What is labor inspection? The labor inspectorate is a specialized system of government bodies whose responsibilities include:
Online stores are enterprises and organizations that trade via the Internet. Selling through online stores
Standard tax deduction. According to paragraphs. 4 paragraphs 1 art. 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation when determining
An organization that has received a profit faces a logical question: “What should it be distributed to?” For example,
There are a lot of non-cash payments going on in Russia these days. They have become common practice. This
What needs to be recorded in the purchase book The accountant fills out the purchase book as the right arises
For most workers, the duration of annual basic leave is 28 calendar days, for minor workers
Penalty - with or without VAT Many accountants wonder whether the penalty is calculated with VAT
Responsibilities of tax agents The main responsibility of tax agents is to correctly and timely calculate and withhold
Methodological instructions Accounting for cash transactions is regulated by the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated March 11