Should an individual entrepreneur keep accounting records since 2013?
Unfortunately, many managers do not always fully understand that accounting and tax
Article 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Failure to provide the tax authority with information necessary for tax control (current version)
Some time ago, the rules for submitting documents at the request of tax inspectors were adjusted, and in
Features of payment of transport tax for organizations
How to calculate transport tax Transport tax is calculated separately for each car. Firms independently determine
USN Income minus Expenses
Is loan repayment considered income under the simplified tax system?
USN, OSNO, PSN, NPD, Unified Agricultural Tax: for some this is a meaningless set of letters, but
Fill out the form carefully
Date of actual receipt of income in form 6-NDFL: filling out features
From the beginning of the year, tax agents were required to report quarterly on the amounts of calculated and withheld income
On combining the use of the simplified tax system and the patent tax system
An individual entrepreneur does not have to do just one thing; the law allows him, if desired, to
How to close an LLC with debts
How to close an LLC with debts: choosing the optimal method of liquidating the company
Questions discussed in the material: In what cases is it necessary to close an LLC with debts? What exist?
Internal inspection: procedure, duration, grounds, results
Certain nuances of conducting internal audits The participation of all persons in an internal audit can only be
Report to Rosstat on the number of employees by salary: how to fill out
Form and purpose of the new statistical report Rosstat, by order No. 37 dated January 27, 2021, approved the new form No.
Cash register on patent in 2020
Do I need an online cash register on a patent for individual entrepreneurs: using a cash register on a PSN for individual entrepreneurs
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