What you need to know when ordering certificates from a printing house - a detailed guide

So, you have decided to order IDs or passes from our printing house. Like any person who does not do this every day, you probably have a variety of questions. In this article, based on our many years of experience in this field, we will try to answer most of them. Namely:

  • Which crust material is best for me?
  • What's inside the ID and is it important?
  • Is it possible to remove our logo from the ID?
  • Is it difficult to make rounded corners on an ID?
  • We need a sticker on the ID with lamination, is this possible?
  • I need to type names and positions from a list - what do I need for this?
  • We need a hologram/barcode on the ID. You do it?

Travel document: can it be stamped or is a seal required?

It may be interpreted by regulatory authorities as an incorrect execution of a travel certificate.
Simply put, they may consider that such marks simply do not exist. And if so, then, according to the requirements of the Law “On Profit”, the amount of daily allowance determined on such an “unregistered” travel certificate cannot be included in the gross expenses of the enterprise and compensated to the posted worker. Such documents can confirm that the posted worker was at the relevant enterprise ( and did not certify the travel certificate with some kind of “left” stamp) and completed the production task assigned to him. Published on the website: 12/07/2010

What's inside the ID and is it important?

Inside the ID there is cardboard. But everything, of course, is not so simple. The cardboard itself gives the necessary rigidity to the ID, but to improve the appearance of the product it must be combined with other materials. The table below shows the main options for internal content of certificates, their advantages and disadvantages.

What is insideWhat does it look likeAdvantagesFlawsPriceSample

Thin and rigid ID card without chamferLow price, high production speedSimple appearance of the productLow

A thicker, more substantial ID with chamfered edgesThe ideal combination of pleasant appearance and acceptable production speed and costThe certificate is not softAverage
Cardboard+foam rubber

Soft IDTactilely pleasant product with smooth chamfersMore complex to manufacture and more expensive materials increase the cost of the productHigh
    Let's summarize:
  • the best option
    ⇒ lining with two cardboards
  • if low price is very important, but the appearance is not very good
    ⇒ you can choose only cardboard
  • for soft IDs, option one
    ⇒ cardboard + foam rubber

What stamp is put on the travel document?

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The company's activities involve constant business trips around Ukraine. What kind of host stamp should be on the travel document to reflect gross expenses?

3.3.7 Instructions No. 17). So, the legislation does not provide for the possibility of certifying with a stamp, instead of a seal, notes on arrival at the place of business trip and departure from it in the travel certificate.

Location of the seal on the letter

In accordance with the standard, the imprint is a mandatory detail with serial number 25, located at the bottom of the document, just below the line that indicates the position and surname of the person who signed the document. The imprint should be positioned so as to partially overlap the title of the position, but not overlap the signature and surname of the person who signed the document.

In some cases, the place where the seal is placed on letters or other documents is indicated by the letters “MP.” This suggests that the imprint should be placed directly on top of these letter designations.

How to get a travel permit in 2015

Until this day, the duration of an employee’s stay on a business trip was confirmed by a travel certificate.

The procedure for registering a business trip before changes are made to the legislation: 1. An official assignment is drawn up. 2. The official assignment is signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person.

3. The signed job assignment is transferred to the HR department.

4. The HR department issues an order (instruction) to send an employee on a business trip (Form No. T-9 or T-9a). 5. A travel certificate is issued (form No. T-10).

What letters bear the organization's seal?

Because You are not logged in. To come in.

You don’t have to put it, because now it’s basically not necessary to have a stamp.

See: Federal Law dated 04/06/2015 N 82-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the abolition of the mandatory seal of business companies” ¶

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Law Club Conference

We don’t do any registration of documents - there’s a lot of paperwork.

Firstly, this Letter is not a normative document. Yes, and let them stamp it, since they can find foolish contractors. Surprisingly, it's not difficult at all!

There are a lot of people around who want it. And then prove to us: “you guys are wrong”

Should I put a stamp on a cover letter?

The cover letter itself does not have any information load. This type of business correspondence is drawn up in the form of an introductory part, usually consisting of a standard stamp phrase: “At the same time, we are sending you;. "and a numbered list describing each document included in the shipping package.

There is no direct need to put a stamp on the cover letter, even if the package of documents includes some business papers that have the nature of financial and guarantee obligations, the same contracts, for example.


It is strictly forbidden to put a stamp on blank letterheads or blank sheets of paper - this is a direct path to abuse and fraud.

What stamp is put on the travel document?

Therefore, many long-lived enterprises still have seals that do not contain a code. By the way, no one assigned the responsibility to replace the seal to these enterprises. We, of course, are not at all against seals, especially those with identification codes (numbers): business entities really need them and their presence makes business life much easier.* However, in the current situation, when the private enterprise does not have the seal required by the tax authorities, we will look for some kind exit.

So, the private buyer has a doctor’s seal.

We will try to justify its sufficiency for certification of a travel certificate.

Based on the requirements of Part.

Is a stamp placed on the organization's letterhead?

This issue is not regulated by any advisory legal norms.

In this regard, a sample LLC letterhead is approved at the local level, as a rule, by internal office rules. However, its approval is not mandatory.

Based on business customs, it should include:

  • corporate logo of the organization (if available);
  • the name of the business company and its organizational and legal form;
  • location of the company (legal and actual addresses);
  • individualizing characteristics of the organization (OGRN, TIN);
  • contact information (telephone, fax, email address, messenger contacts, etc.);
  • bank details of a legal entity.

All this data is usually located in the upper left corner or at the top center of the form.

Therefore, if an enterprise actively uses printing on outgoing letters and other business documents to certify signatures, it is advisable to develop a local regulatory act that will regulate such issues as:

  • what types of seals are used in the organization;
  • the procedure and rules for using impressions of various types of seals;
  • how they are stored and who is responsible for their safety;
  • procedure for updating seals and their disposal, etc.

Taking into account the provisions of GOST R 51511-2001, all printing can be divided into three types:


equivalent to stamp ones;


Stamp stamps include all seals that depict the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.

Such requirements are imposed, in particular:

  • to legal entities carrying out valuation activities;
  • branches and representative offices of banking organizations;
  • lottery organizers;
  • companies planning to issue and issuing powers of attorney to represent interests;
  • participants in trade turnover within the Eurasian Economic Union.

You can read about whether a seal is needed for an individual entrepreneur in our feature article.

With regard to the organization’s letterhead, the law, both previously and currently, clearly states that the presence of this attribute is its right, and not its obligation. This is confirmed by the above-mentioned norms of laws No. 14-FZ and 208-FZ.

LLC seal requirements

Information about the presence of a seal must be included in the organization's charter.

  • Writing a reminder letter
  • How to write a notification letter

What kind of letter is certified by a seal?

In accordance with the general rule established by GOST R 6.30-2003, printing

, certifying the authenticity of the signature of the official who signed the document, is placed in three cases:

  • on documents certifying the rights of the bearer;
  • on those that record facts related to cash flows;
  • in other cases requiring certification of the authenticity of the signature.

Do I need a stamp on an official letter?

Previously, when the forms of organizations and enterprises were produced exclusively by printing and each of them had its own registration number, there was a rule according to which a seal was not placed on a letter printed on the form.

Is the letter of guarantee stamped on company letterhead?

In this provision (instructions), it is also advisable to prescribe the procedure for storing seals.

When you need printing.

For example, such details are present in the unified forms of the following documents:

  • consignment note (form No. TORG-12 approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 No. 132);
  • act on the acceptance of work performed under a fixed-term employment contract concluded for the duration of the specific work (form No. T-73 approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004

Legal Adviser on Financial and Economic Issues V.P. Morozov and secretary-referent E.A. Dyagileva

it was instructed to develop standard forms of contracts for the provision of various types of information services by April 10 and strictly control their use in the activities of the enterprise.

Responsibility for the production, recording and safety of contract forms rests with E.A. Dyagileva, who, together with the legal adviser, endorsed the draft order.

A letter of guarantee is an important component of business communication

  • Has impressive experience as chief inspector of the financial monitoring department of the security department of the North Caucasus Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC;
  • Direction : combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.

Practice is present in the educational process of students: educational, industrial, as well as pre-graduation. In this document, the company acts as a guarantor for the student’s internship and training in the required theoretical and practical knowledge.

Printing on outgoing letters

Please note that the organization can submit these recommended forms of written request on letterhead, printed (with the organization’s seal not required), or on plain paper with a mandatory seal.

- providing him with a certificate of the status of settlements for taxes, fees, penalties, fines, as well as a certificate of fulfillment of the obligation to pay these obligatory payments.

Federal Law, a non-profit organization must have a seal with its full name in Russian. Since a budgetary institution is such an organization, the requirement to have a seal also applies to it.*

Types of institution seals.

An institution may have several different seals: main and additional.

The following mandatory requirements apply to the main seal. It should be round in shape. It reflects:

If necessary, you can additionally indicate in the seal the name of the institution in any other language or its abbreviated name, TIN (taxpayer identification number), OGRN (main state registration number), and any other details. As for the right to use the image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation in seals, it is granted to institutions vested with state powers.

How to write a letter of guarantee for debt payment? First of all, you need to make it clear to the lender that you intend to pay without delays or delays, so as not to undermine your confidence.

It is advisable to provide a debt repayment schedule if payment is planned in installments at a certain frequency.

If this is not planned, you can simply indicate the amount and the deadline by which it must be returned.

The meaning comes from the name itself - it is a document expressing the will of one party to perform any actions in favor of the other party, for example: paying a debt, fulfilling certain obligations assumed, performing certain actions.

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The list of documents on which the seal is affixed is determined by the organization on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

With the exception of letters with financial content, of course. But nowadays, in almost all enterprises, in order to save time and money, forms are created in ordinary text editors installed on any computer and printed immediately on a printer. There is no particular difficulty in forging any form.

Source: https://thlshop.com/stavitsya-li-pechat-na-firmennom-blanke-organizatsii/

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There is no approximate list of documents on which a stamp is affixed. The corresponding norms are fixed in various acts of legislation of the Republic of Belarus. In addition to the mentioned Instructions, these include: - An approximate list of documents on which a seal is placed with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 25, 1993 N 100; The listed list of regulations defining the list of documents on which the seal is affixed is not exhaustive.

The approximate list of documents subject to approval given in Appendix 3 to the Instructions is not exhaustive.

What letters need to be stamped?

The question of whether stamps are needed on letters and, if so, which letters need to be stamped, arises quite often in practice. His decision is further complicated by the fact that there are no clear instructions in the law on this matter. In this article we tried to give a complete answer to these questions, guided by expediency and common sense.

Why is a stamp placed on a letter or other document?

Before you find out whether stamps are needed on letters

,First you need to understand what it is. This is a special device with a flat base made of hard rubber. A mirror image of the seal of an enterprise or organization is cut into a layer of rubber.

If this layer is coated with a special dye and the print is pressed onto a sheet of paper, its exact image will appear on it.

Such cliches of seals are, in some cases, mandatory details of documents and are placed on the signature of the person who signed the document in order to confirm the authenticity of this signature and the document as a whole.

Please note: The basic technical requirements and descriptions of the shape and size of seals, as well as the rules for placing text on them, are given in GOST R 51511-2001 “Seals with the reproduction of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements”, approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 25, 2001 No. 573-st.

Requirements at the state level are established only for those seals that bear the image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation and, in particular, the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Federation, municipal and rural entities.

There are no such general regulations regarding the seals of commercial structures.

Therefore, if an enterprise actively uses printing on outgoing letters and other business documents to certify signatures, it is advisable to develop a local regulatory act that will regulate such issues as:

  • what types of seals are used in the organization;
  • the procedure and rules for using impressions of various types of seals;
  • how they are stored and who is responsible for their safety;
  • procedure for updating seals and their disposal, etc.

What kind of stamp is put on letters and documents?

Taking into account the provisions of GOST R 51511-2001, all printing can be divided into three types:


equivalent to stamp ones;

Stamp stamps include all seals that depict the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Such clichés can only be used by government bodies, as well as organizations and institutions that have state status or have the authority to represent the state. State powers, for example, have private notary offices.

A letter equivalent to an official stamp may appear in the case where its sender is a commercial organization.

On the prints of such cliches it is fashionable to see the company logo, its emblem or simply the name. If a private entrepreneur has his own seal, it also has a status equivalent to a stamp.

In this case, instead of the name of the enterprise, the last name, first name and patronymic of the businessman are located in its center.

Official stamps and similar seals on letters and documents must be round in shape and contain such details of the organization, company or individual entrepreneur as:

  • individual taxpayer number (TIN);
  • number of the state registration certificate.

Please note:
Recently, the government initiated the adoption of a law that abolishes the mandatory presence of a round seal, equivalent to an official seal, which was previously required for all legal entities.
Now, if an enterprise does not use such a cliche in its activities, it makes sense for it to issue a confirmation letter about the absence of a seal in order to facilitate interaction with banks and other government agencies.

Simple ones include those seals that are used by individual structural divisions of enterprises, as well as those that are intended only for one type of document. Their shape can be any - square, round, triangular. Such seals are not placed on official letters and documents; they are used to certify copies, certificates, passes, etc.

The table shows some types of documents and types of seals that are placed on them.

Title of the documentPrint type
Labor and civil contracts, agreements thereto, work contractsEquated to a stamp
Certificates of employment, including salary information, and characteristicsSimple printing (HR department, accounting department or structural unit
Letters of guarantee and other letters that record facts related to cash flowsEquated to a stamp
Local regulations of the employerEquated to a stamp
Application for employee awards, certificates and diplomasSimple seal (of a structural unit)
Work recordsEquated to a stamp

HR department stamp on travel documents

Hello, Oksana Mikhailovna! In response to your question dated 03/02/2015 “her: Any seal (institution or HR department). Based on this, a personnel employee can certify his signature with the seal of the department.

Please note that it is not necessary to issue a work assignment and travel certificate for an employee (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No.

No. 1595). These documents were canceled as of January 8, 2015.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Personnel System 1. Situation: In what cases can a personnel seal be affixed to documents instead of an organization’s seal? Legislation, in particular, directly provides for the possibility of certifying documents with a personnel seal (instead of an organization’s seal) in the following cases:* From the answer “ How to organize document flow in the personnel service" Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Human Resources of the Russian Ministry of Health

Which crust material is best for me?

The covering material used to cover IDs must not only look attractive, but also meet the service life and operating conditions of the product. There are several main types of binding materials that are used for this. The table below shows their main advantages and disadvantages that you need to consider in order to make the right decision. You can view other types and colors of binding materials in our collection.

MaterialPhotoWhat is thisAdvantagesFlawsPrice
Bum vinyl

Paper-based binding material is most often made in Russia◊ Low price◊ Simple appearance ◊ Small selection of colors and textures ◊ Low strengthLow

Paper-based binding material from foreign manufacturers◊ Large selection of colors and textures ◊ Attractive appearance◊ Low strengthAverage

Fabric-based binding material◊ Very durable material – lasts for years ◊ Waterproof◊ Difficult to operate, which increases the cost of producing certificatesAverage
Faux leather

High-quality artificial materials are often indistinguishable from genuine leather◊ Gorgeous appearance ◊ Huge selection of textures and colors ◊ Waterproof◊ Some types are close in price to natural leather ◊ Inferior to natural leather in strength and ductilityMedium/High
Genuine Leather

Natural binding material made from animal skin◊ High strength ◊ Great appearance ◊ High ductility ◊ Waterproof◊ High price ◊ Some types are quite thick ◊ Additional processing is required for some productsHigh
Genuine leather (goat)

Natural binding material made from goat skin◊ Thin, top-class genuine leather ◊ Ideal material for all types of products ◊ Waterproof◊ Very high priceVery high
    So, the choice of material can be reduced to the following points:
  • on a limited budget
    ⇒ baladek or vinyl
  • for durable products
    ⇒ lederine, genuine leather
  • for beauty
    ⇒ artificial leather
  • we need durable, beautiful products
    ⇒ genuine leather
  • VIP products
    ⇒ genuine goat leather

Travel certificate

When do you still need a company seal on documents? In general, you don’t have to put a seal on contracts with counterparties.

Unless, of course, the text of the agreement itself obliges the parties to seal it.

Or this is not directly required by law.

This conclusion follows from paragraph 1 of Article 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For example, stamps must be placed on the double warehouse receipt and the pledge agreement if the pledged item remains with the pledgor.

This is established in Articles 913 and 338 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Among the mandatory primary details, which are listed in Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011.

No. 402-FZ, no company seal.

But this does not mean that you can do without an imprint on all primary documents. Let's take a closer look.

What documents are stamped on? All about printing and its use

Stamp on a document: which one to put?

According to the methodological recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30–3003, a seal is a mechanical device, a device containing a printing block for subsequent imprinting on paper.

The seal on the document gives it legal force and certifies the authenticity of the official’s signature.

In GOST R 6.30–2003, the name of the attribute has changed compared to GOST R 6.30–97 (the attribute was called “seal”), the new name is “seal imprint”. The essence of the props remains the same.

Technical requirements for official seals - their shape, size, text and symbols placed on them - are set out in the state standard GOST R 51511–2001. Technical requirements for seals without a coat of arms are not specified in state standards.

See below for the list of documents on which the organization’s seal is affixed.

What types of seals are there?

  • Stamp. According to the federal constitutional law “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation” dated December 25, 2000 (as amended on March 12, 2014), the state emblem of the Russian Federation is placed on the seals of federal government bodies, other government bodies, organizations and institutions, on the seals of bodies, organizations and institutions regardless of the form of ownership vested with certain state powers, as well as bodies carrying out state registration of acts of civil status. The right to use the official seal is granted to the first managers, officials from among the employees of the preschool educational institution or financial service.
  • Round seal with the name of the organization (without reproducing the coat of arms). Every organization must have it to certify the authenticity of the signatures of officials.
  • Both the stamp and the round seal usually indicate the TIN of the organization, the number of the state registration certificate, as well as its location.

  • Stamp of structural units, as well as round and triangular seals that have a narrow functional purpose (for packages, passes, etc.).

What document is used to secure seals in an organization?

Each organization develops instructions for using seals. The instruction is approved by the manager and has the following sections:

— a list of seals used in the organization;

— storage locations and positions of persons entitled to use seals;

- procedure for using seals.

The instructions must also contain lists of documents certified by all types of seals. Lists of documents are compiled on the basis of regulatory legal acts and our own experience in the organization.

The lists establish who personally and in what cases has the right to certify the authenticity of a document’s signature.

The right to have and use a seal should be recorded in the regulations on the structural unit

The instructions also determine the storage location of the seals and the persons authorized to organize the storage and use of the seal and monitor its correct use.

The instructions should also contain a list of seals , which includes:

— the name and number of copies of each seal authorized for use (the permitted number of copies of each seal is not specified in regulations);

- positions of persons authorized to store and use seal impressions and control the correctness of their use.

The procedure for using seals is established by the organization in accordance with current regulations and taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities.

Changes and additions to the list are allowed only on the instructions of the head of the organization.

The use of seals in the organization is permitted only to employees specially appointed by order of the manager.

The seal impression is affixed only to correctly executed and signed documents.

Stamps are subject to registration in the preschool educational institution service and are issued to structural units to users against receipt in the registration and accounting form. In departments, prints are stored in securely locked cabinets.

The destruction of seals occurs in cases of liquidation of an organization, termination of activities as a result of a merger, annexation, transformation, renaming of an organization or a separate structural unit, as well as mechanical wear of the clichés.

Destruction is carried out according to an act with a mark in the registration and accounting forms. Registration and accounting forms of seals, as well as sheets with their imprints certified by the preschool educational institution service are included in the nomenclature of the organization’s files.

Where is the stamp placed?

The location of the official seal imprint in relation to the signature is not established in current legal acts. It is recommended to place the seal imprint so that the signature and all information on the seal imprint are clearly visible.

An approximate list of documents on which the official seal (seal of the organization) is affixed:

Acts (acceptance of completed construction facilities, equipment, work performed; write-offs; examination, etc.).

Powers of attorney (for receiving inventory, conducting business in arbitration, etc.).

Agreements (on financial liability, supplies, contracts, scientific and technical cooperation, rental of premises; on the execution of work, etc.).

Tasks (for the design of facilities, technical structures, capital construction; technical, etc.).

Conclusions and Reviews of abstracts.

Applications for tickets for travel on public transport.

Applications (for a letter of credit; refusal of acceptance, etc.).

Writs of execution.

Consumption rates.

Samples of seal impressions and signatures of employees who have the right to carry out financial and business transactions.

Correspondence with foreign missions.

Submissions and petitions (for awarding orders and medals, prizes, etc.).

Letters of guarantee (for work, services, etc.).

Orders (budgetary; banking; pension; payment (consolidated, to the bank, to receive foreign currency from accounts; currency transfer; for imports, etc.).

Regulations on organizations.

Registers (checks; budget orders) submitted to the bank.

Cost estimates (for the maintenance of the management staff; for the costing of the contract).


Certificates (limit; on payment of insurance amounts; on the use of budget allocations for salaries; on accrued and due wages, etc.).

Specifications (products, products, etc.).

Title lists.


Charters of organizations.

The indicative list is not exhaustive and may be changed in accordance with a written order (instruction) of the head of the organization.

Find out how to properly approve documents>>

Find out how to work with documents “For official use”>>

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Source: https://docdelo.ru/2014/09/na-kakih-documentah-stavitsya-pechat.html

A little about printing

In ordinary life, a person does not use seals. If personal identification is required, a fingerprint can be provided. This is an individual sign. And to solve business issues, since ancient times, people began to use devices; they were made of stone, bone, and valuable wood. The rulers used rings for this purpose.

Currently, a seal is a device, a cliche made of rubber or polymer, which is used to make an imprint on paper with the full name of the company, its location and other data. Placing a seal is a ritual, a sacred act that seals agreements.

I need to type names and positions from a list - what do I need for this?

It is not enough to produce a certificate - you also need to fill it out, enter the full name, position of the employee and other data. If the number of employees for whom identification is required is large, then this operation can be quite labor-intensive.

To carry out this work in our printing house, we have developed special software that allows you to take data from an Excel file and insert it in the right place into the certificate. This allows you to receive individual stickers for each ID without wasting time and with a guarantee of no typos!

If you want us to type the data into your ID cards, please prepare for us an Excel file in which the data to be inserted is located in the columns. For example:

Full nameJob titleDepartmentIssuedSell ​​by
34Ivanov Semyon IvanovichSales ManagerSales department19.04.201519.04.2017
35Semenov Ivan SemenovichHead of the Marketing DepartmentMarketing department19.04.201519.04.2017

What you want to put on your ID is up to you. The minimum is usually your full name and position. All other data may vary. The main thing is to put everything in separate columns - don't write everything on one line! If it is more convenient for you, you can fill out the same table in Word, but always in table form. The numbering is not required to be filled in - we can enter it automatically.

What is the difference between a seal and a stamp

The presence of a seal serves as confirmation of authenticity, and the stamp is placed to replace repeated inscriptions. Where and why is the seal placed? Printing is an important business element of almost every organization and must be treated responsibly.

Firms that take a responsible approach to this matter write instructions in accordance with GOST standards for document management and archiving, in which they indicate:

  • list of stamps, facsimiles and seals;
  • the place where they will be stored;
  • a list of employees responsible for storage and authorized to use them;
  • Direct rules of use;
  • list of documents requiring stamping.P

The transfer is carried out against a receipt in the accounting journal. The place for it is in the safe. Only original documents are certified with a seal to confirm their legal validity.

If you see the label "M.P." feel free to put it there. The main thing is that it should not overlap signatures and transcripts.

And no, no, don’t even think about putting your expensive stamp on blank sheets. Such frivolity can later result in legal proceedings. In our age of technological progress, documents can be falsified, and the enterprise itself can be subject to raider takeover.

Also, when developing cliches, it is worth using security elements: rare fonts, distortions or imitation of a defect, microtext, control marks called “Cerberus”, visible only under ultraviolet light, a raster field. Experts will tell you.

It is clear that it is impossible to insure yourself against counterfeiting 100% if your company is of interest to such people.

Is it possible to remove our logo from the ID?

Of course, any text and your logo can be embossed on the outside of the crust. However, there are a few things to consider.

To perform embossing, it is necessary to make a special metal cliche. At the same time, it should not contain lines or whitespace elements less than 0.5 mm thick. This is determined not only by the technology of making clichés, but also by the fact that small elements on textured binding materials very often get filled in and stick. As a result, the print is not clear enough and strongly contrasts with the logo that we see on the computer screen.

In addition, you need to remember that the print is made in one color without halftones. If your logo has shadows or color transitions, they need to be removed.

All of the above requires special processing of logos that have subtle elements or halftones. Look at examples of preparing logos for embossing.

Logo before processingLogo after processingReady cliche

If you plan to put your logo on the ID, please send it to us first to determine the possibility of its use or the required modification. This work, of course, requires a certain investment of money and time, but it is performed once and subsequently your logo can be used to perform all types of embossing on a wide variety of products - folders, diaries, as well as in other printing methods, say pad printing, which is used for applying logos to pens, mugs, etc.

Seal or stamp - that is the question? What is the difference?

The question of where a seal is needed on documents, and where a stamp can be used, arises among business managers regularly. The fact is that the Civil Code of the Russian Federation recommends putting a stamp only if it is provided for by legal acts or by agreement of the parties. Let's find out!

In his organization, the manager can create his own list of documents that require a seal. An order is issued with a list of management persons who have the right to sign. According to the Labor Code, business papers, i.e. orders, contracts, powers of attorney, etc., will be considered valid without it under Art. 67 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Primary documents, i.e. invoices and invoices are drawn up according to officially approved unified forms, therefore, if there is a sign “M.P.”, then the seal is required.

What service letters are stamped on?

As you know, a seal is an impression made on paper, wax, sealing wax or any other material that acts as a means of authenticating a document. There are types of seals that differ from each other not only in shape.

In addition, each of them is intended for specific purposes. For example, not every organization can use official seals. Moreover, the list of documents on which the official seal is affixed is legislatively approved.

Stamp stamps include all seals that depict the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Such clichés can only be used by government bodies, as well as organizations and institutions that have state status or have the authority to represent the state. State powers, for example, have private notary offices.

A letter equivalent to an official stamp may appear in the case where its sender is a commercial organization.

On the prints of such cliches it is fashionable to see the company logo, its emblem or simply the name. If a private entrepreneur has his own seal, it also has a status equivalent to a stamp.

In this case, instead of the name of the enterprise, the last name, first name and patronymic of the businessman are located in its center.

Official stamps and similar seals on letters and documents must be round in shape and contain such details of the organization, company or individual entrepreneur as:

  • individual taxpayer number (TIN);
  • number of the state registration certificate.


Recently, the government initiated the adoption of a law that abolishes the mandatory presence of a round seal, equivalent to an official seal, which was previously required for all legal entities.

Now, if an enterprise does not use such a cliche in its activities, it makes sense for it to issue a confirmation letter about the absence of a seal in order to facilitate interaction with banks and other government agencies.

Simple ones include those seals that are used by individual structural divisions of enterprises, as well as those that are intended only for one type of document. Their shape can be any - square, round, triangular. Such seals are not placed on official letters and documents; they are used to certify copies, certificates, passes, etc.

Location of the seal on the letter

In accordance with the standard, the imprint is a mandatory detail with serial number 25, located at the bottom of the document, just below the line that indicates the position and surname of the person who signed the document. The imprint should be positioned so as to partially overlap the title of the position, but not overlap the signature and surname of the person who signed the document.

In some cases, the place where the seal is placed on letters or other documents is indicated by the letters “MP.” This suggests that the imprint should be placed directly on top of these letter designations.

What kind of letter is certified by a seal?

  • on documents certifying the rights of the bearer;
  • on those that record facts related to cash flows;
  • in other cases requiring certification of the authenticity of the signature.

The law does not establish a clear list of documents on which this or that seal is affixed. But, if you follow the recommendations of the above-mentioned GOST, a stamp is placed on the letter if it:

  1. is guaranteed;
  2. confirms the fulfillment of previously assumed or the assumption of new payment obligations;
  3. establishes a delivery schedule or, for example, a phased payment schedule.

Is a stamp required on an official letter?

Previously, when the forms of organizations and enterprises were produced exclusively by printing and each of them had its own registration number, there was a rule according to which a seal was not placed on a letter printed on the form.

With the exception of letters with financial content, of course. But nowadays, in almost all enterprises, in order to save time and money, forms are created in ordinary text editors installed on any computer and printed immediately on a printer.

There is no particular difficulty in forging any form.


If the letter is unstamped and printed on a form, but there are doubts about its authenticity, you must contact the sending organization at the contact numbers indicated in the header of the form and clarify whether they sent such a document.

It makes sense to draw up a local regulatory act that will regulate the procedure for using seals at the enterprise and will clearly state which letters need to be certified with a seal.

This document will define a list of business papers that must necessarily require certification, and will also establish rules in which cases and on which documents a stamp or equivalent seal will be affixed, and on which - a simple one.

Should I put a stamp on a cover letter?

The cover letter itself does not have any information load. This type of business correspondence is drawn up in the form of an introductory part, usually consisting of a standard stamp phrase: “At the same time, we are sending you;. "and a numbered list describing each document included in the shipping package.

There is no direct need to put a stamp on the cover letter, even if the package of documents includes some business papers that have the nature of financial and guarantee obligations, the same contracts, for example.


It is strictly forbidden to put a stamp on blank letterheads or blank sheets of paper - this is a direct path to abuse and fraud.

As a rule, to prepare letters of gratitude, especially if they are intended for a ceremonial presentation to one of the employees, ready-made printed color postcards are used, rather than standard enterprise letterheads. In this case, it makes direct sense to put a stamp on the manager’s signature under the letter of gratitude.

If such a letter is sent to a customer, client or business partners, the organization’s standard form is usually used to complete it. If this is so, there is no need to put a stamp or an equivalent seal on such a letter of gratitude.

Requirements at the state level are established only for those seals that bear the image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation and, in particular, the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Federation, municipal and rural entities. There are no such general regulations regarding the seals of commercial structures.

Therefore, if an enterprise actively uses printing on outgoing letters and other business documents to certify signatures, it is advisable to develop a local regulatory act that will regulate such issues as:

  • what types of seals are used in the organization;
  • the procedure and rules for using impressions of various types of seals;
  • how they are stored and who is responsible for their safety;
  • procedure for updating seals and their disposal, etc.

Source: https://legalcollegium.ru/drugoe/na-kakih-sluzhebnyh-pismah-stavitsja-pechat.html

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