Temporary disability benefit. If contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation are not paid
Home / Labor Law / Payment and benefits / Sick pay Back Published: 05/10/2016
1C Accounting 8 edition 3.0 - Entering balances for advances received
No. 3: New rules have been introduced for export Accompanying documents From October 1, 2021
Advertising stand: depreciate or write off at once?
Fiscal position The Russian Ministry of Finance expressed its position on the issue under consideration in a letter dated June 15, 2012
Change of balance holder during the lease agreement term
Accounting for leasing when reflecting property on the lessor’s balance sheet Leasing entries correspond to those located in
Accounting for general production and general business expenses
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM Various accounting regulations provide for a wide range of approaches and
Accounting for samples sent by suppliers Samples are usually sent to trading companies by suppliers. They are free and
How to protect the cash method of accounting for interest under the accrual method
How to protect the cash method of accounting for interest under the accrual method Over time,
The procedure for writing off intangible assets from the balance sheet - reasons, documents, postings. How to write off intangible assets at closing?
Intangible assets (IMA) are objects that do not have a tangible form, isolated from other assets,
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production cost accounting scheme
Accounting for finished products and postings
Production accounting, along with financial accounting, is an integral part of management accounting. Production accounting deals with transactions
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