How to write a vacation application for 2021 (form, download form, sample)

Any leave, including annual paid leave , can be granted only upon application. In this article, we suggest downloading an application for annual paid leave in various formats. We also offer for download in this section a version of an application for annual paid leave with rescheduling .

The application for annual paid leave is quite simple and consists of the following parts: 1. Application header. The header indicates to whom the application is being written: the position, the full name of the person to whom the application is being written, then the position and full name of the employee who is writing the application. If you do not know whose name to write the application to, then this information must be clarified in the personnel department. The header is aligned to the right. An example of a vacation application header: “To the General Director of LLC “Horns and Hooves” A.P. Smirnov. from accountant Vasilyeva A.E.”

2. The word “Statement!” This is a constant part for all types of leave applications: applications for annual paid leave or applications for leave followed by dismissal . The word “Statement” is written in the middle of the sheet and there is no line after it.

3. Content of the application. Contains information about the leave application. It is written in the following form: “I ask you to grant me another paid leave from .... on the …. calendar days". Important! In the content part it is NOT written until what date the leave is granted, only the number of days is indicated. This is especially important, because if you specify the number of days, the accounting department simply will not accept the application. The situation is understandable, since it can cause disputes if the vacation coincides with a holiday , because on holidays the vacation is extended without any application. Example of a content part: “Please provide me with another paid leave from May 14, 2015 for 14 calendar days”

4. Statement footer. The date of drawing up the leave application, signature and transcript is indicated here.

Example of an application for paid leave:

General Director of Sfera LLC

Ivanov Vasily Petrovich

from the sales manager

Semenov Valery Ivanovich


I ask you to grant me another vacation from 09/01/2015 for 14 calendar days.

08/15/2015 Semenov V.I.

On this page you can find templates for the following leave applications: Download an application for annual paid leave in Word form (doc format) Download an application for leave in Word form (docx format) Download an application for paid leave in pdf format (Adobe) Download an application for annual leave in odt format (OpenDocument Text) Download an application for annual paid leave in rtf format

How to write

According to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, there are cases when a subordinate has the right to write an application for leave to an individual entrepreneur:

  • Art. 114-119 Labor Code of the Russian Federation - annual main and additional;
  • Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - provision for family and other circumstances at one’s own expense;
  • Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - providing pregnant women with maternity leave before and after childbirth;
  • Art. 173-177 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - providing employees with a period of time off to fulfill their educational obligations.

Submitting a petition to your boss

There are no fundamental differences in the statements of subordinate individual entrepreneurs and the directors of a large company; they are drawn up on the following principles:

  • date from last vacation. Typically, an application for vacation pay is written six months after starting work at the current job or providing a 2-week vacation;
  • request for vacation pay before dismissal. The law of the Russian Federation regulates cases when an employee quits with unused days off. The employer undertakes to pay benefits for unused days, and also has the right to provide them as a paid option;
  • provision of supporting documents. If the application for leave is submitted in connection with pregnancy or the educational process, supporting documents must be provided in addition to the application.

Note! According to the law, an individual entrepreneur does not have the right to refuse to provide vacation pay under such circumstances, nor to dismiss.

The layout of the forms is not completely regulated by law; it only establishes a general layout for filling out;

  • in the upper right corner the full name and position of the addressee (immediate superior), the name of the company and full name are indicated. vacationer with a position;
  • in the middle of the sheet, write “Application”;
  • filling out a request for leave with justified reasons and the desired period, indicating the exact duration, type of leave and (if desired) reasons for providing supporting documents;
  • At the end of the application, the current date of application and signatures are entered manually. FULL NAME. vacationer can be dialed on the computer.

Environmental supplements to wages

3) Zone of increased radiation risk. These are the settlements of Chubartau, Novoshulbinsky, Borodulikha, Charsky, Zharminsky, Ayaguz districts, the cities of Semipalatinsk and Kurchatov, Egindybulak district of the Karaganda region, Maysky district of the Pavlodar region, Tavrichesky, Glubokovsky, Shemonaikha, Ulansky districts, the cities of Ust-Kamenogorsk and Leninogorsk of the East Kazakhstan region . Compensation is provided in the amount of 1.57 MCI for each year of the period 1949–1965 and 0.79 MCI for subsequent years until 1990.

To settle the rights of those affected by nuclear tests in Semipalatinsk and those living in environmental crisis zones, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan decided to compensate for the damage caused in the form of additional payments and additional vacation days.

Application for leave for individual entrepreneurs: sample

Individual entrepreneur and maternity leave - is it possible to receive payments, go on vacation?

How to write a vacation application for an individual entrepreneur is an issue that worries a certain part of employed people. The templates for filling out are as follows:

Completed application

Paid annually

How to apply for paid leave:

  1. Full name is written in the upper right corner. Individual entrepreneur and employee with the current position.
  2. In the body of the application you must enter the following: “Please provide me with annual paid leave from (date) to (date) for a period of (number) calendar days.”
  3. The date, signature and full name are affixed at the bottom. applicant.

For family reasons

The document is created as follows:

  1. Fill in full name in the upper right corner. Individual entrepreneur and employee with the current position.
  2. In the body of the application, you must enter the following: “Please reschedule/provide me with leave during the period from (date) to (date) for family reasons.”
  3. Indication of the reason is at the discretion of the employee.
  4. The date, signature and full name are indicated at the bottom. applicant.

For pregnancy and childbirth

How to compose it:

  1. Fill in the full name of the individual entrepreneur and the employee with the position in the upper right corner.
  2. In the body of the document you need to write: “I ask you to grant me leave from (date) to (date) in connection with pregnancy and subsequent child care.”
  3. The date, signature and full name are indicated at the bottom. applicant.

For student


  1. Fill in full name in the upper right corner. Individual entrepreneur and employee with the current position.
  2. In the body of the document you need to write: “Please provide me with leave from (date) to (date) in connection with (indication of the educational process for which it is impossible to work)”
  3. The date, signature and full name are indicated at the bottom. applicant.

Completed document for leave in connection with educational activities

For subsequent dismissal

Instructions on how to compose:

  1. Fill in full name in the upper right corner. Individual entrepreneur and employee with the current position.
  2. In the body of the document you need to write: “I ask you to provide me with unused vacation in the period from (date) to (date) in connection with subsequent dismissal.”
  3. The date, signature and full name are indicated at the bottom. applicant.

Important! It is legislatively established that the employer has the right to sign the order, but is not obliged. In another case, he is obliged to pay compensation for unused vacation pay for one year.

Application at the initiative of the employee for leave without pay

Leave without pay will be needed in the case when the annual paid days of rest have already been used, and for family reasons it is necessary to be free from work for some time. However, declaring your intention is not enough to receive leave; it is up to the employer to sign or refuse. Only certain categories of workers should not wait for such consent, these include Heroes of Russia, Socialist Labor, veterans, military personnel, deputies and other persons mentioned in Articles 128, 173 and 174 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A prerequisite for being on unpaid leave is to correctly write the application indicating a specific date until which the applicant will not work. For different categories of workers, this period may be different according to legal requirements and last:

  • 14 days throughout the year - for employees who are age pensioners and continue to work. The same period is established for working persons who are closely related to deceased military personnel, police officers, fire service employees, customs officers and deceased representatives of other bodies. The causes of their death were wounds, concussions, diseases and injuries received while serving;
  • 35 days – for employees who have the status of participants in the Second World War (Great Patriotic War);
  • 60 days – for disabled people who work;
  • 5 days a year - for other categories of workers and employees for reasons of birth, death, marriage of close relatives.

Some options for providing such leave provide for other federal laws of the country, collective agreements at a specific enterprise, organization or institution. The number of days that you can take once a year at your own expense is calendar time, i.e., without deducting holidays and weekends.

You can declare your intention to get some time free from work without saving your earnings something like this:

To the Director of Taburetka LLC

Sosnovoy M.V.

accountant Inna Romanovna Berezkina


I ask you to allow me, as the mother of a graduate, to take a vacation at my own expense in view of a big family holiday - the graduation of my eleventh-grader daughter from school. Please satisfy my wish and give me three calendar days free from work from 05/23/2021 to 05/25/2017.

05.20.2017 _________________________________ Berezkina

applications for leave at your own expense 2018

Business paper can be written with a pen on an A4 sheet, or it can be typed and printed on a printer.

When should it be served?

Application for resignation of an individual entrepreneur - how to write it correctly

For individual entrepreneurs, an application for leave must be filled out, as in other similar cases, within the following deadlines:

  • six months after employment. According to the Labor Code, at least six months of work experience in the current workplace is required before a person can go on vacation;
  • after six months have passed since the last vacation. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines that an employee has the right to split paid leave into two equal or more parts. The interval between them should be six months;
  • employer warning. It is advisable to notify the boss about an unscheduled leave for family reasons two weeks in advance, but if the matter is urgent, the employee can ignore it;
  • vacation schedule application. The law defines the vacation period for working personnel according to the schedule. Employees can go there two weeks after writing the application.

Model document

Who should apply and in what cases?

It is not always possible to do without the stage of drawing up such a document as an application.
It is advisable to make a statement in several cases:

  1. if such a practice is accepted at the enterprise for all employees, even if they go on vacation according to the vacation schedule;
  2. when an employee is not included in the vacation schedule because he recently joined the organization;
  3. in case of violation of the procedure for going on vacation on the initiative of one of the parties or due to unforeseen circumstances.

Expert opinion

Maria Lokshina

Family law expert since 2010

It is imperative to draw up an application in all situations where the law allows for vacation out of turn or additionally. For example, if a woman decides to take leave before maternity leave, then drawing up an application will be a mandatory step before going on vacation.

Transfer of vacation

Agreement with a self-employed person - sample standard document

In the practice of many enterprises and firms, a situation often arises with the postponement of planned vacations. Often this is initiated by the employee and the employer for the following reasons:

  • worker. The employee wants to postpone the long-awaited vacation period to another date for various individual reasons, for example, workaholism, the desire to combine two full calendar months for a trip, etc.;
  • employer. The employer's initiative to unscheduled transfer of vacations often arises for production reasons when the employee's presence is required during the allotted period of time.

Peaceful agreement on rescheduling

How to write an application for leave for an individual entrepreneur at the initiative of an employee to transfer it:

  1. Fill in full name in the upper right corner. Individual entrepreneur and employee with the current position.
  2. In the body of the document you need to write: “I ask you to transfer my annual main paid leave, planned according to the vacation schedule in the period from (date) to (date), to the period from (date) to (date).”
  3. The date, signature and full name of the applicant are affixed at the bottom.

Who is eligible for environmental leave?

If we are talking about a business trip for an employee in connection with the performance of his job functions, then it is not legal for the employer to withhold expenses for tickets, accommodation and daily allowances upon dismissal. Because these are guarantees and compensation payments that the employer

There is no rule in Labor legislation obliging an employer to terminate an employment contract with an employee when he reaches retirement age or to carry out any additional procedures. Subclause 24, clause 1, art. 52 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Code), gives the employer the right to terminate the employment contract with

First vacation basis and bonus

According to him, there are different types of vacations, in particular:

1. Basic. Any person working for hire can apply for it.

2. Additional. In some cases, it is directly provided for by law (and then the employer has nowhere to go), but it is quite capable of being regulated by internal regulations.

Basic leave (including leave of the first year of work) cannot last less than four weeks, and is provided to the employee every year, i.e. the situation has ceased to be voluntary: the law not only guarantees the right, but also to a certain extent “ "forces" an overzealous employee to go on vacation.

You also need to understand that the basic leave for different categories of workers may vary. Thus, disabled people have the right to rest for 30 calendar days, minors - 31, teaching staff of educational institutions - from 42 to 56.

Regarding additional vacations, the law is very humane and does not limit their maximum duration in any way. If an employer wants to arrange a heavenly life for his employee, no one is stopping him. In real life, of course, this happens extremely rarely. The employer is interested in his employees working, and not sunbathing in the sun - the laws of the market can be harsh.

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