How to properly prepare an insert in a work book?

As we know, a work book is an important document that contains all the information about the employee’s official work activity. But, oddly enough, the activity can be so active that the forms provided by the work book, in some cases. It’s simply not enough to indicate the next entry.

In this case, the employer or HR employee must immediately respond and insert the missing form. You can learn more about work record inserts in our other article.

But sewing it in just like that is the lot of illiterate specialists. It is necessary to follow a special procedure, as well as know all the necessary subtleties and nuances. If you do not yet have such information, our article is just a godsend for you.

Is it necessary to sew an insert into the work book?

The employer is required to fill out the work book within 5 days from the date of hiring the applicant. The following information is entered into the work book (insert):

  • place of work;
  • position held;
  • information about the transfer (if any);
  • changes in the name of the enterprise (if any);
  • date of dismissal;
  • reason for dismissal.

All records should not be abbreviated, with the exception of information that can be abbreviated according to generally accepted rules. Naturally, over time, the sheets in the work book may run out. And that’s when you need to sew in the liner.

Sample filling

When filling out the insert, you must enter the following information:

  • Full name of the employee on separate lines;
  • date of establishment of the form;
  • record of the employee’s education and specialization;
  • personal signature of the employee;
  • signature and seal of the personnel officer.

ATTENTION! If, when entering personal data into the form, the personnel officer makes a mistake or correction, the form must be disposed of and a new one must be issued to the employee. The fact of destruction must be noted in the appropriate journal.

The rules for filling out sections are identical to those that personnel services use to fill out a work book. The lines are filled in with a blue or black ballpoint pen. The record is certified by the seal and signature of the boss.

The numbering of marks in the application does not start with “1”. If the number of the last entry in the basic information about the experience is “52”, the first line of the insert is assigned the number “53”. The same number can be placed at the end of one and the beginning of another document if the mark does not fit completely. For example, the name of the organization is on one line, and the position held is on the other.

How to do it?

How to sew an insert into a work book? The rules on maintaining work books (Resolution No. 225) do not provide clear regulations for sewing in inserts. There are no requirements for where exactly the liner should be sewn or what color the threads should be. There is only one requirement - the insert must form a single whole document with the work book, that is, its simple attachment without sewing is not allowed.

If we think logically, then according to the instructions, the numbering in the work book and the insert must be continuous, therefore, the insert must be sewn in after the last sheet, before the cover.

First step

How to sew an insert into a work book? You will need thread, a needle and an awl. It is imperative to make sure that there are indeed no blank sheets in the work book for recording information about admission or dismissal.

The insert should be sewn to the back page of the cover, preferably even to the spread itself. It is necessary to make several stitches so that the liner does not fall out in the future. It is recommended to use threads in muted tones.

After sewing in, the booklet and insert should form a single document. Gluing the insert or fixing it with a stapler is not allowed. This prohibition is enshrined in paragraph 38 of the Instructions for maintaining work books.

Second step

How to sew an insert into a work book step by step? Now you can make an entry directly into the insert. By the way, the first and second steps can be swapped.

Information about the individual to whom the work book belongs is entered on the first sheet of the insert.

A note must be made on the title page of the book indicating that an insert has been issued.

Step-by-step instruction

Despite the fact that sewing in one sheet takes approximately ten to fifteen minutes, this procedure has a number of nuances.

Unfortunately, HR officers and employers are not familiar with them, and, to tell the truth, it is very problematic to get acquainted with them, because they are not provided for by law, however, there are clear regulations that must be observed and ignorance of its steps does not relieve one from responsibility. Therefore, let's take a closer look at these stages.

In order to correctly insert the form into the work document, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • a HR specialist should inspect your work report to see if there are any blank pages;
  • then he must obtain a new blank form from the human resources department or from the employer;
  • registers it in the specialized book of the organization;
  • puts a corresponding stamp on the form;
  • fills it out;
  • fills out the title page of the insert;
  • puts the required entry under the required numbering.

At this point, the stages of sewing in the form are completed; now it’s worth understanding the nuances.

Where should I sew it?

Inexperienced personnel department employees have no idea where to sew the form. Many tried to stick it to the title page, to the back of the book, in the center, or simply insert it without using threads or needles.

In fact, holes are made in the form in the same place as in the book forms. The form is sewn to the spread where there is the last page of the work report. It is stitched with neat stitches, preferably with black, blue or gray threads. This completes the sewing process.

What exactly should I hem with?

Many people use various tools, including a hole punch, but in fact, the only correct tool for sewing is a regular needle and thread.

Also, an ordinary, not thin awl will help you in your business. Using an awl, you must carefully make holes in the right places on the forms, and then using a needle and thread in neutral colors, simply secure the form.

How to properly sew an insert into a work book using threads: sample work on video:

What to do if there is no stamp?

The organization must have a stamp. But it often happens that a legal entity has just begun to function, and the stamp simply has not been made yet. In this case, you can use two options for the development of events.

The first is to urgently order a stamp and receive it within a day or the next day.

You can also put information that the form is sewn in with a simple pen in the place where the stamp should be.

Using a blue or black pen, in legible handwriting, you write the phrase “insert issued” and also put a date and signature.

What if you don't sew in the liner?

It seems clear how to properly sew an insert into a work book, but what if this is not done? First of all, the owner of such a book may have problems in the future when applying for a job in another organization or when applying for a pension.

The insert itself without a work book is not valid, even if there are stamps and notes on it.

Changing the employee's last name

One of the most common procedures that HR employees face is making changes to the work book regarding personal information about the employee. The main changes of this kind relate to changing the surname as a result of marriage or, on the contrary, going through divorce proceedings.

In the main labor law, this issue is resolved quite simply: according to Resolution No. 69 of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, to correct the employee’s full name, it is necessary to cross it out with a thin line, and then write the updated information over it.

For the work book insert, the algorithm of actions of the personnel specialist is as follows:

  1. Study the documents provided by the employee to confirm changes in personal data.
  2. Based on such evidence, adjustments are made simultaneously to the first sheet of the work book and to a similar sheet of each addition to it.
  3. On the reverse side of this sheet, all provided documents that became the reason for correcting personal data are listed, their number and date of issue are indicated, after which the record is certified using the official seal of the company and endorsed by its director or responsible manager.

Requirements for the form

How to sew an insert into a work book and where to get it? The insert form itself must be of the standard standard and manufactured exclusively at the GOZNAK enterprise. Enterprises are responsible for purchasing such documents. Accordingly, the employer should always have a certain supply of such documents. Although in practice, usually the employee himself purchases the insert so that the HR department sews it into the work book.

Stamp confirming the issue of the insert

Neither the instructions nor other regulations provide for a place where a stamp should be affixed indicating that the insert has been issued. In practice, such a mark is placed either on the first title page of the work book or on the inside cover.

In this case, neither the first nor the second option will be considered a violation, the main thing is that a mark is placed on the title page so that it does not obscure information about its owner.

A sample stamp is also not provided for in regulatory documents. Therefore, there is a lot of controversy around this issue. Some HR specialists argue that this should be an imprint, others argue that you can make a record by hand and certify it with the company’s seal. Therefore, it is still recommended to purchase a stamp, which can be found in almost any office supply store or ordered from an organization that produces stamps or provides printing services.

The main thing is that if a stamp is affixed, it must be filled out. This entry must contain insert data. The series and number may vary depending on the release date. Typically there are seven numbers and two or three series letters. Inserts purchased after 2010 are of the VT-I series, and before 2003 - AT, and the digital coding in such inserts and work books consists of Roman numerals. Accordingly, the entry on the stamp may be as follows:


How to sew a second insert into a work book?

If an overly active employee came to the company, then it is possible that all the records about his work did not fit in the work book itself and the insert, then you will need to sew in another one. The rules for sewing in the second liner are the same as when adding the first one. It should be sewn to the spread, but after the first insert. Next, information about the owner and a record of admission or dismissal are entered. It is mandatory to again affix a stamp indicating that a new insert has been issued, on which its series and number are recorded and this information is entered into the book of accounting for the movement of work books in the organization.

Sample design

The procedure for filling out the work supplement column is not as complicated and scary as it might seem to the untrained eye. It begins with the study of the work owner’s documents, information from which is gradually copied manually into the appropriate sections of the additional insert. The completed insert looks like this:

What if an incorrect entry was made?

How to sew an insert into a work book, a sample of which is presented above? There is nowhere in our lives without the human factor, and if after sewing in the record is damaged, then changes are not allowed in the new form. You'll have to undo everything and insert a new form.

If the insert was received from the employer, then you should draw up a report stating that the form was damaged and destroy it. If an entry has already been made in the work book indicating that the insert has been issued, then you will need to make an entry stating that the stamp is invalid.

The job entry was in the wrong section

A common mistake HR professionals make is that they continue to keep records related to work in adjacent fields intended for other information, such as award data. It is possible to correct such an error, but this must be done, guided by the Rules for maintaining and filling out work books (clause 30).

This means that the usual strikethrough in an incorrect section is unacceptable. Instead, the following manipulations should be performed:

  1. An entry entered in the wrong field is assigned a serial number, regardless of whether it is a complete entry or simply a continuation of a previously started entry in the work section.
  2. In the labor report, a corresponding note is made under the incorrect entry declaring it invalid, endorsed by the personal signature of the director and sealed with the official seal.
  3. A new insert is created, after which the incorrect part of the record is transferred to the required section of the addendum.
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