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What is the indexation coefficient for benefits for 2021 established by the Government of the Russian Federation? It's no secret that the size
How NPOs can switch to the simplified tax system All organizations that plan to switch to the simplified tax system must comply with
PBU 3/2006 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 17, 2007 N 8788 MINISTRY OF FINANCE
How to confirm expenses for repairs performed in-house Confirm expenses for repairs performed in-house
Does income arise from saving on interest? Income tax is calculated based on all
Based on the invoice, the company has the opportunity to receive VAT deductions. In this case, it is necessary to comply
We will consider the composition of reporting to government bodies for Limited Liability Companies LLC on
Professional accounting for organizations and individual entrepreneurs in Ivanovo. We will save you from problems
Labor of foreign citizens in Russia (residents and non-residents) Within the scope of the country’s tax code,