How to calculate the annual income tax for an individual entrepreneur

How to calculate the simplified tax system for individual entrepreneurs - with simplified taxation, the tax period is considered to be a calendar year, and the reporting period is considered to be a quarter. Therefore, an individual entrepreneur on the simplified tax system pays advance payments every quarter, 6% of the income received in this (reporting quarter) or 15% of expenses and income.

What does this mean when calculating the IP of the simplified tax system?

  • An individual entrepreneur is required to make 3 advance payments during the year, but no reporting is required.
  • Next year, pay tax according to the simplified tax system minus previously paid advance payments and submit a declaration according to the simplified tax system, which reflects the advance payments.

Tax base for the simplified tax system

1. For the simplified tax system “income”, the tax base for determining the tax is income. 2. For the simplified tax system “income reduced by the amount of expenses”, the tax base is the monetary expression of income reduced by the amount of expenses.

For both options, the procedure for determining and the composition of income is the same; income under the simplified tax system is recognized as:

  • income from sales, i.e., proceeds from the sale of goods, works and services of own production and previously acquired, and proceeds from the sale of property rights;
  • non-operating income specified in Art. 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, such as property received free of charge, income in the form of interest on loan agreements, credit, bank account, securities, positive exchange rate and amount differences, etc.

Expenses recognized under the simplified system are given in Art. 346.16 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The list of expenses is quite long. If necessary, you can familiarize yourself with it directly in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Articles 346.15 to 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation specify the procedure for determining and recognizing income and expenses under the simplified tax system.

Tax rates for the simplified tax system

The tax rate for the simplified tax system “income” option, according to Federal law, cannot be more than 6%. The tax rate for the simplified taxation system “income minus expenses” cannot exceed 15%.

These rates will remain for simplified workers, whose average number of employees will remain within 100 people and income from the beginning of 2021 will not exceed 150,000,000 rubles.

Rates will increase after the number of employees exceeds 100 people or income exceeds RUB 150,000,000. If an individual entrepreneur or LLC does not switch to OSNO after this event, then they are required to apply increased rates of the simplified tax system. They will amount to 8 percent for the object “income” and 20 percent for the object “income minutes expenses” (clauses 1.1 and 2.1 of Article 346.20 of the Tax Code).

Increased rates will have to be applied starting from the quarter in which the number of employees exceeded 100 people or income exceeded RUB 150,000,000.

Advance payments for past reporting periods do not need to be recalculated.

Let’s say that in 2021, an entrepreneur calculated advance payments and taxes at rates of 8 or 20 percent, since he exceeded the employee limit of 100 people or the income limit of 150,000,000 rubles. It will be possible to return to the previous rates of 6 or 15 percent if in 2022 the average number of employees is no more than 100 people and until income exceeds the income limit of 150,000,000 rubles. taking into account the deflator coefficient for 2022.

After the entrepreneur’s income exceeds 200,000,000 rubles. or the average number of employees exceeds 130 people, then he will lose the right to use the simplified tax system and will automatically be considered a OSNO payer.

Local authorities are given the right to independently set the tax rate for this tax regime, without going beyond the values ​​​​established at the federal level.

Formula for calculating the simplified tax system

1. For the simplified tax system “income”: Income X Tax rate. 2. For the simplified tax system “income minus expenses”: (Income minus expenses) X Tax rate.

These are the general formulas used to calculate the simplified tax system in 2021. These formulas do not take into account the following important details:

1. Recognition and accounting of expenses for calculating the tax base on the simplified tax system Income minus expenses:

In order for expenses under the simplified tax system “income minus expenses” to be confirmed, it is necessary to formalize them in accordance with the law. Otherwise, the tax authority will not take them into account when calculating the simplified tax system.

To confirm expenses, the following documents must be completed:

  • payment document (receipt, account statement, payment order, cash receipt);
  • a document confirming the transfer of goods or the provision of services and performance of work (invoice for the transfer of goods or an act for services and work).

2. Reducing the single tax on the simplified tax system due to paid insurance premiums:

  • under the simplified tax system, “income” can be reduced by the single tax itself (advance payment);
  • under the simplified tax system “income minus expenses”, insurance premiums can be taken into account when calculating the tax base (included in expenses).


Initial data:

1. LLC "Salut". 2. The amount of income is 270,000 rubles. 3. The amount of expenses supported by documents is 225,000 rubles:

  • employee salary - 60,000 rubles;
  • mandatory insurance premiums - 21,300 rubles;
  • advertising expenses - 20,000 rubles;
  • expenses for stationery - 5,000 rubles;
  • expenses for postal and telephone services - 2,000 rubles;
  • expenses for maintaining official transport - 19,000 rubles;
  • expenses for renting premises - 50,000 rubles;
  • expenses for paying the cost of goods purchased for further sale, reduced by the amount of VAT on paid goods purchased by the taxpayer and subject to inclusion in expenses - 47,000 rubles.

Task 1.

How to calculate an advance payment under the simplified tax system “income”, with a tax rate of 6%.


270,000 (income) X 6% = 16,200 rubles.

The advance payment is subject to reduction by the amount of insurance premiums paid, but not more than 50% of the calculated advance payment:

16,200 - 21,300 = 16,200×50% = 8,100 rubles.

We get 16,200 - 8,100 = 8,100 amount of the advance payment of the simplified tax system, income payable.

Task 2.

How to calculate an advance payment under the simplified tax system “income minus expenses” at a tax rate of 15%.


(27,000 - 225,000) X 15% = 6,750 rubles.

In this case, the advance payment is not subject to reduction by the insurance premiums paid, since the amount of insurance premiums is already taken into account in expenses.


In comparative examples with the same initial data, the simplified taxation system “income minus expenses” is more optimal. But this only happens if the entrepreneur has large expenses.

How to calculate deductions for insurance premiums using a simplified method?

During the tax period, a business entity pays pension, social and health insurance contributions for itself (if the taxpayer is an individual entrepreneur) and for employees.

The taxpayer-employer has the right to reduce the amount of calculated tax by the amount of insurance premiums transferred in the reporting period, but not more than 50%.

ATTENTION! An individual entrepreneur without employees can reduce the amount of tax on the amount of contributions transferred “for oneself” to 100%.

Simplified people also have the right to reduce the estimated tax amount:

  • for sick leave benefits paid at the expense of the employer (letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 02/01/2016 No. 03-11-06/2/4597);
  • for trade tax (TS) (if the company conducts trading activities in a city where TS is collected, for example in Moscow) up to 100% of the calculated tax.

Let's study in more detail how to calculate the simplified tax system of 6 percent, taking into account deductions, using an example.

Deadline for payment of the simplified tax system

Despite the fact that, according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the tax period for calculating tax on the simplified tax system is a calendar year, the obligation to pay this tax arises quarterly. The calculation is carried out on a cumulative basis: 1st quarter, half-year, nine months of the calendar year, calendar year.

Deadlines for payment of advance payments for single tax:

  • based on the results of the first quarter - April 25;
  • based on the results of the half year - July 25;
  • based on the results of nine months - October 25;
  • at the end of the year - until March 31 for organizations; until 30.04 for individual entrepreneurs. When calculating the simplified tax system at the end of the year, advance payments paid are taken into account.

What the law says

Taxation issues for simplifiers are regulated by Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Tax payers under this special regime can be both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

When calculating tax, there are 2 rate options:

  • 6% – only from “Income”;
  • or 15% – from “Income minus Expenses”.

Let us immediately note that in 2021 there were practically no legislative changes related to the calculation of tax under the simplified taxation system.

From January 1, 2021, pension and medical contributions do not depend on the minimum wage. Their amount for a simplified individual entrepreneur without staff is fixed (Article 430 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

  • RUB 29,354 – pension contributions (for income over 300,000 rubles – plus 1% of the excess of this amount of income for the year);
  • 6884 rub. – medical.

Only an individual entrepreneur at the “Income” object can reduce the tax on all contributions at once (i.e., the 50% limit does not apply).

Also see “Fixed insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs “for themselves” in 2021: amounts and payment.”

The calculation procedure and payment deadlines for the simplified tax remain the same:

  • I quarter – until April 25, 2019;
  • first half of the year – until July 25, 2019;
  • 9 months until October 25, 2021.

At the end of the calendar year, the remaining tax is calculated and paid. The deadline is the same as for filing a tax return:

  • for individual entrepreneurs - no later than April 30, 2021 (taking into account the postponement - immediately after the first May holidays);
  • for legal entities until April 1, 2021 inclusive.

Also see “Deadline for payment of the simplified tax system in 2019: table for organizations and individual entrepreneurs.”

Examples of calculations of advance payments and single tax on the simplified tax system

How to calculate the simplified tax system “Income” with examples of calculation for the 1st quarter is described above.

The calculation of the advance payment based on the results of the half-year is similar to the calculations for the 1st quarter. Then you need to multiply the tax base obtained based on the results of 6 months (from January to June inclusive) by the tax rate, and from this amount subtract the advance payment already paid for the first quarter. In the case of the simplified tax system “income”, the amount received must be reduced by insurance premiums (but not more than 50%). The resulting balance will be an advance payment for the six months.

We do the same when calculating the advance payment of the simplified tax system “income minus expenses”, except for reducing the advance payment due to insurance premiums.

At the end of the year, the single tax is calculated as follows:

  • We multiply the tax base for the entire year by the tax rate. From the resulting amount we subtract all three advance payments. The resulting difference is the annual simplified tax system.

How to make a calculation

The procedure for calculating the tax of the simplified tax system “Income” is regulated by Art. 346.21 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. To do this, you will need a tax rate (in this case - 6%; for some regions it can be reduced down to 1%) and a tax base. What do we have to do:

1Sum up the income received in fact for each quarter (with a cumulative total)
2Determine the amount of deductible insurance contributions (Pension Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance), temporary disability benefits
3Determine the tax base (TB):
TB = Income – Contributions
4Calculate the advance payment paid at the end of the reporting period. Formula:
AP = NB – Contributions – AVpr

АВр – advance payments for previous reporting periods.

5Final calculation of the simplified tax system 6%:
TAX = NB × 6% – АВр

Remember that the calculated tax is reduced by the amount of insurance premiums made in the reporting period. For individual entrepreneurs without employees 100%, for legal entities and businessmen hiring staff up to 50%.

Tax calculation simplified tax system Income 6%:

Example 3

Initial data:

1. Individual entrepreneur with no employees. 2. Taxation system of the simplified tax system “income”. 3. Tax rate 6%. 4. Income:

  • 1st quarter - 150,000;
  • half-year - 350,000;
  • nine months - 550,000;
  • twelve months - 800,000.

Payment of fixed insurance contributions for oneself was made in equal parts, based on the fact that fixed contributions for 2019 are determined within the following limits: for pension insurance 29,354 rubles; for medical insurance 6,884 rubles. Payments were made within the following terms:

  • until March 31 - 9059.50 rubles;
  • until June 30 - 9059.50 rubles;
  • until September 30 - 9059.50 rubles;
  • until December 31 - 9059.50 rubles.

Example of calculating the simplified tax system Income:

Advance payment of the simplified tax system for the 1st quarter:

150,000 × 6% - 9059.50 = - 59.50 rubles, therefore, there is no need to pay an advance payment for the 1st quarter of 2021;

Advance payment of the simplified tax system for the six months:

(350,000×6%) - (9059.50 + 9059.50) = 2881 rubles.

Advance payment of the simplified tax system for nine months:

550,000 × 6% - (9059.50 + 9059.50+ 9059.50) - (2881) = 2941.00 rubles.

Payment of simplified tax system for the year:

800,000 × 6% - (9059.50 + 9059.50+ 9059.50+ 9059.50) - (2881+ 2941.00) = 5940 rubles.

If the amount of tax payable was in kopecks, then it would be necessary to round the resulting amount: a tax amount of less than 50 kopecks is discarded, and a tax amount of 50 kopecks or more is rounded to the full ruble.

Since the individual entrepreneur received an annual income of 500,000 rubles and thereby exceeded 300,000 rubles, he is obliged to pay an additional 1% of the excess amount to the Pension Fund. Such a payment must be made before July 1 of the year following the reporting year, but can be made in the current year, thereby immediately reducing the advance payments by the amount paid.

Example 4:

The initial data are the same as in example 3. i.e. at the end of nine months, the income amounted to 550,000 rubles.

(550,000 - 300,000) X 1% = 2,500.00 rubles.

If the individual entrepreneur pays this amount before September 30, then the advance payment for 9 months will be:

550,000 × 6% - (9059.50 + 9059.50 + 9059.50) - (2941.00 + 2500.00) = 380.50 rubles. In this case, the amount of the advance payment must be rounded and paid 381 rubles.

The advance payment will be reduced by 2,500 rubles due to an additional contribution to the Pension Fund in the amount of 1% of the difference in excess income and 300,000 rubles.

Calculation example

LLC "Guru" is in a simplified tax regime with the object "Income" and has employees. It is necessary to determine the amount of advance tax payments deducted in the reporting periods of 2021.

Actual income, insurance contributions and benefits made, as well as all final calculations are presented below in the table (the amounts of income and contributions/benefits are taken arbitrarily as an example).

The Guru Society reached the end of 2021 with the following indicators:

Period 2021Income on an accrual basis, rub.Calculated advance tax payment, rub.Amounts of incremental contributions and benefits that can be deducted, rub.How much can the advance tax payment be reduced, rub.Advance payment for tax payable, rub.
I quarter300 00018 000 (300 000 × 6%)10 5009000
(10 500 ˃ 18 000/2)
(18 000 – 9000)
Six months800 00048 000
(800 000 × 6%)
18 50018 500
(18 500 < 48 000/2)
20 500
(48 000 – 18 500 – 9000)
9 months2 000 000120 000
(2 000 000 × 6%)
50 00050 000
(50 000 < 120 000/2)
40 500
(120 000 – 50 000 – 9000 – 20 500)
Summary of 20213 000 000180 000
(3 000 000 × 6%)
102 00090 000
(102 000˃180 000/2)
20 000
(180 000 – 90 000 – 9000 – 20 500 – 40 500)

Let us recall that there is an important feature of the calculation of the simplified tax system: when the listed amounts of hospital benefits and insurance premiums are paid by organizations or individual entrepreneurs with employees, a reduction in the advance/tax on the amount of such contributions and/or benefits in general is possible by no more than 1/2 of the advance (see 5th column in the table).

Example of calculating the simplified tax system Income minus expenses 15%

The procedure for calculating advance payments and tax under the simplified tax system “Income minus expenses” is similar to the previous example, except for the following points:

  • expenses must be justified in accordance with Article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Expenses are recognized on a cash basis, except for expenses when paying for the cost of goods. Such expenses are taken into account as goods are sold (clause 2.2 of Article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • on the last day of the reporting period, expenses for the acquisition of fixed assets are recorded.
  • the simplified tax system tax is not reduced by insurance premiums, since they are taken into account in expenses;
  • when calculating the additional 1% contribution to the Pension Fund, the tax base is only income, expenses are not taken into account;
  • the obligation to pay a minimum income of 1% in the event of a loss or in the case when the accrued tax of the simplified tax system for the year is less than the minimum.
  • The tax base at the end of the reporting period is subject to reduction by losses received in previous periods.

Calculation of advance payments at increased simplified tax rates

An individual entrepreneur or LLC has crossed the permitted threshold for applying the simplified tax system and must apply an increased rate of the simplified tax system. In this case, divide the taxable base between periods:

  • when you were entitled to the regular rate of 5 or 15 percent;
  • when you switched to increased rates of 8 or 20 percent, respectively, if the average number of employees exceeded 100 people or income exceeded 150,000,000 rubles.

An example of calculating an advance payment according to the simplified tax system with the object “income” at a rate of 8 percent

An individual entrepreneur applies the simplified tax system with the object “income”. At the end of the first half of 2021, revenue amounted to 110,000,000 rubles, and at the end of nine months – 180,000,000 rubles. The individual entrepreneur has not lost the right to the simplified tax system if he pays the simplified tax system at an increased rate. The advance payment for nine months will need to be calculated at an increased rate of 8 percent.

The calculation of the accrued advance payment for the nine months of 2021 without taking into account the tax deduction is as follows:

(RUB 110,000,000 × 6%) + ((RUB 180,000,000 – RUB 110,000,000) × 8%) = RUB 12,200,000

We reduce the accrued advance payment:

  • for 400,000 rubles. tax deduction (insurance premiums paid during nine months of 2021);
  • for 6,600,000 rubles. advance payments paid to the budget in 2021.

The advance payment for additional payment based on the results of nine months of 2021 amounted to RUB 5,200,000. (RUB 12,200,000 – RUB 400,000 – RUB 6,600,000).

An example of calculating an advance payment according to the simplified tax system with the object “income minus expenses” at a rate of 20 percent

Individual entrepreneurs apply the simplified tax system with the object “income minus expenses.” At the end of the first half of 2021, income amounted to 100,000,000 rubles; at the end of nine months, income amounted to 160,000,000 rubles. The individual entrepreneur has not lost the right to the simplified tax system, but the advance payment for nine months must be calculated at an increased rate of 20 percent. The tax base at the end of the six months amounted to 30,000,000 rubles, at the end of nine months – 50,000,000 rubles.

The advance payment for nine months of 2021 will be:

(RUB 30,000,000 × 15%) + (RUB 50,000,000 – RUB 30,000,000) × 20% = RUB 8,500,000

The accrued advance payment for nine months was reduced by 5,000,000 rubles. advance payments paid to the budget during the year. Therefore, the amount of the advance payment for the additional payment for the nine months of 2021 amounted to RUB 3,500,000. (RUB 8,500,000 – RUB 5,000,000).

How to calculate simplified tax system 6 percent: general formula

First of all, let's study how to calculate the simplified tax system of 6 percent.
Tax under the simplified tax system “income” is calculated according to the formula:

USN = NB × St − USNav − Vych,


NB is the tax base, which is defined as the total amount of all income, including non-operating income, named in Art. 249 and 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

How to calculate income using a simplified method? Their size under the simplified tax system in all cases is taken into account in cash (Article 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), i.e. on the date of receipt of funds at the cash desk or into a bank account, and is displayed in the book of income and expenses (KUDiR). Income is determined on a cumulative basis from one reporting period to another, and then over the tax period - a year.

St - rate. In general, the simplified tax rate for “income” is 6%. But regional legislators have the right to establish differentiated tax rates from 1 to 6% for certain groups of taxpayers.

For example, clause 2.3 of Art. 1 of the Law of the Ivanovo Region “On the simplified tax system” dated December 20, 2010 No. 146-OZ, a preferential tax rate of 4% is established for certain categories of taxpayers. However, it is applicable only if the income from the implementation of a preferential type of activity amounted to more than 70% of the total amount of all income received. If the share of income from preferential activities is less than 70%, then the taxpayer is obliged to apply the federal rate of 6%.

STS - advance payments under the simplified tax system transferred to the budget based on the results of the reporting periods: 1st quarter, half a year and 9 months. Advances are calculated using a formula similar to the annual tax calculation.

Vych - the amount of deductions.

Let's consider what amounts are included in deductions, as well as how to calculate the simplified tax system on income.

This might also be useful:

  • What taxes does the individual entrepreneur pay?
  • simplified tax system for individual entrepreneurs in 2021
  • Tax system: what to choose?
  • Tax calendar for 2021
  • What reporting must an individual entrepreneur submit?
  • Fixed payments for individual entrepreneurs in 2021 for themselves

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