Application for employment in 2021 for individual entrepreneurs

Application for internal part-time job

A part-time worker is an employee who carries out several types of work activities for one employer or for an individual entrepreneur (Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
This means that the employee works for the employer in his main position, and in addition to his earnings, he works part-time in some other vacancy. It is necessary to distinguish between the term internal part-time work and additional (external) labor volume of work (Part 3 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This concept is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which simplifies its implementation. However, the main factor in internal part-time work is working in one institution or with an individual entrepreneur.

Drawing up a part-time agreement has practically the same procedure as when concluding an ordinary employment contract, with the exception of some points. When applying for an internal part-time job, you do not need to provide documents, since the employer already has them when receiving the main vacancy. However, it is better to prepare copies in advance for insurance purposes.

To apply for a part-time job, you will need to prepare:

  1. Photocopy of passport.
  2. Supporting documents confirming your qualifications to work in the proposed position (if, of course, this is required).
  3. An employee's request for part-time employment.

After submitting the petition, you will need to draw up an employment agreement with the individual entrepreneur, which stipulates the conditions for part-time work. When registering it, it is required to display labor standards that comply with safety regulations - within 4 hours a day, while simultaneously working at the main post. If a part-time worker has a day off at his main job, he can work part-time on that day – 8 hours.

( Video : “Reception of an individual entrepreneur”)

Other samples

The method of transmitting this or that information is notifications. Most often they are used by official organizations to notify the person mentioned in the document about the beginning or end of any actions in relation to him. There are often cases when a notification is sent to an authorized authority by an individual or legal entity, for example, in order to inform about the termination of the company’s activities, as well as to provide other documents for liquidation.

When citizens apply to official authorities, forms of petition such as statements are used - such an appeal usually concerns the exercise of certain rights and interests. In addition, the statement serves as confirmation that the person actually applied to the authorized organization, and as a guarantee that the citizen’s request will not be forgotten. Submission of an application may in some cases be carried out by proxy, if the personal presence of the applicant is not required.

How to write

Despite the fact that an individual entrepreneur works mainly for himself, he has the right to hire staff or get a job as an employee himself.
In this regard, the question arises: is it possible to hire a citizen and how to document this? It should be noted that when applying for a job with an individual entrepreneur, you do not have to submit a request. This is decided by the entrepreneur himself.

The law provides for the mandatory filing of a petition in two versions:

  • When admission is carried out in a government institution.
  • When applying for a job in a municipal enterprise.

In other cases, the request for admission may not be submitted. It depends on the whim of the PC. There is no absolute need to submit a request, since the relationship of the parties is reflected in the employment contract.

If, nevertheless, an employee will have to submit an application for employment to an individual entrepreneur, then you can use the example of such applications for admission to any institution, since the structure of processing applications is the same everywhere.

The appeal is filled out in any style on an A4 sheet. (can be done manually or printed on a printer after typing on a PC). If the institution has adopted the rule of filling out official letters on company letterhead, then you need to go to the personnel officer and take such paper.

Your application for employment must include:

  1. Information about the institution or individual entrepreneur, with display (for the employer - position, name of the institution, full name of the boss; for individual entrepreneur - full name), in the dative case.
  2. Information about the candidate for the vacancy, in the genitive case.

This data is written on the right side, at the top of the sheet or letterhead.

  1. Further in the center of the line and a little lower is written “statement”.
  2. The main section displays the applicant's request for a job, displaying the date from which the applicant wishes to begin duties and the vacancy for which he is applying.
  3. Finally, this form is signed by the applicant and the date of completion of the letter is indicated. This data is filled in under the main section of the request.

The document, after registration at the personnel hotel or reception office of the institution, is endorsed by the head for further execution of the procedure for processing employment documents.

A foreigner is required to draw up an application in Russian using the same model. If he does not know Russian, then it is necessary to use a translator. However, the applicant must put his own signature on the petition.

When applying for employment with an individual entrepreneur, the application is filed by the entrepreneur and he, after the parties have signed the employment contract, issues an order to enroll the person in the job.

Contractual relations and personnel documents

The sphere of entrepreneurship, no matter what direction it is represented, is always characterized by a variety of contracts and agreements. Some contracts have a strictly established form, others are drawn up in any form, but in compliance with certain rules. The main purpose of the document is to regulate the rights and obligations of the parties, so as not to leave room for illegal actions.

A separate section of office work is HR documents, presented in a wide variety. For them, norms and standards provide for separate procedures and periods of storage and registration. All of them, from characteristics to orders on incentives/penalties and work record books, constitute the employee’s personal file. Many of the personnel documents are compiled according to standard templates.

How to apply

Registration of employment in an individual entrepreneur is practically no different from the procedure for enrollment in any legal enterprise.
The only difference is that in institutions the registration process has a longer chain of registration of all documents upon placement. Individuals who decide to engage in private enterprise have the right to hire people. An individual entrepreneur has the right to register a person for both permanent and temporary work. Also, the entrepreneur is given the right to register for work, providing the employee with a special schedule (in shifts, on a shortened work day, on a staggered schedule, etc.).

However, Art. 48 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the specifics of registration of personnel whose activities are related to individual entrepreneurs.

Firstly, when an entrepreneur hires a citizen, it is required to be guided by the current norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and in this case, an entrepreneur hiring a person for the first time must register with the Federal Tax Service as a payer of social charges and register with the Social Insurance Fund as an employer.

Regulatory acts stipulate that every employer is obliged to officially employ citizens. Within 3 days after a person starts working, both the head of the institution and the individual entrepreneur are required to conclude an employment contract and write down information about hiring in the work book.

If an entrepreneur violates the requirements of the law, he may be subject to punishment:

  • Administrative - a fine of up to 50,000 rubles or suspension of operation for up to 90 days.
  • Tax authorities - a fine from regulatory authorities depending on the burden of the offense.
  • Criminal - a fine of up to 200,000 rubles or imprisonment for up to 2 years.

To hire a citizen you must:

  • Sign an employment or civil contract.
  • Fill out personnel documentation (request, order, work book, personal card).
  • Register with the Social Insurance Fund (SIF).

A civil contract provides an easier employment procedure for individual entrepreneurs. In this version, a contract is drawn up to perform a specific task or provide a service. This type of contract does not require registration with the Social Insurance Fund.

In addition, regardless of the type of labor contact, the head of a company or individual entrepreneur is required to register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within a month from the date of registration for work.

But in any case, both the company and the individual entrepreneur, in order to register a citizen for work, are recommended to begin the procedure for filing an application. From just such an appeal, you can understand how literate the applicant is, what qualifications he has and, in general, what he is like.

Sample application for internal part-time job

What documents will be needed?

The employment procedure for those wishing to work for an individual entrepreneur is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation reflects the features of concluding contact with a minor teenager.
  • Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the list of documents that are needed for employment.
  • The remaining employment rules are regulated by Federal Laws No. 79 - Federal Law of April 27, 2004 and No. 25 of March 2, 2007.

Official employment in an individual entrepreneur or legal entity must be accompanied by the conclusion of an employment contract. This document is a fundamental document reflecting the relationship of the parties. In this case, the registration of contact is preceded by the following:

  • Submitting an application (the document is required for budgetary and municipal institutions). An application for employment for an individual entrepreneur and for a legal entity is no different.
  • The further procedure is for the parties to sign the contract.


  • The employed person receives a copy of the contract.
  • An order is issued by the head of the company or individual entrepreneur about hiring.
  • The work book is filled out, with a record of being hired.

When registering, the following documents will be required (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  1. Work book.
  2. TIN certificate.
  3. SNILS for making insurance payments.
  4. A photocopy of a diploma or other document confirming completion of prof. courses. preparation
  5. Photocopy of passport or identity card.
  6. Military registration document.
  7. Some vacancies may require a certificate from law enforcement agencies confirming no criminal record.

The presence of foreign citizenship does not affect the relationship of employment contracts.

Employment order for individual entrepreneurs

The order is prepared by the personnel officer or filled out by the entrepreneur himself. The sample document is practically the same for both the company and the individual entrepreneur. To fill it out, you can use the standard form No. T-1. However, the law does not require the mandatory use of this template.

To place an order, you must display the following information:

  • FULL NAME. Individual entrepreneur, number registered in the tax structure - TIN, registration in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • Full name of the candidate for the vacancy.
  • The date the job started, the name of the vacancy for which the employee was registered and the salary amount.
  • Duration of probationary period (if established).
  • Date of issue of the order.
  • Signature of the manager authorized for employment.
  • Signature of the receiving person confirming familiarization with the order.

The conclusion of an employment contract is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, an individual entrepreneur who hires a person for the first time must register with the Federal Tax Service in order to fulfill social payments. In addition, an individual entrepreneur is required to register with the Social Insurance Fund as an employer.

An example of such an order is provided below.

Administrative and organizational documents

Most internal processes at an enterprise are initiated by administrative documents, the main one of which is the order. In the activities of organizations or individual entrepreneurs, an order is used to convey the will of management to employees. The preparation of such a document occurs in several stages: templates of orders are studied, and after drawing up the document, the order is signed and the executors familiarize themselves with it.

The activities of collegial and management bodies, commissions or councils are reflected in the minutes. The main feature of such a document is the presentation of actions in strict sequence and the compilation of an event that is recorded directly in the process.

How to fill out an individual entrepreneur’s work book when hiring an employee

After completing the entire employment procedure for an individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneur must, within 3 days, enter the necessary information into the work book on the “Job Information” page:

  1. First, fill in the name of the individual entrepreneur, displaying his last name and initials.
  2. Then, in the first column of the form the number of the next entry is entered.
  3. In the “Date” column – the day, month and year of filling out the information are recorded.
  4. In the next column “Information about admission ...” - the text of the order “Accepted ... from ...” is written down, displaying who hired the employee and from what date.
  5. In the last column of the form, the order for registration of the work is written down, displaying its number and date of issue.

The work book is filled out after signing the employment contract. If a civil agreement is signed, the work book is not filled out.

An example of filling out a page of a work book.

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