Lead engineer job description sample
General provisions
- The leading engineer is hired and fired by order of the head of the company based on the recommendation of the chief engineer.
- The leading engineer reports to the chief engineer.
- The applicant for this position must meet the following parameters:
- higher education in construction or technical fields;
- Three years of relevant work experience.
- In the absence of a leading engineer (treatment, vacation, advanced training, etc.), his functions are transferred by order of the chief engineer to another specialist for a certain period of time.
- The Lead Engineer must understand:
- regulatory framework governing the company's activities;
- current industry standards;
- main trends in your field of competence;
- rules of corporate office work;
- basics of working with technical documentation;
- parameters of technologies used in the relevant activities of the company;
- algorithms for performing profile calculations;
- rules for drawing up and using drawings;
- requirements for the quality of equipment and materials used in the company’s activities;
- standards for time and labor costs when performing work in your area of responsibility;
- rules for quality control of work in its area of activity;
- standards for the consumption of materials and other resources when performing work in the area of their responsibility;
- standards of interaction with other specialists when solving labor problems;
- the basics of working with methodological literature, specialized reference materials, specialized Internet resources;
- standards for the use of office equipment and computer programs;
- labor protection rules, mandatory fire, technical and electrical safety standards.
- The leading engineer is guided by:
- current laws and regulations;
- industry standards;
- employer documents;
- job description.
Lead engineer is responsible for:
- Participation in the company’s activities to carry out core work and advanced developments.
- Carrying out the necessary calculations, as well as checking their correctness.
- Drawing up the necessary drawings, diagrams, sketches.
- Participation in the development of technical specifications for third-party contractors and other company specialists.
- Preparation of analytical materials for management on their responsibility profile.
- Planning stages, deadlines and other aspects of work according to your profile.
- Monitoring the compliance of the work carried out with current state and industry standards.
- Monitoring the consumption of materials, energy and other resources during work.
- Monitoring the effectiveness of technology and equipment implementation.
- Filling out documents according to your profile.
- Tracking successful practices and developments in your field of activity.
- Compliance with fire and technical safety rules, labor protection and other mandatory parameters set out in the company documentation.
The leading engineer is punished for:
- Causing material damage to the employer - in amounts determined on the basis of current norms and laws.
- Failure to perform labor functions specified in this instruction and other documents in accordance with company standards and labor legislation parameters.
- Offenses committed in the workplace are within the limits given in the current sections of the legislation.
The leading engineer has the rights to:
- Propose to company management measures to improve work processes.
- Sign documents within your official competence.
- Have access to internal information necessary in your work activities.
- Get acquainted with draft corporate documents in your area of responsibility.
- Require the company's management to create and maintain the conditions necessary to perform their job functions.
- Receive the opportunity to improve qualifications at the expense of the employer in the manner specified in the relevant internal documentation.
Samples and rules for drawing up a job description for a leading engineer
Reading time: 4 minutes(s) The job description of a leading engineer is one of the most important documents for the quality work of an employee in a company. It is customary to indicate all the duties, rights and responsibilities of the specialist.
Since the document helps regulate labor relations between the employee and the employer, it is necessary to approach its preparation with special responsibility.
How to compose: general provisions
The first section of the service manual is called “General Provisions” - it specifies the basic requirements for the employee, a list of knowledge and skills necessary for the job, as well as the position and status of the employee in the company.
The leading engineer belongs to the category of specialists.
The general director of the organization appoints an employee to a position and removes it from it by appropriate order. In this case, the specialist has a certain circle of people subordinate to him and reports directly to the head of the department and the general director.
During the absence of an employee for personal or official reasons, his duties are transferred to another authorized official.
The standard qualification requirements for this position are as follows: higher professional education and at least 3 years of experience as an engineer.
The specialist should know:
- methodological materials and regulations related to the performance of work;
- the main characteristics and features of the technical means and materials to be worked with;
- necessary computer programs and communication tools;
- requirements for the work performed;
- standards for the preparation of all necessary official papers;
- methods and methods for determining the economic benefits of projects;
- standards for technical calculations;
- basics of economics, finance and management;
- labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- fire safety rules, basic sanitation, as well as internal company regulations.
An employee must be guided in his work by:
- legislation of the Russian Federation;
- The company's charter;
- employment contract;
- current job description;
- orders and instructions from management.
Job responsibilities: what the leading engineer is entitled to and his responsibilities
The second section of the document should indicate the employee’s daily, weekly and monthly responsibilities, as well as the rules and procedure for carrying out instructions and orders from management.
This section is the main one; the quality of the specialist’s work depends on it, so it should be compiled with special care and responsibility.
Main job responsibilities of the leading engineer:
- monitor the operation of all equipment, ventilation and fire-fighting installations, and promptly report any problems;
- monitor the correct operation of equipment by other company employees;
- carry out timely repairs of all necessary equipment;
- develop methodological documents, regulations, technical documentation, as well as plans and preparations for projects;
- conduct a systematic inspection of equipment and draw up a schedule of preventive and repair work;
- carry out testing work with new equipment, draw up the necessary reports;
- participate in the development of new projects and programs;
- carry out all necessary calculations, study and analysis of technical data;
- carry out examinations, carry out quality control of equipment;
- monitor the condition of the equipment;
- increase the scientific and technical knowledge of the organization’s employees;
- comply with all instructions and instructions from management.
The third section of the job description of the leading engineer is a paragraph on the rights of the employee, which help in fulfilling the duties assigned to him. An employee, as a rule, has the right:
- request from other departments documents necessary for work;
- require timely notification of new orders and instructions from management;
- offer your immediate supervisor or general director your own methods of motivation;
- inform management about all identified problems and shortcomings in the company’s work;
- refuse to perform duties that are not provided for in the job description;
- involve other company specialists in joint work on the project;
- require management to provide assistance in fulfilling the tasks assigned to it.
The final section usually indicates the employee’s area of responsibility.
The lead engineer must be responsible for:
- improper performance of one's own official duties;
- administrative, criminal and civil offenses committed during working hours;
- causing material damage to the organization;
- dissemination of trade secrets and confidential information.
The text of the job description can be drawn up at the discretion of the employer, the main thing being that the document does not contradict the law and the employment contract concluded between the parties.
Lead engineer job description samples
Design engineer
Sample of a typical job description for a leading design engineer: https://yadi.sk/i/E6IALHUx3UaXcm
Technological engineer
You can find an example of instructions for a leading process engineer here: https://yadi.sk/i/e4S4Fc4x3UaXp9
Design engineer
At the following link we have posted a document for the leading design engineer: https://yadi.sk/i/dyENn3m_3UaYev
Software engineer
The labor functions of this employee look like this: https://yadi.sk/i/kaHh0Jxx3UaZ3t
In construction
In the construction industry, the following type of instructions are used: https://yadi.sk/i/P_Hf2fM43UaYvn
So, the job description contains 4 sections: “General Provisions”, “Job Responsibilities”, “Rights”, “Responsibility”. Each part has its own tasks and is necessary for the employee’s productive work, so you should take a responsible approach to drawing up this document.
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Aspects of writing a job description
Employing companies most often use a standard instruction format. It contains 4 mandatory parts:
- General section.
- Job responsibilities.
- Employee powers.
- Parameters of his responsibility.
In more rare cases, when creating instructions for top managers or specialists in particularly responsible positions, the following are added to the required sections:
- Working conditions.
- Rules for changing instructions.
- Rules for interactions with other employees and managers.
- Norms for assessing achieved results (KPI).
Other sections may also be added documenting those areas of professional activity that the employer wants to pay attention to.
Attention! The job description, like other business documents, must include certain official details: employer data, transcript of signatures, etc.
General provisions
This section describes the job characteristics of a general specialist:
- To whom is he obliged to obey?
- Which manager decides the issue of hiring and firing.
- What documents is he obliged to take into account?
- What are the rules for replacing it?
The section also describes the requirements for the level of his qualifications: work experience, education, specialized and general skills.
Attention! Many job characteristics of a leading engineer are listed in section 37 of the Unified Qualification Handbook (USC) (as amended on May 15, 2013). Additionally, you can apply the provisions of professional standard 16.032, approved by the Ministry of Labor on November 27, 2014.
Job functions can be varied:
- Profile - characteristic of a particular profession.
- Auxiliary - refers to the additional workload of an employee that is not related to his core activities. The degree of this load depends on industry characteristics, the number of employees, the employer’s policies, etc.
- Basic - compliance with safety standards, labor protection rules and other standards required for most professions.
The functions listed in the section must comply with the parameters of the employment contract, especially those that describe the specialist’s labor function.
The degree of guilt of an employee and the parameters of his punishment are determined during legal and administrative procedures carried out on the basis of current legislation and internal rules of the company. The diversity and volume of these laws and norms do not allow them to be fully used in instructions. Therefore, this part is limited to a few general paragraphs.
Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides a list of labor rights guaranteed to any employee. But many employers also add additional powers to help employees resolve labor issues: have access to the necessary data, participate in the consideration of draft relevant orders, etc. You can also add benefits to the specialist: free training or compensation for part of his business expenses (communications, transportation, etc.).
Any job description after its preparation goes through several stages of confirmation:
- Checked by a lawyer for compliance with the current regulatory framework.
- Review by the clerk to ensure compliance with document flow standards.
- Coordination with HR department employees to ensure there are no contradictions with the employment contract and similar documentation.
- Study by specialists in the field for which the instructions are intended.
After making the necessary amendments, the completed instructions are sent for collection of signatures. Its quality must be certified by those persons who participated in the approval processes. The final signature is provided by the head of the employing company. The employee himself signs the instructions upon his employment, expressing his agreement with its provisions.
Attention! A job description can be created either individually or on the basis of certain regulations. This regulation is necessary if the employer requires a variety of instructions for different professions. It describes the procedure for creating instructions, the timing of verification and other aspects of its preparation and approval.
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GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the leading process engineer of the enterprise.
1.2. A leading process engineer is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.3. The leading process engineer reports to the head of the engineering and technology department.
1.4. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering, technical and management positions in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise is appointed to the position of leading process engineer.
1.5. The leading process engineer must know:
— regulatory and methodological materials on technological preparation of production;
— profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise;
— prospects for technical development of the industry and enterprise;
— production technology of the enterprise’s products;
— systems and design methods;
— organization of technological preparation of production in the industry and at the enterprise;
— production capacities, technical characteristics, design features and operating modes of equipment, rules of its operation;
— procedure and methods for planning technological preparation of production;
— technical requirements for raw materials, materials and finished products;
— regulations, instructions and other guidance materials on the development and execution of technical documentation;
— means of mechanization and automation of production processes;
— methods for determining the economic efficiency of introducing new equipment and technology, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions;
— the procedure for certifying the quality of industrial products;
— possibilities of using computer technology and methods for designing technological processes using them;
— procedure for accepting equipment into operation;
— requirements for rational organization of labor when designing technological processes;
— domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in the relevant industry;
— advanced domestic and foreign experience in the production of similar products;
— fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of environmental legislation;
— basics of labor legislation;
— rules and regulations of labor protection.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the leading process engineer, his responsibilities are assigned to the head of the engineering and technology department.
Leading process engineer:
2.1. Organizes the development and implementation of progressive, economically sound, resource- and nature-saving technological processes and modes of production of products manufactured by the enterprise, performance of work (services) that ensure an increase in the level of technological preparation and technical re-equipment of production, reduction of costs of raw materials, materials, labor costs, improvement of product quality , works (services) and labor productivity growth.
2.2. Takes measures to accelerate the development of advanced technological processes, new materials in production, and the widespread introduction of scientific and technical achievements.
2.3. Manages the drawing up of plans for the introduction of new equipment and technology, increasing the technical and economic efficiency of production, the development of technological documentation, and organizes control over the provision of workshops, sites and other production divisions of the enterprise with it.
2.4. Reviews and approves changes made to technical documentation in connection with adjustments to technological processes and production modes.
2.5. Monitors the implementation of long-term and current plans for technological preparation of production, strict adherence to established technological processes, identifies violations of technological discipline and takes measures to eliminate them.
2.6. Manages the organization and planning of new workshops and areas, their specialization, mastering new equipment, new high-performance technological processes, performing calculations of production capacity and equipment loading, increasing the technical level of production and the shift ratio of equipment, drawing up and revising technical conditions and requirements to raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, development and implementation of progressive standards for labor costs, consumption of process fuel and electricity, raw materials and supplies, measures to prevent and eliminate defects, reduce the material intensity of products and the labor intensity of their production.
2.7. Ensures the improvement of technology for manufacturing products, performing work (services), introducing achievements of science and technology, progressive basic technologies, high-performance resource- and environmentally-saving non-waste technologies, design and implementation of technological systems, environmental protection means, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, non-standard equipment , technological equipment, fixtures and tools, timely development of design capacities, compliance with standards for the use of equipment.
2.8. Implements measures to certify and rationalize workplaces.
2.9. Participates in the work to determine the range of measured parameters and optimal standards of measurement accuracy, to select the necessary means for their implementation, and to improve methods of product quality control.
2.10. Considers designs of products or product composition, industry and state standards, as well as the most complex rationalization proposals and inventions related to production technology, gives conclusions on their compliance with the requirements of economical and environmentally friendly production technology.
2.11. Coordinates the most complex issues related to technological preparation of production with enterprise departments, design and research organizations, and customer representatives.
2.12. Ensures the implementation of computer-aided design systems, organizational and computer technology, automated control systems for equipment and technological processes.
2.13. Participates in the development of enterprise reconstruction projects, measures to reduce the time required to master new equipment and technology, rational use of production capacity, reduce energy and material consumption of production, increase its efficiency, improve product quality, and improve labor organization.
2.14. Manages the conduct of research and experimental work on the development of newly developed technological processes, participates in industrial testing of new types of machines and mechanisms, means of mechanization and automation of production, and in the work of commissions for the acceptance of equipment systems into operation.
2.15. Manages the employees of the technological bureau, coordinates and directs the activities of the enterprise divisions that provide technological preparation of production, and organizes work to improve the skills of workers.
The leading process engineer has the right:
3.1. Give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees and services on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
3.2. Monitor the implementation of production tasks, timely execution of individual orders by subordinate services and divisions.
3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the leading process engineer, subordinate services and departments.
3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on production and other issues within the competence of the leading process engineer.
The leading process engineer is responsible for:
4.1. The results and effectiveness of production activities related to his functional responsibilities specified in Section 2 of these Instructions.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of implementation of work plans of subordinate services and departments.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the director of the enterprise.
4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that create a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.
4.5. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees subordinate to the leading process engineer.
5.1. The working hours of the leading process engineer are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.
5.2. Due to production needs, the leading process engineer may go on business trips (including local ones).
5.3. To resolve operational issues to support production activities, the leading process engineer may be allocated company vehicles.
5.4. To ensure his activities, the leading process engineer is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his functional responsibilities.
Head of structural unit:
_______________ _________________________________00.00.00 (signature) surname, initials
Head of the legal department:
_______________ _________________________________00.00.00 (signature) surname, initials
Head of HR Department:
_______________ _________________________________00.00.00 (signature) surname, initials
I have read the instructions:
_______________ _________________________________00.00.00 (signature) surname, initials
Job description of a leading radio electronics engineer
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(professional standard “Radio Electronics Engineer”)
1. General Provisions
1.1. A leading radio electronics engineer belongs to the category of specialists. 1.2. The following persons are accepted for the position of leading radio electronics engineer: 1) with a higher education - postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel; 2) with higher education - specialist, master's programs; 3) having additional professional education - advanced training programs; 4) having completed, with higher education, postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel - three years of work experience; 5) having completed, with a higher education, a specialty program or a master's degree - at least five years of work experience. 1.3. A person with access to state secrets is allowed to work as a leading radio electronics engineer, depending on the nature of the work performed. 1.4. A leading radio electronics engineer must know: 1) legislative acts, regulatory and methodological materials on issues related to the operation of radio electronic equipment; 2) standards in the field of development and production of products, general technical requirements, product quality control, ESKD, quality management system standards; 3) the technical means used, prospects for their development and modernization; 4) production technology in the industry; 5) achievements of science and technology in the country and abroad in the field of development and production of radio-electronic equipment; 6) methods and means of monitoring the operation of radio-electronic equipment; 7) basic logical methods and techniques of scientific research and engineering creativity; methodological theories and principles of modern science and technology;
9) methods of analysis and synthesis of communication networks, incl. modern domestic and foreign software packages for solving circuit, system and network problems; 10) procedures and principles for conducting scientific experiments and tests; 11) methodology and requirements for the preparation of scientific and technical reporting on the results of completed research; 12) principles, means and methods for constructing physical, mathematical and computer models of objects of scientific research; 13) methodology for conducting patent research; 14) principles of management of intellectual property; 15) technical English; 16) domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in the field of development and production of radio-electronic equipment; 17) basics of circuit design; 18) principles of preparation and conduct of scientific research and technical development, scientific experiments and tests; 19) requirements and procedure for preparing scientific and technical reports based on the results of research performed; 20) means, methods for constructing physical, mathematical and computer models of objects of scientific research; 21) procedure and methodology for conducting patent research; 22) requirements and principles for managing intellectual property; 23) legislative and regulatory acts, methodological materials on issues related to the operation of radio-electronic equipment; 24) methodology for generating scientific and technical reporting based on the results of completed research; 25) principles and means of constructing physical and mathematical models of objects of scientific research; 26) procedure and requirements for conducting patent research; 27) approaches and requirements for the formation of scientific and technical reporting based on the results of completed research; 28) methods for constructing physical and mathematical models of objects of scientific research; 29) procedure and methodology for conducting patent research; 30) approaches and requirements for the formation of scientific and technical reporting based on the results of completed research; 31) methods for constructing physical and mathematical models of objects of scientific research; 32) procedure and methodology for conducting patent research; 33) Internal labor regulations of the organization; 34) labor protection requirements and fire safety rules; 35) _______________________________________. (other requirements for necessary knowledge) 1.5. A leading radio electronics engineer must be able to: 1) carry out methodological justification, planning and preparation of scientific research and technical developments; 2) carry out the preparation of scientific research and technical developments; 3) plan the procedure for conducting scientific research; 4) collect and analyze scientific and technical information, summarize domestic and foreign experience in the field of radio engineering, and analyze patent literature; 5) perform mathematical modeling of processes using standard methods, including using application software packages; 6) compile analytical reviews and scientific and technical reports on the results of the work performed, publish the results of research and development in the form of presentations, articles, reports; 7) formulate individual tasks for performers; organize patent research, experiments and tests; 9) analyze the results of scientific research; 10) draw up scientific and technical reports based on research results; 11) carry out mathematical and computer modeling of radio-electronic devices; 12) work with computer modeling programs for radio-electronic devices; 13) plan the procedure for modeling radio-electronic equipment; 14) plan and carry out the preparation of scientific research and technical developments; 15) work with modern means of measuring and monitoring the parameters of radio-electronic devices; 16) ______________________________________. (other skills and abilities) 1.6. A leading radio electronics engineer in his activities is guided by: 1) ________________________________________; (name of the constituent document) 2) Regulations on _________________________; (name of structural unit) 3) this job description; 4) ______________________________________. (names of local regulations regulating labor functions by position) 1.7. The leading radio electronics engineer reports directly to _______________________________________. (name of manager's position) 1.8. ___________________________________. (other general provisions)
2. Labor functions
2.1. Conducting research in order to improve radio-electronic equipment and radio-electronic systems for various purposes: 1) analysis of a scientific and technical problem based on the selection and study of literary and patent sources; 2) mathematical and computer modeling of radio-electronic devices and systems in order to optimize (improve) their parameters; 3) development of methods for receiving, transmitting and processing signals that ensure an increase in the technical characteristics of radio-electronic equipment; 4) carrying out hardware prototyping and experimental work to verify the achievability of the technical characteristics planned when designing radio-electronic equipment; 5) monitoring the compliance of developed projects and technical documentation with standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents. 2.2. _______________________________. (other functions)
3. Job responsibilities
3.1. The leading radio electronics engineer performs the following duties: 3.1.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 1 clause 2.1 of this job description: 1) develops plans for research and development work; 2) conducts experimental studies of radio-electronic devices and systems, describes the processes in them and determines the requirements for devices and systems; 3) studies the operating modes and operating conditions of radio-electronic equipment; 4) develops promising technical requirements for the designed radio-electronic equipment and coordinates them with the consumer (customer); 5) conducts analytical and experimental work and research to diagnose and assess the condition of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications systems using the necessary methods and means of control and analysis; 6) conducts an expert assessment of technical proposals, technical specifications and other documents related to the design of communications and electronic devices; 7) monitors the market for new solutions in the field of development of radio-electronic equipment. 3.1.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 clause 2.1 of this job description: 1) conducts experimental studies of radio-electronic devices and systems, describes the processes in them and determines the requirements for devices and systems; 2) creates mathematical and physical models of radio-electronic systems and complexes; 3) conducts computer modeling of radio-electronic devices at the circuit and system engineering levels; 4) carries out the development of special programs for computer design of radio-electronic systems and complexes; 5) configures software used for designing radio-electronic systems and devices; 6) prepares technological and reporting documentation based on the results of work. 3.1.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 clause 2.1 of this job description: 1) collects and analyzes information to generate initial data for the design of radio-electronic equipment; 2) monitors the market for new solutions in the field of development of radio-electronic equipment; 3) carries out calculations for the project in accordance with the technical specifications using both standard methods, techniques and design automation tools, and independently created original programs; 4) develops promising technical requirements for the designed radio-electronic equipment and coordinates them with the consumer (customer); 5) prepares design and working technical documentation. 3.1.4. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 4 clause 2.1 of this job description: 1) carries out hardware prototyping, analytical and experimental work and research to diagnose and assess the condition of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications systems using the necessary methods and means of control and analysis; 2) conducts experimental studies of radio-electronic devices and systems to verify the achievability of the technical characteristics planned during the design of the radio-electronic; 3) prepares design and working technical documentation; 4) monitors the compliance of developed projects and technical documentation with standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents. 3.1.5. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 5 clause 2.1 of this job description: 1) conducts standard and certification tests of components and units of radio-electronic systems and complexes; 2) takes part in conducting expert testing; 3) carries out the preparation of a feasibility study on the effectiveness and competitiveness of the designed radio-electronic equipment; 4) analyzes and systematizes user comments and complaints; 5) prepares reporting documentation on the results of work. 3.1.6. As part of the performance of his job functions, he carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor. 3.1.7. ______________________________. (other responsibilities) 3.2. As part of the performance of his job functions, the leading radio electronics engineer carries out activities aimed at solving problems of an analytical nature, involving the choice and variety of current methods for solving problems. 3.3. ________________________________. (other job descriptions)
4. Rights
4.1. The leading radio electronics engineer has the right: 4.1.1. Participate in discussions of draft decisions, in meetings on their preparation and implementation. 4.1.2. Request clarifications and clarifications from your immediate supervisor regarding these instructions and assigned tasks. 4.1.3. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information and documents necessary to carry out the assignment. 4.1.4. Get acquainted with draft management decisions relating to the function he performs, with documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of his labor functions. 4.1.5. Submit proposals for the organization of work within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor. 4.1.6. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed. 4.2. _____________________________. (other rights)
5. Responsibility
5.1. The leading radio electronics engineer is held accountable: - for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, accounting legislation; - offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation; - causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. _____________________________________. (other liability provisions)
6. Final provisions
6.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of the Professional Standard “Radio Electronics Engineer”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 2014 N 315n, taking into account ___________________________ (details of local regulations of the organization)
6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by _________________________________________ (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral _____________________________________________________ part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions _____________________________________________________); in a copy of the job description stored by _____________________________________________________ the employer; in another way) 6.3. ________________________________________________. (other final provisions)
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