Inn starts with 97 which region

Region codes by TIN

Taxpayer identification number (abbr. TIN) is a digital code that streamlines the accounting of taxpayers in the Russian Federation.
Assigned to both legal entities and individuals. It has been assigned to organizations since 1993, to individual entrepreneurs - since 1997, to other individuals - since 1999 (since the beginning of the first part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). There are two types of TIN in Russia: TIN of an organization - 10-digit and TIN of an individual or individual entrepreneur - 12-digit. The general structure of the TIN is similar. Thus, a 10-digit TIN of organizations consists of the following parts: 4 digits - division code of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (SOUN directory) 5 digits - taxpayer number unique within this division of the Federal Tax Service 1 digit - verification code according to the verification code

The TIN of an individual consists of 12 digits, differs slightly and consists of: 4 digits - division code of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (SOUN directory) 6 digits - taxpayer number, unique within this division of the Federal Tax Service 2 digits - verification code according to the verification code


In some cases, the legislation of the Russian Federation requires that the registered organization first undergo accreditation. This means obtaining a document from the authorized government bodies stating that the company is competent in the field of activity in which it is engaged. The concept of accreditation was introduced by Federal Law No. 412-FZ of December 28, 2013. The procedure is established by the following regulatory framework:

  1. Federal Law of July 9, 1999 No. 160-FZ.
  2. By Order of the Federal Tax Service dated December 26, 2014 No. ММВ-7-14/
  3. Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2015.

Region codes

List of regionsRegion code
Republic of Adygea1
Republic of Bashkortostan02, 102
The Republic of Buryatia3
Altai Republic4
The Republic of Dagestan5
The Republic of Ingushetia6
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic7
Republic of Kalmykia8
Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia9
Republic of Karelia10
Komi Republic11
Mari El Republic12
The Republic of Mordovia13, 113
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)14
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania15
Republic of Tatarstan16, 116
Tyva Republic17
Udmurt republic18
The Republic of Khakassia19
Chuvash Republic21, 121
Altai region22
Krasnodar region23, 93, 123
Krasnoyarsk region24, 84, 88, 124
Primorsky Krai25, 125
Stavropol region26, 126
Khabarovsk region27, 127
Amur region28
Arhangelsk region29
Astrakhan region30
Belgorod region31
Bryansk region32
Vladimir region33
Volgograd region34, 134
Vologda Region35
Voronezh region36, 136
Ivanovo region37
Irkutsk region38, 85, 138
Kaliningrad region39, 91
Kaluga region40
Kamchatka Krai41, 82
Kemerovo region42, 142
Kirov region43
Kostroma region44
Kurgan region45
Kursk region46
Leningrad region47
Lipetsk region48
Magadan Region49
Moscow region50, 90, 150, 190, 750
Murmansk region51
Nizhny Novgorod Region52, 152
Novgorod region53
Novosibirsk region54, 154
Omsk region55
Orenburg region56
Oryol Region57
Penza region58
Perm region59, 81, 159
Pskov region60
Rostov region61, 161
Ryazan Oblast62
Samara Region63, 163
Saratov region64, 164
Sakhalin region65
Sverdlovsk region66, 96, 196
Smolensk region67
Tambov Region68
Tver region69, 169
Tomsk region70
Tula region71
Tyumen region72
Ulyanovsk region73, 173
Chelyabinsk region74, 174
Transbaikal region75, 80
Yaroslavl region76
Moscow77, 97, 99, 177, 199, 197, 777
Saint Petersburg78, 98, 178
Jewish Autonomous Region79
Republic of Crimea82, 777
Nenets Autonomous Okrug83
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Yugra86, 186
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug87
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug89
Chechen Republic95


The question “how to find a person by TIN” is asked quite often on the Internet. Why does this particular document become the object of close attention and is considered as an opportunity to search for personal information? The answer is simple - because a TIN is assigned to everyone. The main source of data is the tax service. But how can you search using it if a person’s data is confidential?

Let's take a closer look. And at the same time we will find out what such a document as a taxpayer identification number actually looks like.

Inn 99 is

  • A power of attorney issued in the name of the head of a department of a foreign legal entity, giving him the necessary powers.
  • Documents confirming accreditation, if required by Russian law.
  • Documents granting the right to use Russian subsoil if the company operates in this area.

All papers, unless otherwise provided by Russian laws or international treaties, must be legalized by affixing an apostille.

TIN of an individual

It is issued to each person and contains a certain set of numbers that encrypts information about the taxpayer. The set of digital values ​​is individual and is not repeated within the territory of the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, since the rule of confidential information is in effect, it will not be possible to simply find information on the Internet in the public domain without bypassing the rules.

Check by TIN number

Legal entities and self-employed persons, just like individuals, are issued a TIN. But it’s still possible to find information about them by number. About activities, about different encodings. And if an individual is not engaged in business, then there is no data about him for everyone else.

It's important to understand the difference here. If you have lost your own TIN, then restoring a document of even this level will not be a problem. We just write an application to the federal tax service and wait for the due date.

But if the object of your “close interest” is another person, then the tax office will only look at you suspiciously.

What can you learn from an individual’s TIN number?

As we have already written, the TIN number is a 12-digit code that hides information about a person as a taxpayer in the Russian Federation. Firstly, which is the easiest thing - you can find out your last name, first name and patronymic. This is not yet classified information. There are even many electronic services that cope with the task of issuing a full name by TIN.

But what else can you find out if you have the numbers in your hands:

  1. Firstly, the region in which this document was issued to the citizen. The first four digits in the number are responsible for it.
  2. Secondly, if we look at the next six digits, we get the access number to the citizen’s personal data. Yes, this is not the data itself, but it is something.
  3. And the last two digits of the entire twelve-digit document number are the access number to simplified data of the same type.

Check the TIN of an individual on the official website of the tax office

What will it take? First, go to the site itself. On this website (we are talking, let us remind you, about the official electronic resource of the Federal Tax Service) we are looking for a special form to fill out. What will this give us? What we can see is how a citizen feels about paying his taxes. That is, does he have debts? In some cases, such a simple check can give a lot, and at least save you from making the wrong choice in terms of trust. When it comes to finances, it is better to know who you are dealing with.

  • We go to the tax office website and register (you should read more about full registration).
  • We log in using our data (this includes date of birth, SNILS number, registration, and passport information).
  • Fill out the TIN data request form. Here you must indicate your email, as the response will be sent to it within five days from the date of submission of the request.

Decoding TIN, checkpoint and other codes

A code decoding service is now available - Deciphering TIN, KPP and OGRN codes on the Raccoon Poiskun website


Taxpayer identification number (abbr. TIN) is a digital code that streamlines the accounting of taxpayers in the Russian Federation. Assigned to both legal entities and individuals. It has been assigned to organizations since 1993, to individual entrepreneurs - since 1997, to other individuals - since 1999 (since the beginning of the first part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). (see TIN on Wikipedia)

There are two types of TIN in Russia: TIN of an organization - 10-digit and TIN of an individual or individual entrepreneur - 12-digit.

The general structure of the TIN is similar.

So the 10-digit TIN of organizations consists of the following parts:

  • 4 digits - department code of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (SOUN directory)
  • 5 digits - unique taxpayer number within this division of the Federal Tax Service
  • 1 digit - verification code according to the verification code

The TIN of an individual consists of 12 digits, differs slightly and consists of:

  • 4 digits - department code of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (SOUN directory)
  • 6 digits - taxpayer number, unique within this division of the Federal Tax Service
  • 2 digits - verification code according to the verification code

You can read more about how to check TIN codes at

I will dwell in more detail on what information the TIN carries.

1. Using the TIN, you can always and unambiguously determine the region of the organization/individual. persons since the Federal Tax Service division code consists of a region code + a Federal Tax Service division code within a given region. The region code corresponds to the serial number of the region in the Constitution of the Russian Federation - by analogy with car license plates and so on.

2. Using the code of the Federal Tax Service division, it is possible, with some error, to determine the location of the division and the area it covers, respectively, the location of the person/legal entity. For legal entities individuals, this is of little relevance since information on their location is already available online with great detail, according to physical information. There is no such information online for individuals, and there shouldn’t be.

3. Taxpayer number is an incremental number. If you take a closer look and look at at least a few TINs, you will notice that the later the organization is registered, the larger this number is. Accordingly, knowing the dates of registration of several organizations at intervals of values, one can with some probability assume the time of issuance of the TIN for another organization. However, retrieving this information for TIN of organizations is not relevant since information about the date of issue of OGRN/TIN is already provided by the Federal Tax Service online.

4. It is possible to check the TIN both by the control code and by the Unified State Register of Legal Entities provided by the Federal Tax Service in the public part at


The reason for registration code (RRC) is a nine-digit digital code that, together with the organization’s TIN, allows you to uniquely identify its separate divisions (see RRCC on Wikipedia).

Checkpoint structure:

  • 4 digits - department code of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (SOUN directory);
  • 2 digits - reason code for registration;
  • 3 digits - serial number of registration;

In most cases, the checkpoint looks like: Federal Tax Service division code + 01001 since not many organizations have separate divisions.

The disadvantages of the checkpoint include the impossibility of checking the checkpoint using a checksum. At most, you can check the “reasonableness” of filling out each of its elements. In general, the checkpoint does not carry more information than the TIN, and is almost never used separately in the organization’s TIN.


OGRN (main state registration number) - the state registration number of a record of the creation of a legal entity or a record of the first submission in accordance with the Federal Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities” of information about a legal entity registered before the entry into force of this Law (clause 8 of the Rules of Administration Unified State Register of Legal Entities) (see OGRN on Wikipedia).

OGRN structure:

  • 1 digit - code, OGRN sign (always equal to 1);
  • 2 digits - the last two digits of the year the entry was made in the state register;
  • 2 digits - region code according to the list of regions in Article 65 of the Constitution
  • 7 digits - the serial number of the record from the beginning of the year;
  • 1 digit - OGRN verification code;

What you can find out by knowing the OGRN:

1. Year of registration of the organization according to the last two digits.

2. With some accuracy, the month (or maybe even a week) of registration of the organization according to the serial number of the record.

3. Region code of the organization according to Article 65 of the Constitution.

4. Using the OGRN code, other public information about the organization can be obtained - TIN, KPP, name, address from the public register of the Federal Tax Service.

Please note that INN and OGRN differ in the principles of maintaining serial numbers of organizations. If in the TIN they are linked to the tax office, then in the OGRN they are linked to the year of registration. Accordingly, based on the ability to determine the date of its assignment by the serial number of the TIN, we can say that the TIN carries a little more information (inspection number) than the OGRN.

Passport ID

The passport number consists of 10 digits where the first 4 are the series number, and the last digits are the number in this series.

But there are also certain features. Of the 4 digits in the series, the first two are digits of the region, but not according to Article 65 of the Constitution, but according to OKATO.

The big open question is what the next two numbers are. They are definitely not the last digits of the year the document was issued, even according to passport data disclosed in the public domain, for example, in court decisions you can see that passports with the numbers 07 can be issued in 2003 and 2004.

My assumption is that the last two digits of the series are, in fact, part of the number since the dependence of the number of the last two digits of the series + number on the date of issue of the document is noticeable.

Yes, to the question of why the name of the Department of Internal Affairs and the date of its receipt are always written along with the passport number. If the INN code provided for the SOUN directory, then the passports, in fact, inherited their numbers from the Soviet ones and there is still no register of responsible police departments anywhere, at least in the public domain, and the number itself will not allow identifying the police department by its code.

And, of course, the key is not extracting information from a specific number or identifier, but obtaining by linking sets of external directories.

How to determine the region by TIN?

  • By TIN (or rather by its number) you can actually determine in which region it was issued. The TIN of individuals contains 12 digits, legal ones - ten.

    In any case, the region is recognized by the first four digits - the first two are responsible for the region, the next two are the number of the department where the TIN was received. See the code decoding table on this website.

  • By the TIN number (code), you can determine not only the region in which the document was issued, but also the name of the authority that issued it.

    The code can be divided into segments consisting of a certain number of digits. Regardless of whether the TIN is a legal entity or an individual, the first four digits indicate the code of the department that issued the TIN. This code can be entered into the form on the website and you will be given all the information about the region.

  • Using the individual taxpayer number (or, in short, TIN), you can determine the region in which a person or organization is registered.

    The TIN code consists of ten digits for organizations and twelve digits for individuals and legal entities. The first four digits indicate the Federal Tax Service department code.

    In turn, this Federal Tax Service code consists of a region code and a Federal Tax Service division code within this region. And the region code (like car license plates) coincides with the serial N of the region in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Maybe it will be useful to someone - there is now a service for deciphering codes (inn, ogrn, checkpoint), you can find it here.

  • Indeed, by using the TIN (taxpayer identification number), you can determine the region where the TIN was issued.

    If the case concerns any organization, then the TIN consists of 10 digits, but if it is an individual, then of 12. In both cases, the first four digits in the TIN indicate the region (this is the code of the Federal Tax Service region where the TIN was issued).

    All that remains is to see which region the code of one or another division of the Federal Tax Service corresponds to.

  • You can only find out in which region the TIN was issued. This can be determined by the first two digits - the code of the subject of the Russian Federation. But if a person moves to another region, the TIN is not changed. That is, a person can live, for example, in Moscow, but have a TIN starting with 55 - the code of the Omsk region, because he lived there before and that’s where he was given the TIN. Region codes can be found here.
  • Indeed, by using the TIN you can easily find out in which region it was issued, which means where the person lives or is registered with the tax office. You just need to know what they mean.

    There are two types of TIN and they have different numbers of digits. For individuals - 12 numbers, and legal entities are assigned 10 numbers.

    In a 10-digit TIN, you can find out the region where the TIN was issued by the first four digits. And an ordinary person (12 digits) also uses the first 4 digits. Here two numbers are responsible for the region, and the remaining numbers are the number of the specific branch where the TIN was obtained. For example, in Crimea the first numbers are 82 and 92 (Sevastopol). TIN code table is here.

  • According to Federal Law-154 dated December 23, 2003 and the order of the Ministry of the Federal Tax Service dated March 3, 2004 under BG-3-09/178, a unified standard for registration and numbering of certificates for registration of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities "LLC" was established.

    First, registration and issuance of TIN to Russian citizens occurs once at the place of their permanent registration (registration).

    The TIN number is a set of 10 digits (for legal entities and LLCs) and 12 digits (for entrepreneurs and individuals).

    Second, on the merits of the issue, the first two digits in the TIN number mean the number of the region that issued and assigned the TIN to the citizen. Many people sometimes confuse the first digits of the TIN number when an entrepreneur conducts his business in another region of the Russian Federation, considering this region to be the region of registration of the TIN.

    The second two digits in the TIN number just mean the number of the tax office that issued the certificate (TIN).

  • Using your TIN number, determining the region is quite possible and completely easy. This can be done for both legal entities and individuals. So, it is precisely the first four digits in your TIN code that will imply the region you are looking for; all that remains is to decipher the specific region by numbers in the directory here and that’s it.
  • The first two digits in your TIN are the number of your region, and the next two digits are the number of your tax office, where you submit reports and declarations.
  • The TIN of individuals and legal entities contains in the first four digits the code of the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia that issued the identification code. You need to find a directory of four-digit codes for FMS departments to find the region by TIN.
  • You can determine the region by TIN as follows; the first two digits indicate the region where the Entrepreneur or legal entity is registered; regardless of its status, either LLC, or CJSC, or OJSC.

    The second two digits mean; number of the tax authority where you registered as a taxpayer.

    Entrepreneurs, if they are engaged in business activities in another region, then the TIN remains the same, but they are temporarily registered with the tax authority of another region and pay taxes there, but insurance contributions to the Pension Fund are paid at the place of issue of the Certificate of Registration and assignment of the TIN

  • In the TIN of both an individual and a legal entity, each number has its own functional purpose and carries certain information.

    Thus, the region can be compared with the table below and the first two digits of the TIN.

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