Job description for tractor driver of the 5th category

Document structure

The standard instructions may be modified in some respects, depending on the category and type of equipment. But, in general, it has the same structure and content.

General provisions

This section contains the main points concerning the profession of a tractor driver, what he should know and be able to do. It contains the following items:

  1. Status of the tractor driver profession.
  2. Who does the employee report to?
  3. What guides him in his work, what regulations, orders and instructions are applied.
  4. What a tractor driver should know, brands and types of tractors, their design, what to do in case of a breakdown and in the event of an emergency. Also, how to organize a workplace, hygiene rules, and who should be reported about any misunderstandings that have occurred.
  5. What work should a tractor driver do?
  6. Information about completing safety and first aid training.

The section describes all the employee’s responsibilities, what he must do, what kind of work to perform and what is in his area of ​​responsibility. For example, a tractor driver is obliged:

  • drive a tractor;
  • inspect equipment, refuel and lubricate as necessary, that is, provide proper care;
  • in case of breakdowns, repair the tractor;
  • when defects are detected, draw up appropriate inventories and statements;
  • start work only in special clothing and after a medical worker has been cleared to do so.

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In addition to responsibilities, an employee also has rights that protect his interests and ensure comfort. Tractor driver's rights:

  1. To create decent working conditions and provide a good workplace.
  2. To provide all necessary tools, protective equipment and special clothing.
  3. To ensure communication with management to communicate any information regarding its activities.
  4. Make suggestions for improving production.
  5. If any malfunctions, breakdowns are detected, or if the necessary tools are not available, the tractor driver may refuse to work on this equipment.
  6. Management is obliged to communicate projects and plans that relate to the employee’s activities if he wants to know them.


Since the tractor driver’s activities are related to the property of the organization, an employment contract is concluded under which he receives payment for his work and becomes familiar with his responsibilities, that is, he is responsible for his actions. It can be either material, administrative or criminal, depending on the counteractions committed.

The tractor driver is responsible:

  • refusal or improper performance of job duties;
  • violation of the established internal rules of the organization;
  • violation of established fire safety rules;
  • violation of established labor protection rules;
  • Negligent attitude towards the provided tools and materials, storing them in non-compliance with the rules;
  • loss or theft of work equipment;
  • damage to property and work equipment, either accidentally or intentionally.

Due to the exception, if an employee violated any rule for the first time, it did not entail serious consequences; he may be reprimanded and financially punished. In cases of serious or systematic violations, the type of responsibility is determined, the appropriate punishment and dismissal are established.

Performance evaluation

In order to correctly and factually assess how well a tractor driver does his job, and whether he should be encouraged, rewarded or promoted, his work is evaluated. This is done according to the following criteria:

  1. The amount of work completed by an employee over a specified period of time.
  2. The quality of this work, the efficiency of its implementation, the invention of new approaches to speed up production.
  3. Handling equipment and equipment, treating them with care.
  4. Compliance with all rules and regulations established by the enterprise, no violations.

Working conditions

When concluding a contract between an employee and an employer, it is necessary to become familiar with the working conditions:

  • work schedule;
  • number of shifts per month;
  • stipulation of additional shifts and hours, payment for them;
  • possibility of business trips and business trips;
  • system of rewards and punishments;
  • opportunity for career growth.

General provisions

Job description for MTZ 80 tractor driver sample

(list qualities) 2.

  1. Job Responsibilities The main responsibilities of a tractor driver include:
  1. ensuring proper preventive maintenance of the tractor and trailers;
  2. checking the technical condition of the tractor before starting work;
  3. control of the tractor assigned to it;
  4. timely organization of machine repairs;
  5. drawing up an application for the purchase of necessary spare parts and submitting it to an authorized person;
  6. performing work on a tractor using trailers and other necessary mechanisms;
  7. receiving fuel and recording its consumption;
  8. control over the loading/unloading process during cargo transportation.
  1. Rights This section includes a list of the tractor driver’s rights that he is entitled to in the course of his activities.


Depending on the type of activity of the work, the profession of a tractor driver is divided into several types, which have their own characteristics:

  • agricultural tractor driver;
  • wheeled tractor driver;
  • tractor driver-mechanic.

A tractor driver of this category performs agricultural work. He has a wider range of responsibilities, as he supervises lower-level tractor drivers. He also focuses on tractors, trucks, transportation and loading.

Responsibilities of the tractor driver:

  • undergo a medical examination before the shift;
  • work in special protective clothing;
  • regularly undergo safety training and comply with it at work;
  • monitor all equipment under his control and under the control of tractor drivers under his control;
  • monitor the condition of the crop, report any problems noticed;
  • If sick pets are found, provide them with medical care and report to whoever is necessary.

Wheel tractor

A wheeled tractor is distinguished by the fact that it has four large wheels, each of which has a drive. It will not be very suitable for agricultural work, since due to its heavy weight and the presence of wheels unsuitable for soft soil, it will only cause damage to the crop field. This tractor is best used for heavy-duty and off-road work.

A tractor driver working on a wheeled tractor is also responsible for ensuring safety and the condition of the equipment.

The tractor operator-mechanic takes part in field work, making manual labor much easier. He performs tasks such as watering and planting seeds, plowing the land and many others. His main job responsibilities include:

  • management of working equipment;
  • farm work related to loading and unloading;
  • work in the fields associated with plowing, planting, watering, fertilizing;
  • studying all safety precautions and work rules in this area;
  • repair and maintenance of equipment entrusted to him, refueling and lubrication.

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Is there a difference between a tractor driver and a tractor driver?

Meanwhile, understanding the categories of self-propelled vehicles and the licenses required to operate them is quite simple. So, a document that allows driving a self-propelled machine and is handed to the driver is called a tractor driver’s license. It contains entries about the following categories of equipment. It includes:. Category B - tracked and wheeled vehicles with an engine power of up to 25.7 kW, no matter what type - be it diesel, petrol or electric. It covers both mini-tractors and mini-excavators, as well as most electric forklifts.

Another thing to pay attention to is the rank of the driver. In addition to the rights issued by Gostekhnadzor, he must also have a certificate of completion of the courses. It says what rank he is assigned to. Categories A, B and C can be studied initially, the remaining categories can be opened after advanced training.

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Job Description for 2nd Class Tractor Driver

A 2nd category tractor driver must know:

    operating principle and structure of the tractor being serviced;
    traffic rules; rules for loading, stowing, slinging and unloading various cargoes; rules for working with trailers and devices; ways to identify and eliminate deficiencies in tractor operation; the power of the engine being serviced and the maximum load of trailers; the procedure for issuing acceptance documents for transported goods or work performed. 1.7. During the period of temporary absence of a 2nd category tractor driver, his duties are assigned to [deputy position title].


s.) - 4th category; when driving a tractor with engine power over 73.5 kW (over 100 hp) - 5th category. Tractor drivers engaged in green farming when performing a complex of work on soil preparation, sowing, planting green spaces, caring for them, treating them with pesticides and aerosols, maintaining city squares, sidewalks, roads, parks, squares in proper condition are charged according to the 5th category.

Tractor drivers, busy

- Traffic Laws;

— purpose, design, principle of operation and operation of units, mechanisms and devices of the tractor being serviced;

— rules for technical operation of the tractor;

— rules for running in new tractors and tractors that have undergone major repairs;

— causes of tractor malfunctions, methods for detecting and eliminating them;

— rules for operating batteries and tires;

— the influence of weather conditions on the safety of driving a tractor;

— procedure for tractor maintenance;

— rules for storing tractors in open and closed parking lots;

— the procedure for checking the technical condition, accepting the tractor before starting work, handing it over and placing it in the designated place;

— ways to increase tractor operation between repairs;

— ways to prevent road accidents;

— agricultural technology for cultivating agricultural crops;

— internal labor regulations of the enterprise;

— norms and requirements for labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

— control the tractor that is assigned to him;

— refuel the tractor with fuels and lubricants;

— check the technical condition of the tractor before starting work;

— eliminate minor operational faults that arise during operation that do not require disassembling the mechanisms;

— carry out adjustment work on the tractor, self-propelled and other machines and mechanisms, monthly technical maintenance, routine repairs, participate in all other types of repairs of the serviced tractor and agricultural machines;

— perform agricultural work on a fixed tractor in a unit with trailed and mounted implements, self-propelled and other machines in accordance with agrotechnical requirements and rules for the production of tractor work;

— carry out loading and unloading, transport and stationary work on tractors;

— identify and eliminate simple malfunctions of tractors and agricultural machines;

— receive fuel and use it economically in accordance with approved standards;

— ensure high-performance and economical use of the tractor.

Job description of a tractor driver at the enterprise

You have to work exclusively physically; That is why this profession is not suitable for everyone, but only for strong, physically developed people.

What does the job description say about getting a profession? A tractor driver must have at least a secondary vocational education. The requirements for the named specialist vary somewhat depending on his rank.

Tractor driver of the 2nd category All the main responsibilities and functions of the specialist in question are prescribed by the job description.

A tractor driver of the initial, namely 2nd category, is required to perform the following functions: Operating tractor machines with an engine power of no more than 26 kW (the machines themselves must be liquid fuel).

Control of loading and unloading operations.

Timely refueling of the tractor with the necessary fuel.

A tractor driver-driver in agricultural production of a higher category must be able to perform work that is comparable in complexity to workers of lower qualifications, as well as supervise tractor-drivers in agricultural production of a lower category. 1.4. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Responsibilities 2.1. Before the start of the working day (shift), a tractor driver in agricultural production: 1) undergoes a pre-shift (preventive) medical examination in the prescribed manner; 2) receives a production task; 3) if necessary, undergoes training on labor protection; 4) takes over the shift;

What is the difference between a tractor driver and a machine operator?

Pavel, at least open the internet and take a look at the difference between a machine operator and a tractor driver (don’t mess with grandma), I asked you, is a tractor not a mechanism? (drilling crane machine on a tractor chassis) Much water has flown under the bridge, but tomorrow I can go and take a knowledge test at Rostekhnadzor and they will give me a stamp again, I will work if something happens, now machine operators are needed.

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3. (drilling crane machine on a tractor chassis) Much water has flown under the bridge, but tomorrow I can go and take a knowledge test at Rostechnadzor and they will stamp me again, I will work if something happens, now machine operators are needed.

Job Description for 2nd Class Tractor Driver

Job descriptions taking into account professional standards 2016-2017 Sample instructions for a tractor driver-driver in agricultural production Sample job descriptions are compiled taking into account the professional standards Tractor driver-driver in agricultural production

1. General Provisions

1.1. The tractor driver-driver of agricultural production is a worker and reports directly to ……… (name of position/profession of the manager)

1.2. To work as a tractor driver in agricultural production, a person with secondary vocational education is accepted - training programs for qualified workers (employees) for at least ten months.

1) training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instruction in labor protection (introductory and in the workplace), on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;

2) have undergone mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) having a tractor operator’s license of categories “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”.

1) fundamentals of the technology of mechanized work in crop production;

2) types of machine and tractor units and conditions of their use;

3) types and methods of movement of machine and tractor units;

4) parallel driving and autopilot system;

5) rules for installation and dismantling of combine harvester attachments;

6) classification of agricultural cargo;

7) rules for loading, stowing, slinging cargo on tractor trailers and unloading them;

8) types and principle of operation of coupling devices;

9) rules of traffic and transportation of goods;

10) rules for operating transport units;

11) rules for aggregating a tractor with attachments;

12) the procedure for preparing a tractor, combine for work;

13) a list of operations for daily maintenance of a tractor, combine, or agricultural machine;

14) methods of basic and pre-sowing tillage;

— for plowing, peeling, disking and non-moldboard tillage;

— for the application of mineral and organic fertilizers;

— for pre-sowing soil preparation;

- sowing and planting agricultural crops;

— inter-row tillage;

— for spraying agricultural crops;

- harvesting agricultural crops;

— agricultural machines for plowing, peeling, disking and non-moldboard tillage;

— machines for applying mineral and organic fertilizers;

— agricultural machines for pre-sowing soil preparation;

— agricultural machines for sowing and planting crops;

— transplanting machines;

— agricultural machines for inter-row tillage;

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— machines for plant protection;

— machines for harvesting herbs;

— grain harvesters and forage harvesters;

— agricultural machines for harvesting vegetable crops;

— machines for uprooting stumps, removing stones and removing bushes;

— machines for arranging and maintaining channels;

— machines for leveling the field surface;

— machines for unloading and distributing feed;

— accessories for combine harvesters;

— straw harvesting machines;

— machines for post-harvest processing of agricultural products;

— plowing, peeling, disking and non-moldboard tillage;

— application of fertilizers;

— cultivation, harrowing, rolling, leveling and combined units;

— inter-row tillage;

— sowing and planting agricultural crops;

— spraying;

— harvesting of agricultural crops;

19) methods and methods for organizing marking work and dividing the field into paddocks;

20) methods of monitoring and assessing the quality of basic tillage;

21) types of mineral and organic fertilizers;

22) technological schemes for applying fertilizers;

23) methods for monitoring and assessing the quality of fertilizer application;

24) technology for performing work on pre-sowing soil preparation in accordance with agrotechnical requirements and intensive production technologies;

25) technology for inter-row tillage in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology and intensive production technologies;

— grain and leguminous crops in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology and intensive production technologies;

— oilseeds in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology;

— fodder crops in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology and intensive production technologies;

— vegetable crops in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology and intensive production technologies;

— sugar beets in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology and intensive production technologies;

— application of mineral fertilizers;

— sowing grains, leguminous crops and grasses;

— sowing row crops;

— sowing vegetable crops;

- planting seedlings;

— sowing using precision farming equipment;

— spraying in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology;

— cultural and technical work in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology;

— work on the construction and maintenance of canals in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology;

— planning work;

— work on unloading and distributing feed in livestock buildings;

— work on unloading and distributing feed on walking areas;

— maintenance of tractors and agricultural machines;

28) methods for monitoring and assessing the quality of pre-sowing soil preparation;

29) methods for monitoring and assessing the quality of sowing and planting of agricultural crops;

30) methods of caring for crops and plantings of agricultural crops;

31) methods and methods of plant protection;

32) methods of harvesting grains, legumes and oilseeds;

33) methods of harvesting vegetable crops;

34) methods for monitoring and assessing the quality of harvesting work;

35) list of seasonal tractor maintenance operations;

36) types and methods of storing equipment;

37) the procedure for preparing equipment for storage and removing it from storage;

38) basic materials used when placing equipment into storage;

39) types and frequency of maintenance of tractors and agricultural machines;

40) list of operations performed during periodic maintenance;

41) list and technical characteristics of equipment for performing maintenance operations;

42) causes of simple malfunctions of tractors, combines and agricultural machines;

43) requirements for fuel and lubricants and special liquids;

44) properties, rules for storage and use of fuels and lubricants and technical fluids;

45) rules for operation and maintenance of oil storage equipment;

46) technical means for transportation, reception, storage and delivery of petroleum products;

47) ways to reduce losses of fuels and lubricants;

48) rules and regulations of labor protection when harvesting agricultural crops;

49) labor protection rules when checking the technical condition of transport units, carrying out loading and unloading operations and transporting goods;

50) requirements for the quality of work performed;

51) types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them;

52) the procedure for notifying the manager of all deficiencies discovered during work;

53) rules for providing first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness;

54) Internal labor regulations;

55) rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

56) ……… (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

- plow;

- peeler;

- flat cutter;

— unit for applying fertilizers;

— units for cultivating, harrowing, rolling and leveling the soil;

— a combined unit for performing pre-sowing soil preparation;

— machine-tractor unit for sowing grain, leguminous crops and grasses;

— machine-tractor unit for sowing row crops;

— machine-tractor unit for sowing and planting vegetable crops;

— transplanting unit;

— machine-tractor unit for spraying crops;

— machine-tractor unit for inter-row tillage;

— machine-tractor unit for harvesting herbs;

— machine-tractor unit for harvesting vegetable and industrial crops;

— forage harvester;

- combine harvester;

— machine-tractor unit for arranging and maintaining channels for a given operating mode;

— machine-tractor unit for uprooting stumps, removing bushes and removing stones;

— machine-tractor unit for leveling the field surface;

— machine-tractor unit for unloading and distributing feed;

2) choose the speed mode of the machine-tractor unit based on the best engine load, taking into account the speeds allowed according to agrotechnical requirements;

3) choose different types of movement of machine and tractor units depending on the configuration of the field and the composition of the unit;

4) choose the method of movement of the machine-tractor unit for pre-sowing soil preparation, taking into account the configuration of the field and the composition of the unit;

5) place and secure the transported cargo on tractor trailers;

6) carry out a control inspection of transport units before departure and during the trip;

7) perform aggregation of the tractor with attachments;

8) control transport trains in various road conditions;

9) receive, process and submit transport documentation;

10) perform technological operations in a hospital;

The difference between a tractor loader driver and a tractor driver

That is, it is not enough for the driver of a loader or stacker to have a license of the appropriate category: in order to be allowed to work, he also needs a corresponding special mark in the certificate. Paragraph “6” of the Rules states in which case it may not exist - if the driver has open categories B, C, D and E.

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Both in Soviet times and now, the license to a tractor is a tractor driver’s license, equipped with an individual number, a photograph of the owner, information about his place of residence, date and place of birth. The State Technical Supervision Inspectorate is authorized to issue such a certificate. Until recently (namely, until November 28, 2021), there was also a temporary permit that was valid instead of a certificate. But now it has been cancelled. Details and a detailed analysis of all categories of tractor driver rights are in this publication.

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