Recommendations: – how to account for finished products at production costs; – how to take into account finished
Methods and procedure for increasing the authorized capital of a joint-stock company A joint-stock company is a form of organization of a legal
Most people without economic education evaluate the effectiveness of commercial activities solely by trade margins, believing that
If a business operates at a loss for a long time, this creates serious problems for its owners.
Inventories are part of an organization’s tangible property intended for the production of final products. Showing them off
Transfer of the security payment to a new agreement Federal Law dated 08.03. 2015 N 42-FZ “On
Order on the appointment of accountable persons Employees who receive funds for administrative, economic and other
Business lawyer > Accounting > Accounting and reporting > What is included
Reporting to the Pension Fund and the Federal Tax Service You can generate: all documents for registering citizens in
VAT changes in 2021 will come into force on January 1, 2021