Is it necessary to keep a journal of targeted instructions on labor protection at the enterprise - a sample design

The employer is legally responsible for production safety. He must provide not only working conditions with established standards, but also safety training for all his employees. For this purpose, certain types of instructions are carried out, the purpose of which is to ensure safety during the work process.

What is targeted instruction, who should conduct it and when, what are its specifics?

What types of occupational safety training ?

We will instruct you according to the law

The law states: an entrepreneur is obliged to instruct his employees on labor safety rules, no matter what type of activity he is engaged in and no matter what legal form his property has.

For most enterprises, the standards set out in GOST 12.0.004-90 “Interstate Standard. System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions." According to this document, the study of labor safety rules concerns absolutely everyone: from management to ordinary employees; there is no exemption from this obligation.

How to document the results of labor safety briefings ?

The procedure for instruction and testing of acquired knowledge is set out in Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 dated January 13, 2003 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations.”

Some organizations in which work is especially dangerous must test the knowledge of their employees in this area annually , in accordance with the Model Regulations on training, instruction and testing of knowledge of employees on labor protection issues, approved by order of the State Supervision Service of Labor Protection dated 04/04/1994. No. 30.

More specific requirements are specified in industry and interindustry documents related to this issue.

Workforce training

During the first month, employees who are new to work or who have had a break in their professional activity for more than one year must undergo training and certification on knowledge of safety regulations. For this purpose, the List of professions and jobs that are subject to increased labor protection requirements is used.

They are trained in safe methods and techniques when performing certain process operations. After theoretical training, an on-the-job internship is carried out. Periodically, at least once a year, all working personnel associated with hazardous working conditions must undergo training in providing first aid to victims of an accident.

Responsibility for organizing and conducting occupational safety training lies with

business managers

The internship is carried out according to a program developed by the management of the production site. It must be agreed upon with a safety engineer and carried out under the supervision of an employee who has extensive experience in conducting occupational safety training in a given workplace.

The internship takes place over 6-15 shifts , the results of which are recorded in the workplace briefing log. Workers who have continuous professional experience for 3 years using the same equipment are exempt from it.

Training of working personnel is carried out according to a program approved by the employer. It may consist of the following sections:

Basic principles of occupational safety and health

Students become familiar with the basic concepts of human labor activity, general information about how the human body works and how it interacts with the environment. Such medical concepts as health, illness, injury, death are characterized.

In the “Working Conditions” section, workers are introduced to the production environment and work organization. A classification of harmful factors and their threshold impact on the human body is given. Students are introduced to such concepts as maximum permissible concentrations, levels, values, doses. Optimal and acceptable working conditions are determined. A list of jobs harmful to human health is provided.

The legal and social consequences of injury as a result of an accident, loss of health from an occupational disease, or loss of ability to work are studied. Provides ways and means of financial compensation for dependents in the event of the death of an employee.

Students are introduced to the principles of social insurance of personnel against accidents at work. At the same time, sources of financing for labor protection measures and restoration of working capacity from injuries sustained at work are separately provided.

Legal basis for labor protection

In this section, trained workers are introduced to a summary of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, SNIP and other regulatory documents in the field of labor law. The concept, content of an employment contract and the procedure for its termination are discussed in detail.

Students become familiar with internal regulations and types of disciplinary sanctions. Separately, benefits, compensation to workers for difficult, harmful working conditions, regulation of the labor of women and persons under 18 years of age are provided.

Workers are introduced to the list of main legal sources on labor protection, which establish rules and criteria aimed at preserving health and life in the process of their production activities. Articles from the criminal, civil, and administrative codes are given, which reflect responsibility for violation of safety and labor protection rules.

Students are introduced to the list of supervisory authorities that monitor compliance with labor laws and conduct various examinations at the request of law enforcement agencies.

3. Providing workers with personal protective equipment

In this section, those present become familiar with the rules for using personal protective equipment, issuance standards and terms of use. The role of these means for the prevention of industrial injuries and occupational diseases is separately discussed.

The classification of protective equipment, requirements for them, and standards for free issuance are given. Students are introduced to how to store, wash, dry clean, dry and repair workwear. The procedure for providing teams with personal protective equipment on duty, warm and special clothing, footwear, control over issuance and use is provided.

Collective remedies

Students are introduced to such pathological conditions of the human body as sunstroke and heatstroke, hypothermia, and occupational cataracts. In addition, examples are given of the impact on the body of meteorological conditions, atmospheric pressure and their impact on labor productivity. The norms of the industrial microclimate are analyzed. Methods of protection from industrial dust, noise, and gases are given.

Ensuring electrical safety

The effect of electric current on the human body is being studied. Parameters of threshold values ​​and damaging factors are given. Students are introduced to the classification of premises according to the degree of electric shock, protective equipment and a list of basic measures for the safe operation of electrical installations.

Fire safety

Workers are informed about how the combustion process and flame propagation take place. Possible consequences of damaging factors of fire and explosion. A list of general measures to prevent fires and timely evacuation of working personnel is provided. Fire protection means and devices are clearly demonstrated.

In general terms, students are introduced to the investigation procedure, accounting for accidents and occupational diseases. The causes and types of industrial injuries are analyzed. Examples are given of how the management of a site or enterprise is notified about an accident that has occurred.

Providing first aid to victims at work

Such training of workers on labor protection is carried out by qualified teachers. They undergo special training according to programs adapted to these professions in a specific production. Recommended teaching aids and special simulators are used to conduct occupational safety training.

Particular attention in the lectures is paid to the requirements for placing first aid instructions in prominent places in the workplace. These could be posters, brochures, manuals. In addition, lists of workers who have skills in providing first aid to victims of an accident and an ambulance telephone number should be posted there.

The person responsible for maintaining first aid equipment must constantly update their range and explain to the working personnel how to use them. They are required to have established connections with medical institutions where they can go if a worker is seriously injured.

There is a special purpose - there must be instruction

IMPORTANT! A sample log of targeted briefing on labor protection from ConsultantPlus is available here

Targeted briefing on labor protection is a type of informing employees about safety rules in special, specially provided cases. It is not related to regular scheduled briefings.

Conducting targeted training means that the enterprise requires actions that do not fall within the scope of normal ordinary working conditions, and workers must be familiarized with the rules of safe operation in this non-standard situation. Another similar case may be the involvement of an employee of a different specialization in a certain type of work - naturally, he may not be familiar with the specifics of labor protection in a “foreign” area. And, finally, if persons who are not its employees enter the enterprise en masse for a legally permitted purpose, for example, on an excursion, they will not be able to remain on the territory without receiving the necessary minimum instructions on their safe behavior.

So, targeted instruction is required if :

  • it is required to perform not ordinary, but one-time, single work;
  • the work does not include the employee’s usual duties, but is assigned one-time (for example, unloading, cleaning, actions outside the company’s territory, etc.);
  • it is necessary to direct forces to eliminate the consequences of emergencies, accidents, disasters, cataclysms, etc.;
  • you cannot start work without permits (for example, a work permit);
  • there is a mass event taking place in the organization with the participation of employees: a competition, a corporate holiday, a hike, etc.;
  • people came to the enterprise en masse for a specific purpose, for example, on an excursion, open day, etc.

Training of managers and specialists

Continuous, targeted increase in the level of knowledge among managers and specialists of the enterprise in the field of labor protection significantly reduces injuries at work. Therefore, in accordance with Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all managers and specialists of enterprises are required to undergo periodic training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

During the training process, thematic seminars, individual and group consultations, and business games are held. Special computer programs and online lectures are used. Knowledge testing is carried out once every 3 years.

An unscheduled inspection is carried out after accidents have occurred or in the presence of significant violations of labor protection identified by inspection bodies. If technological equipment is replaced with more modern equipment, then such a check is also carried out.

All newly hired managers and specialists undergo special training in labor safety as part of their job responsibilities within the first month. To organize such lectures on occupational safety training, specialists from consulting companies must be involved.

Training is conducted in the following areas:

  1. Legal basis of TB and labor protection.
  2. State policy in the field of labor protection.
  3. How to ensure safe performance of work at an enterprise with hazardous working conditions.
  4. Assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise's safety and health system. Organization of control and internal audit of occupational safety.
  5. How the employer compensates for damage to health as a result of an accident or occupational disease at work.
  6. What is the liability for violating labor protection legislation?
  7. What is included in measures to prevent occupational injuries.
  8. How to safely operate lifting mechanisms and pressure vessels.
  9. List of harmful factors of working conditions, occupational diseases. Measures to reduce them.
  10. Rules for providing working personnel with special clothing and personal protective equipment.

Classes are conducted taking into account pedagogical methods of teaching adults. They are based on the principles of combining professional skills of highly productive work with a solid knowledge of safety and labor protection requirements.

At the same time, as part of occupational safety training, much attention is paid to organizing regular monitoring of workers’ activities in the field, creating appropriate posters and notifications. In the future, such training is carried out regularly as needed, but not less than once every 3 years.

Who should conduct targeted training?

This type of instruction is carried out by the immediate supervisor of the planned work. It is this person who is responsible for monitoring the subsequent execution of the work, and at the end will have to accept the finished work. He knows best the safety requirements when performing these tasks.

Such a person can be the head of a department, a foreman, a foreman, an occupational safety instructor, a teacher, etc. - the main thing is that he himself has successfully completed training in the basics of occupational safety in due time, which is documented in the Log Book or other accounting documents.

Targeted training on labor protection: what is it?

Targeted briefing is the conduct of an event with an employee or a group of employees aimed at informing about the basics of labor protection and safety and the principles of certain activities.

Targeted coaching is different from other types of coaching. First of all, the fact that its target orientation stands out - it is carried out when it is necessary to carry out any unscheduled, freelance work. For example: Before carrying out work on cleaning the area from snow, garbage and household waste with employees of the organization, if the specifics of the main activity do not provide for the performance of work of this type

Targeted training program

Since targeted instruction is caused by certain circumstances, its content is determined based on them. As a rule, in any case, employees should be familiarized with safe ways to perform their assigned duties. But what exactly these methods and specific labor functions will be depends on the purpose of the specific instruction. For example, if we are talking about work related to the elimination of post-fire consequences, workers must learn how to deal with fires that have not been completely extinguished, etc. When presenting, you will need specific examples of correct actions.

NOTE! It is advisable to have an internal document at the company, which will highlight the main issues that will certainly be included in the briefing, dedicated to the most common situations that theoretically can occur in this organization. It is better to approve this internal normative act by order of the manager.

The target briefing program is based on:

  • labor protection instructions for certain types of work;
  • sections of the above instructions related to safety requirements during emergency work;
  • instructions on actions that are permissible to perform only with a permit;
  • training programs for excursions and other public events.

After informing, the instructor must check the degree of assimilation of the material received by the employees. This is usually done in the form of a survey. The use of technical means is also permitted if time and situation permit. In some cases, practical testing of acquired skills is required.

If it turns out that the information is not sufficiently understood, such an employee does not have the right to start work for which he has unsatisfactorily mastered the instructions (clause 7.8 of GOST 12.0.004-90). Perhaps a repeat course will be needed - but next time.

What is targeted coaching?

The Labor Code establishes the employer's obligation to instruct personnel before starting work. The norms of Articles 212, 214 and 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contain information that workers are not allowed to perform tasks unless they have previously undergone safety training.

Targeted instruction differs from other types of training events at enterprises in that it is carried out only if it is necessary to carry out unscheduled work that does not relate to the direct responsibilities of employees. Conducting targeted training involves conveying theoretical information about the upcoming work, possible dangers during its implementation, methods of preventing accidents and methods of providing first aid in the event of an emergency situation.

How to Document Targeted Briefing

Like other types of labor safety briefings, targeted briefings require recording in a special journal. The form of the journal is fixed by Decree of the USSR State Standard of 05.11.1990 No. 2797 (Appendices No. 4 and No. 6).

According to the requirements for such documentation, the magazine must be stitched and the pages numbered. The organization's seal is placed on the first page. Usually the following information is entered in the form of a table:

  • date of the briefing;
  • personal data of the employee who received the instruction: full name, position, year of birth;
  • the type of briefing is noted - in this case it is targeted, it is not planned, so you also need to clarify the reason for it;
  • information about the instructor;
  • signatures of both parties on the passage.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Since in some cases targeted instruction is caused by the use of permits, information about it must be included in these documents, for example, in the permit (clause 7.9 of GOST 12.0.004-90).

If an employee’s personal card is used, then it must indicate the number or name of the program of the instruction used.

For violations in the field of labor protection, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for serious sanctions. In addition, the price for neglecting them may be too great: sometimes in human life and health. Therefore, entrepreneurs should ensure that the relevant instructions are properly organized and strictly adhere to it.

How is the briefing recorded, the log form?

According to clause 2.1.3 of the “Training Procedure,” the briefing is registered in the appropriate briefing log (in certain cases, in the work permit) indicating the signature of the person being instructed and the signature of the instructing person, as well as the date of the briefing.

According to GOST 12.0.004-2015 “Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions”, the conduct of targeted briefings is recorded either in the work order, including the work permit, or in a special journal of targeted briefings. Appendix A.6 recommends the Form of the target briefing registration log, which is confirmed by order of the head of the organization, since GOST is voluntary for use.

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Targeted fire safety training

Instructions on the rules of conduct are voiced by the person responsible for fire safety in the organization. After the personnel are familiarized with it, the acquired information is checked, and skills in using means of eliminating fires and providing medical care to victims are consolidated.

Targeted fire safety training is required for:

  • carrying out welding and hot work;
  • emergency response;
  • participation in explosive work;
  • implementation of public events of various types on the territory of the enterprise with the number of participants over 50 people.
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