What is the difference between fixed assets and inventories - in essence and lines in the balance sheet Considered
Inventory of goods in trade Suvorina V.M. KSTU Topic 7. Inventory of goods in trade Plan
New rules for calculating additional payments up to the minimum wage - what do you need to know? To these allowances and
Who are the committent and the commission agent? Let's consider this example. The counterparty transfers the goods to our organization for
Definition First, let's define the key features of the payment in question. State duty is an amount of money that
Free receipt of OS in 1C: Accounting department of a state institution 8th edition 2.0 Published 06/24/2017 00:08
Computers become obsolete faster morally than physically. Often the PC has no breakdowns and works properly,
Home — Articles In the context of the development of market relations, contractual relations between
In the Russian Federation, every year before April 15, legal entities need to confirm their main type of activity.
Tax preparers monitor the financial activities of each company or individual entrepreneur. They have to