2021 has ended, annual reporting is coming to an end and it’s time to think about personal finances.
Information about pre-retirees is a new reporting mandatory for all employers without exception. New
Registration of the purchase of components for a new fixed asset (OS) First of all, in 1C 8.3 everything
Free legal consultation by phone: 8 In some cases, it is necessary for employees to work more
The plaintiff's claim was granted; the defendant did not file an objection or appeal. After the Defendant does
Strict reporting forms are now used by many individual entrepreneurs and organizations to process cash payments.
After changes in legislation from 2021, alcohol can only be sold by punching a receipt through
Calculation of fees for negative impact is submitted annually to Rosprirodnadzor - declaration in 2021
The Pension Fund developed the SZV-TD form, and the Ministry of Labor developed the STD-R form. Using the first one you need
How and on what form is the SZV-M submitted? The SZV-M form is the most frequently filled out report,