How to write an application for half a day off

Applications at your own expense for half a day sample

It should be noted that in labor legislation such terms as time off and day off at one’s own expense are absent.
They are replaced by the concept of leave without pay. But the above concepts are used in everyday life and they are also written in the application. There are two types of time off:

  • Time off that a person can receive without the consent of the employer at a time convenient to him for working on a holiday or day off.
  • Time off that requires management consent.

The Labor Code also allows employees to take vacations at their own expense upon the occurrence of certain cases: marriage registration, death of a family member, etc. He also determines how many days you can take at your own expense in these cases. The minimum duration is five days, but the employer in its local regulations can provide for a longer duration. The employee is not required to take these vacations, and if he is forced to write an application at his own expense, it will be illegal.

It was indicated above how many days you can take time off at your own expense if certain events occur.

Also, compulsory leave at your own expense is provided for certain categories of citizens (disabled people, pensioners, veterans), and can vary from 14 to 60 days.

The duration of leave at your own expense, which is given with the permission of the employer, is not regulated and is established by agreement with management.

In order to receive a day at your own expense, you must submit an application. This rule should not be neglected even if the employee and the employer agree among themselves that time off will not be issued by order. A written statement will protect both the employee (if the employer decides to count him absenteeism) and the employer (if an accident occurs with the employee at this time).

Most often, time off is taken for one full day, or for several full days, in which case the employee does not go to the workplace for the entire work shift. The corresponding o or “OZ”) is entered in the working time sheet, 0 is entered in the “hours” column, or it remains empty.

But the law does not prohibit an employee from writing a statement for part of the working day, for example, half. In this case, the report card will indicate attendance at the workplace (code “I”), but the number of hours will reflect the actual stay at the workplace.

The application form is free at your own expense and is not regulated in any way by law. But at the same time, it must contain the mandatory details of all applications:

  • Full name and position of the manager;
  • Full name and position of the employee;
  • Date and signature of the author of the application.

The text of the application itself will depend on the basis on which the leave is taken and what its duration is.

Despite the fact that the text is written in free form, in practice, office work has developed certain formulations that the statement should contain:

  • Please provide a day at your own expense;
  • Please allow me to take time off at my own expense.

In the case when a day off is needed, simply indicate the desired date or dates.

In the case when he wants to take only part of the day, he must indicate in the application the time period for which he will be absent:

  • Please give me time off from 13:00 to 18:00;
  • Please give me time off for the first half of the working day, etc.

Time off is given to a person on the basis of a written application, which can be drawn up in free form. An application for a day at your own expense must have an executive visa. As a rule, an order must be drawn up based on the application. But in some cases, as a result of an agreement between the employee and the employer, the order is not drawn up; accordingly, this is also not reflected in the report card, although this will be at odds with what labor legislation says.

In such cases, the maximum time off is 5 working days.

Labor legislation does not indicate the employer’s obligation to provide hourly time off or any other type of additional rest lasting less than 1 working day. Accordingly, if there is no verbal agreement and the employee acts officially, the company, represented by the manager, may refuse to allow the employee to be temporarily absent from the workplace.

In practice, an employee can write a vacation request within half a day if the company pays hourly. In this case, it will not be difficult for the employer not to take this time into account in the timesheet. In other cases, absence from work for several hours, even with an application, may qualify as absenteeism.


After the word “statement” comes the text itself.

The author must indicate how many hours and on what day he will need to leave, and then indicate on what day and at what time he worked overtime or went on a holiday or weekend. Having substantiated the request, the employee signs and indicates the current date. Then he checks with his immediate supervisor.


To the Director of XXX LLC

Ivanov R.

from the sales manager

Sidorova I. A.


Please provide me with time from 09:00 to 13:00 on 06/20/2017 in connection with the previously worked time from 18:00 to 22:00 on 02/25/2017.

Signature and date

“Please provide me with time from 09:00 to 13:00 on 06/20/2017.

The issuance of an internal order on this application will serve as a guarantee that time absent from the workplace will not be classified as absenteeism (with the ensuing consequences).

TK art. 126, 127; Rules on the release of tubing of the USSR No. 169 1930/30/04 edition 2010/20/04 art. 27, 28

Money can be used to compensate for vacations missed for one reason or another.

Most often this happens when leaving work, since the provision of vacation days followed by dismissal remains at the discretion of the employer (his right), but is not his responsibility (Rostrud Letter No. 5277-6-1 2007/24/12).

I ask you to replace with monetary compensation my unused vacation for (*year*) in the number of (*) days.

For time worked, in accordance with Articles 152-153 of the Labor Code, payment is double, but payment can be replaced by a day of rest in proportion to the working time worked.

Previously, I always wrote an application at my own expense for 1 day (8 hours) and. For half a day or several hours, a person often has the need to leave work at night. For the correct design of additional short-term vacations, the enterprise must have specific interaction between human resources and accounting services. The Federal Law on the status of military personnel stipulates the possibility of granting leave in parts.

If it is necessary to supplement the allotted vacation with days off, you should fill out an application requesting time off from the last day of vacation until the moment when the employee can return to work.

  • In addition, it is indicated at your own expense or for previously worked time.
  • Date and signature.
  • Below is agreement with the immediate supervisor.

In some companies, for short leave, a special form of dismissal note is sufficient, including:

  • Last name and initials of the applicant.
  • His position and place of work (department, workshop).
  • Date and time of leave.
  • Signature of the head of the department or workshop.

An unreasonable refusal by the employer will be the failure to satisfy the request for additional days off provided for in the employment contract. If a half-day or full day of leave is approved, an official order authorizing the time off is issued. Nuances arise in cases where an employee needs to recalculate working hours, provide paid time off due to overtime, and other options.

He has every right to do this. since such days of rest are provided only by agreement of the parties. the exception, as always, is for preferential categories of employees.

To the General Director of Inspiration LLC, Polina Konstantinovna Zarenkova, from purchasing manager Anna Valerievna Rozanova


Please provide me with additional days off on March 10 and 11, 2017 as part of my regular annual paid leave.

March 5, 2021 /Rozanova/ A.V. Rozanova

In agreement with the head of the organization and with his permission, the employee must write an application for future days off with their deduction from the main paid leave. The employee must submit the written document to the boss for approval, and then transfer it to the personnel department.

After writing the document, you should ask the employer to sign and date it, which is the basis for receiving future days off. Next, the employee must submit the signed sample document to the HR department in order to calculate the number of allotted days.

There are several types of time off that the employer is required to provide in accordance with the provisions of the labor code.

Such forms of contractual relations can eliminate conflicts and streamline the recording of working time.

  • poor employee health;
  • disability or illness of a close relative;
  • having a small child;
  • pregnancy.

If a valuable employee has circumstances that do not allow him to work full time, and the management does not want to lose a specialist, since the dismissal of an employee is extremely unprofitable for the organization, which will be faced with the question of finding a new employee, the law provides for the right to request a transfer to a reduced work schedule.

However, keep in mind that when working part-time, your salary may be significantly reduced, since wages are paid in proportion to the time worked or the amount of work completed.

At the same time, basic paid leave, as well as calculations of seniority and other labor rights, are preserved for employees.

In agreement with management, transfer to a special schedule is documented. The will of management and its consent to the subordinate’s part-time work is expressed with the issuance of an order. In this case, the employee is required to apply for part-time work, indicating the reason.

Read more about part-time work here:

An application for part-time work (day or week) and a special schedule is drawn up by the employee in any written form. It is accompanied by a certificate or any other document confirming the impossibility of working according to the standard schedule. This may be a certificate of pregnancy or a certificate confirming the child’s disability, a document confirming the status of a guardian over elderly parents, or other documents.

  1. Parents and spouses of those who were wounded, maimed or died in the process of military service, as a result of an illness associated with military service. These people have the right to have an additional 14 days of rest per year.
  2. Pensioners who continue to work.
    Management must approve their applications at their own expense for one or more days. Workers of retirement age can use 14 additional days for rest.
  3. Participants of the Second World War. They can rest 35 days a year.
  4. Disabled people who work.
    Citizens with disabilities can afford to write requests for a day off at their own expense 60 times a year.

What should be included in the application structure

Like any other document at work, an application for time off must begin with a header that indicates the position and initials of the boss, the name of the company, as well as the position and initials of the employee. After the word “statement” comes the text itself.

The author must indicate how many hours and on what day he will need to leave, and then indicate on what day and at what time he worked overtime or went on a holiday or weekend. Having substantiated the request, the employee signs and indicates the current date. Then he checks with his immediate supervisor.

from the sales manager

Please provide me with time from 09:00 to 13:00 on 06/20/2017 in connection with the previously worked time from 18:00 to 22:00 on 02/25/2017.

If a half-day leave is given in advance, then the text of the application will look like this:

“Please provide me with time from 09:00 to 13:00 on 06/20/2017. I undertake to work from 17:00 to 21:00 on 09/01/2017.”

If the employee fails to fulfill his obligations under this document, his time off will be considered absenteeism, which will entail appropriate penalties up to and including dismissal.

If an employee needs half a day to resolve issues related to the birth of a child, a funeral or a wedding, then there is no need to indicate the dates of previously worked time.

Even if a team has a trusting relationship between all its members, a statement regarding any fact of absence of an employee from the workplace must be drawn up.

Otherwise, if an employee on undocumented leave somehow gets into an accident and causes damage to his health, formally this will be considered a work-related injury, and then problems will arise not only for him, but for all bosses.

How to write an application for half-day leave: basic questions and answers

A person may also have other circumstances. For example, forced departure or caring for a sick family member.

Unless, of course, the employee belongs to a preferential category of citizens who are entitled to time off by law. These include:

  • pregnant women,
  • minors,
  • disabled people – up to 60 days per year,
  • pensioners – up to 14 days per year,
  • WWII participants – up to 35 days per year.

The organization cannot refuse these categories of citizens; the labor law protects their interests and rights. If they violate them, the employer can be held liable.

The reason “for family reasons” is the most widely used wording when writing applications for extracurricular leave. However, often the employer requires a specific reason. Therefore, it is recommended that before writing an application, you verbally discuss the conditions of the day off and outline the reasons for its need with the employer.

Labor legislation does not contain the concept of “time off”. It refers to one of the cases:

  • leave without pay;
  • days of rest on account of overtime;
  • days of rest towards future vacations.

Therefore, before writing an application, it is necessary to stipulate the conditions for providing days of rest with the employer orally. After which you can begin writing an official statement.

The law does not establish a specific application form. It is compiled arbitrarily: by hand or in printed form. However, there are mandatory points of such documentation:

  • in whose name the application is written;
  • position and full name of the applicant;
  • Title of the document;
  • a direct request for time off with dates and reasons;
  • date, signature and transcript of the applicant.

The last option is the most beneficial for working citizens. However, in design it is more complex. To provide time off towards future vacations, a number of statutory standards must be met.


In advance (at least a few days in advance), the employee must notify management of his desire by writing a statement, and the employer must give permission for time off with an appropriate order. An application for time off can be written directly on the day of the day off, but in this case, in the absence of very serious reasons, the chances of management’s consent are noticeably reduced.

If there is no statement, then the employer may interpret the subordinate’s absence from the workplace as “absenteeism,” that is, a direct violation of work regulations, and impose disciplinary action on him, up to and including dismissal (in case of systematic violations).

What is time off

There is no such concept in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, there are “additional days off”, “leave without pay”, “day off on account of vacation”. However, if an employee asks the manager for time off, he will be understood.

The concept of “time off” is used in everyday life and means an additional day of rest when needed by the employee. As a rule, time off is:

  • rest period lasting 1-2 days;
  • may last only a few hours;
  • there is no payment for this period, i.e. short-term leave without pay.

It is impossible to get time off at any time. To receive such a day off, the employee must work off his additional rest in one way or another.

For example, time off can be given on account of time worked or on account of the future.

How to negotiate with your boss and avoid problems in taking an extra day off? How to write an application for half a day off correctly so that the document takes into account the overtime?

Time off concept

What is time off?

The concept of time off was not officially established in labor legislation. However, there is wording on the registration of an additional day off or several hours for previously worked time. It was customary to call it time off.

Any employee has the right to refuse to exceed the plan for a working day, week or month, unless otherwise agreed in the employment contract.

For example, some companies have a clearly established number of working hours, which the new employee was informed about during the interview. At another enterprise, the documents clearly indicate irregular working hours.

If in the first case the employee can refuse unnecessary responsibilities, then in the second he will have to obey the manager. In both cases, he has the right to demand compensation.

Another thing is that for a few hours of work on a weekend or holiday, the employer must provide the subordinate with a full day off.

If additional hours were worked on a weekday, then you can only use this accumulated time and not a minute more.

But most often, time off is the time allocated to the employee for previous overtime.

You must submit an application for time off.

It should be noted that both minor employees and pregnant women and mothers whose children are currently under three years old cannot be involved in work outside of normal working hours. The remaining categories may be subject to additional workload, such as:

  • working more than the established hourly rate per day;
  • working on a holiday or day off;
  • fulfilling not only one’s own, but also other people’s responsibilities (substituting for a sick colleague).

There are several types of time off that the employer is required to provide in accordance with the provisions of the labor code. These are days off on the occasion of a wedding, the birth of a child or the death of close relatives. Time off is also due if the employee has undergone a blood donation procedure.

In total, the period of leave cannot last more than five days. Otherwise, this will negatively affect your work experience, and the employer may even offer to go on leave without pay. Therefore, employees most often take short days off to cover previously worked time.

Some enterprises also practice providing time off in advance. That is, the employee goes on his short-term paid vacation, however, he undertakes to work overtime at the first request. The law does not stipulate such a procedure for providing time off, so the employer can do this only in the conditions of a trusting relationship with his subordinates.

The application must be submitted three days before the desired day off so that the order is actually issued.

It is not often in organizations that such statements are not carried out through the personnel department - this is done, again, through a verbal agreement with the employee.

Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that work on weekends and holidays can be permitted only in exceptional cases and with the written consent of the employee. The employer must also issue an order under his signature justifying the need to work on a day off.

You can take time off in advance.

It is necessary to prepare for applying for time off for several hours. The employee must:

  1. Calculate all your overtime hours yourself;
  2. Select the exact date when time off will be required;
  3. Check with your immediate supervisor if he will be needed at your workplace at the specified time;
  4. Complete an application and submit it to the HR department.

For a half-day leave, an employee can save up hours in advance. If he needs to leave for four or five hours, he can easily work the specified number of hours in less than a month.

If an employee worked on a day off or a holiday, he has the right to demand the entire day off. But if he doesn’t need it, he can split it in half. And in the application for half a day off, indicate the number of hours he needs to count towards the time worked.

But it is better to discuss this possibility with your superiors in advance. Since the absence of an employee for the entire half of the day is not such a big loss, the manager will have to accommodate.

If the employee does not have previously worked hours, he can promise to compensate them in the near future. To do this, the application must indicate the exact date when he will be able to work, and the phrase “for previously worked time” must be changed to “for time worked in the future.”

Why does the employer not reflect the application for time off in the documentation?

The first thing we must understand is that the employer (HR officer) does not officially reflect the time off for overtime (and maybe in advance for future overtime), although according to the labor law he must keep correct records of working hours. But why does the employer do this?

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Yes, very simple. The legislation has so confused employers that any step beyond the legally established working week in the direction of excess is overtime. But overtime requires certain procedures - an order, motivation, justification, and most often the consent of the trade union, if there is one at the enterprise or institution. But no one canceled the established working time limit for a week or a month. This means that overtime must be paid either at an increased rate or given legal time off. (For excess time worked, by the way, the employee is supposed to be provided with compensation (time off) within two weeks).

And here, all the rules about the length of the working week, the intervals between shifts, weeks, the number of working days in a week begin to float. And why does the employer need this, when no matter what you do, you won’t please the inspectors? And will you receive a fine for violating some paragraph of the labor code? This is why employers do not reflect overtime on the time sheet, but give time off for overtime, which the employee often has to beg from the employer.

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Application for time off for a previously worked day

It happens that employees are forced to work on a weekend or holiday in accordance with production needs, or to exceed the work schedule established for them. If an employee already has overtime, he could verbally agree in advance with his superiors when exactly it will be compensated with rest. But it is better to draw up the document in writing.

In most cases, there is no need to wait for his resolution.

  • Time away from work must be reported on the time sheet.


Let's highlight the main points:

  • It is allowed to take rest days: at the expense of overtime worked in excess of the norm, at one’s own expense, or at the expense of future annual paid leave.
  • It is allowed to take not only a day off, but also several hours (by agreement with the employer).
  • Rest days without pay are not subject to payment.
  • When submitting an application for days of rest under Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the organization has no right to refuse.
  • If you feel unwell, it is recommended to take sick leave rather than a day off.

What to do if you refuse

There are cases when time off is mandatory. This:

  • When it is given as compensation for overtime or for working on a day off.
  • Donors for blood donation.
  • For Wedding.
  • For ritual events.

If you are refused in one of these cases, you have the opportunity to appeal the management’s decision, but this will not affect the time off for several hours of the current day. When registering at your own expense, the decision is made only by the administration, and everything depends on the goodwill of management.

Worked on Saturday, October 24, 2015, on duty in the workshop.” Sample of the second text: “Please give me a day off on November 1, 2015 on account of the next vacation.” Third text: “Please provide me with a day without pay on November 1, 2015 for (reason).”

  • The applicant's signature must be located on the right under the text, the number on the left.

Reflection of time off in personnel and accounting

To properly register additional short-term vacations, the enterprise must have direct interaction between human resources and accounting services. In any case, the basis for all operations is the order for the enterprise.

If an agreement between the employee and the employer exists in advance, then the order immediately reflects the essence of the issue, for example, to provide the employee with one additional day off due to going out after hours.

The employee fills out an application for overtime work, and the accounting department acts according to the standard scheme, paying for the work at an increased rate.

In most cases, time off is required unexpectedly due to various circumstances.

If an employee needs half a day to resolve issues related to the birth of a child, a funeral or a wedding, then there is no need to indicate the dates of previously worked time.

Even if a team has a trusting relationship between all its members, a statement regarding any fact of absence of an employee from the workplace must be drawn up.

Otherwise, if an employee on undocumented leave somehow gets into an accident and causes damage to his health, formally this will be considered a work-related injury, and then problems will arise not only for him, but for all bosses.

Time off concept

The concept of time off was not officially established in labor legislation. However, there is wording on the registration of an additional day off or several hours for previously worked time. It was customary to call it time off.

Any employee has the right to refuse to exceed the plan for a working day, week or month, unless otherwise agreed in the employment contract.

For example, some companies have a clearly established number of working hours, which the new employee was informed about during the interview. At another enterprise, the documents clearly indicate irregular working hours.

If in the first case the employee can refuse unnecessary responsibilities, then in the second he will have to obey the manager. In both cases, he has the right to demand compensation.

As a rule, employees most often opt for monetary compensation. A work shift on a weekend or holiday must be paid twice as much. However, the organization can verbally stipulate that overtime hours will be “thanked” with the same amount of free time.

Another thing is that for a few hours of work on a weekend or holiday, the employer must provide the subordinate with a full day off.

If additional hours were worked on a weekday, then you can only use this accumulated time and not a minute more.

At some enterprises, it is customary to call time off any working day that, for certain reasons, becomes a day off for a particular employee. For example, if he took one day as vacation or without pay.

But most often, time off is the time allocated to the employee for previous overtime.

Reasons for time off

You won’t be able to just take time off - practice shows that usually an employee is required to either work an additional day off in advance or subsequently, or take time off towards a future vacation or as leave without pay.

In some cases, due to operational necessity, management may deny an employee an additional day off, and this will not be a violation of the law - time off is granted only with the mutual consent of both parties.

It is also worth remembering that those employees who have worked at this enterprise for less than 6 months are not entitled to time off at all.

At the same time, there is a category of employees who can take time off at any time without waiting for management approval.

Help-call No. (***) is attached.

The number of days of study leave for each category of students is determined by Labor Code Article 173. A call for a session or state exams, a diploma must be attached.

A part-time worker has the right to request study leave only at the main place of employment (LC Article 287).

Rules for granting time off

You must submit an application for time off.

It should be noted that both minor employees and pregnant women and mothers whose children are currently under three years old cannot be involved in work outside of normal working hours. The remaining categories may be subject to additional workload, such as:

  • working more than the established hourly rate per day;
  • working on a holiday or day off;
  • fulfilling not only one’s own, but also other people’s responsibilities (substituting for a sick colleague).

There are several types of time off that the employer is required to provide in accordance with the provisions of the labor code. These are days off on the occasion of a wedding, the birth of a child or the death of close relatives. Time off is also due if the employee has undergone a blood donation procedure.

In total, the period of leave cannot last more than five days. Otherwise, this will negatively affect your work experience, and the employer may even offer to go on leave without pay. Therefore, employees most often take short days off to cover previously worked time.

Some enterprises also practice providing time off in advance. That is, the employee goes on his short-term paid vacation, however, he undertakes to work overtime at the first request. The law does not stipulate such a procedure for providing time off, so the employer can do this only in the conditions of a trusting relationship with his subordinates.

Time off must be documented on paper and approved not only by superiors, but also by the immediate supervisor.

The application must be submitted three days before the desired day off so that the order is actually issued.

It is not often in organizations that such statements are not carried out through the personnel department - this is done, again, through a verbal agreement with the employee.

Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that work on weekends and holidays can be permitted only in exceptional cases and with the written consent of the employee. The employer must also issue an order under his signature justifying the need to work on a day off.

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