete list of such specialties is defined in the appendices to the Regulations on Military Registration;

    • in subparagraphs a) of the main paragraph 10.1. indicate the total number of all reserve officers;
    • in subparagraph b) of main paragraph 10.1. indicate the total number of warrant officers in the reserve, as well as midshipmen, sergeants, foremen, soldiers, and sailors in the reserve. The line “including those with limited fitness for military service” indicates the total number of personnel who are in the reserve and have a health category of “B”.
    1. in clause 10.2. indicate the number of personnel who do not have mobilization orders issued;
    2. in clause 10.3. indicate the number of citizens who have mobilization orders. This information is taken from the corresponding section of the military ID;
    3. in clause 10.4.



    Now you can start filling out the data that the military registration and enlistment office is interested in: about employees who are in the reserves. They need to be classified by rank. In addition, you need to indicate the number of persons with a mobile order and the number of conscripts (citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 but have not yet served in the army). After filling out the table, a mark is placed indicating whether the legal entity is making reservations.

    Form 18 displays the company’s employees, citizens of the Russian Federation, who are in reserve. Organizations based on the method of keeping records are divided into two types: those who simply keep records and those who make reservations for citizens who are in reserve. In addition to employees, higher education institutions also list final year students and graduate students. Form 18 is completed every two years and submitted to the relevant government authorities by December 31 of the current year as of January 1 of the next year.

    The card is filled out carefully. The document must contain reliable information. After filling out, the director signs three copies of Form 18, the signature is sealed. One copy is sent to the military registration and enlistment office for verification. After the verification procedure, the district military commission registers this document and puts a registration mark on the organization’s copy. A third copy of the form is sent to the City Council Reservations Committee.

    The form of this document, downloaded from our website, is filled out electronically. The finished document must be printed on the first and second sides of A4 sheet, observing the order of placing information on the sheet as in the sample. The procedure for filling out Form 18 is as follows:

    1. It is necessary to determine which section the organization belongs to (A or B);
    2. In clauses 2 - clause 7, all information about the director of the enterprise responsible for military registration and their contact numbers are entered. The legal and postal address, number, and date of registration are indicated.
    3. Clause 8 indicates the name of the parent organization. If there is none, clause 8 is not filled in.
    4. Item 9 – indicate the organization code.
    5. Clause 10, clause 11 contain data on the form of business and ownership.
    6. Clause 12 indicates OKVED codes.
    7. Item 13 – taxpayer identification number.
    8. If the organization only keeps records of citizens, fill out clause 14. Accounting plus reservation – clause 14 and clause 15.
    9. Paragraph 16 provides additional information.

    This document is a report containing information about the enterprise, the results of military registration and reservation of citizens. It is filled out in accordance with established legislation. The card is handed over to military commissariats and military registration and enlistment offices no later than 14 days after the enterprise is registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

    F-18 "Military registration"

    Before filling out the report, you need to determine which type of enterprise the enterprise belongs to: it is engaged in maintaining military records or carries out reservations of citizens for the period of mobilization and military operations.

    Note. In addition to their employees, educational institutions also indicate full-time students and graduate students in the report.

    The F-18 card is filled out by the person responsible for maintaining military records. To provide information to military commissariats, he prints it out in triplicate. The document is signed by the manager and certified with a seal. The report is registered in a special journal and assigned a specific number. It is stamped on two copies.

    Military registration: registration of an organization registration card

    Maintaining military records is the responsibility of every Russian company, regardless of its form of ownership and method of management. An important part of such accounting is Form 18. In this article you will find a sample of filling out an organization’s accounting card (Form 18) and learn about the features of its design.

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    The procedure for maintaining military records (VR) is determined at the legislative level. As stated in Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998, such an obligation arises for every organization at the time of registration.

    By virtue of the rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 19.

    02 No. 438, the registration authority is obliged to provide information about the new legal entity to a number of authorities within 5 days, including the territorial military commissariat.

    The military registration and enlistment office puts the legal entity in its register and immediately begins to interact with it.

    The employer, in turn, is obliged to take into account all of its employees, promptly inform the military registration and enlistment office about all changes and transmit data on the state of current affairs.

    For these purposes, a new form 18 organization registration card 2021 is used. Let's consider what kind of document this is and how to draw it up correctly.

    Purpose of a military registration card

    Military registration comes in two varieties (it depends on the type of legal entity):

    1. Simple.
    2. Provides for the reservation of jobs for persons in reserve.

    When drawing up a document, you will need a sample to fill out (Form 18, organization registration card). The form must indicate information about all the features of maintaining a temporary residence permit and cases of booking citizens. Employers and educational institutions complete this report once every two years. You can download the new sample organizational registration card (form 18) at the end of the article.

    Who and when to give it to?

    The company's military registration card must be filled out for the first time and submitted to the territorial military registration and enlistment office and the district reservation commission within two weeks from the date of state registration and entry of information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

    Further, every two years the card is also expected at the reservation commission and the military commissariat until December 31 of the reporting year. In this case, information in the report must be indicated as of January 1 of the next year.

    In addition to information about employees, educational organizations are required to submit information about students and graduate students.

    The document is always drawn up in triplicate:

    1. For the military registration and enlistment office.
    2. For commission.
    3. Remains in the organization.

    When the card is initially sent to the reservation commission, it is registered there in a special journal. She is assigned a registration number, which must then be marked on all forms.

    How to correctly fill out and download Form 18 for the military registration and enlistment office (form 2021)

    The report form consists of one double-sided sheet. When filling out the report, you need to code it so that it is immediately clear what type of business activity the company maintains:

    • code A - only VU;
    • code B - VU and reservation of “reserves”.

    To fill out the report, you first need to download Form 18 (organization record card). The 2021 form can be downloaded in a special section of our website from the letter of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2015 N 344-01-39-VA or right at the end of this article. Filling out this form is not at all difficult, the main thing is to fill it in with all the required information.

    Step 1

    First of all, we indicate the date of completion and registration number, as well as the name of the company and details of its director.

    Step 2

    Then information about the employee who is authorized to maintain the VU must be provided. You must indicate his position, last name, first name and patronymic. As well as all the address and all identification data of the organization (OKVED, INN, OGRN, etc.).

    Step 3

    Now you can start filling out the data that the military registration and enlistment office is interested in: about employees who are in the reserves. They need to be classified by rank.

    In addition, you need to indicate the number of persons with a mobile order and the number of conscripts (citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 but have not yet served in the army).

    After filling out the table, a mark is placed indicating whether the legal entity is making reservations.

    If the company provides for reservation of citizens who are in reserve, then the card should also indicate the number of reserved citizens who are in reserve, the number and section of the list of positions and professions for which their reservation is made. The completed form is signed by the head of the company and certified with a round seal (if available).

    Download form 18 (military registration and enlistment office-2021)


    Who takes the 18-KS and when?

    Report 18-KS is submitted by all legal entities that build and commission environmental facilities.
    Submit the form to Rosstat at your location (if it does not coincide with the place of business, submit it at your place of business). Report separately for branches and separately for the parent organization. The form is submitted annually. Deadline: February 4 after the reporting year. If it is a weekend, the deadline will be moved to the next working day. Submit the form at your convenience - on paper or electronically.

    Rosstat may impose a fine for missing the deadline. For officials 10-20 thousand rubles, for legal entities - 20-70 thousand rubles. For a repeated violation, the amount increases to 35–50 thousand rubles and 100–150 thousand rubles, respectively (Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

    Filling out form 18 for military registration

    Aristarkhov Appendix No. 1 Form No. 18 Organization registration card (head of organization) (signature) (initials, surname) M.P. » » 20. Note on deregistration (liquidation of an organization) (to be filled out at the district commission) Appendix No. 2 Procedure for filling out an organization’s registration card 1.

    The organization's registration card is filled out (on both sides of an A4 sheet) and submitted by all organizations, regardless of organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership, located on the territory of the municipality. 2.

    Paragraph 3 additionally indicates the position of the person responsible for military registration in the organization. 3.

    Paragraph 4 indicates the last date of registration (re-registration) of the certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the full name of the tax authority that issued the certificate, as well as the series and number of this certificate. 4.

    How to fill out form 18 for military registration

    Purpose of a military registration card Military registration comes in two varieties (this depends on the type of legal entity):

    1. Simple.
    2. Provides for the reservation of jobs for persons in reserve.

    When drawing up a document, you will need a sample to fill out (Form 18, organization registration card). The form must indicate information about all the features of maintaining a temporary residence permit and cases of booking citizens.

    Employers and educational institutions complete this report once every two years. You can download the new sample organizational registration card (form 18) at the end of the article.

    To whom and when to submit the Military registration card, companies must first fill out and submit it to the territorial military registration and enlistment office and the district reservation commission within two weeks from the date of state registration and entry of information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

    The organization's registration card is filled out and submitted to the district commission by all organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, located in the territory of the district.3.

    Organizations' registration cards are registered with the district commission in the register of organization registration cards (indicating: serial number, name of the organization, section of the card index to which the organization is assigned, and the date of initial registration).

    According to the Federal Law “On Defense” dated May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ (clause 6, clause 1 of article,8) all organizations must maintain military records (VR). Therefore, each enterprise must be registered and registered with the military commissariat.

    To provide information about those liable for military service and those subject to conscription, an organization registration card 18 is used. You will learn about the rules for filling it out in our article. Why is it necessary to maintain employee registration records? As soon as an enterprise is registered, information about it is transferred to the military commissariat (see.

    clause 19 of the “Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and providing the information contained therein”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 438).

    Which form to use

    The report is an A4 format form, filled out on both sides. A sample of filling out an organization's registration card form 18 (form 2020) is presented in the letter of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2015 No. 344-01-39-VA. It also contains detailed instructions for filling it out. Despite the fact that new Methodological Recommendations were approved in 2021, no new requirements and samples of form No. 18 cards were approved.

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