How to correctly and competently write an explanatory note at work to a boss or director regarding absence from work, an error, a complaint, a misconduct, an incident, on the fact of violations after an inspection

A correctly drawn up document that explains the cause of errors in work or violations of labor discipline allows the employee to justify his actions, and the manager to determine the degree of guilt of the subordinate.

No matter how hard workers in various fields try, in production, in an office, on a construction site, in an office or department, sooner or later each of them has a situation in which they have to explain their actions (or inaction) to the employer, putting their thoughts in writing.

A document explaining the reasons for an incident, event or action of employees is called an “explanatory note” (abbreviated as “explanatory” ).

The presence of an explanatory note allows you to find out all the circumstances under which errors or misconduct were committed and determine the employee’s guilt in the incident.

How to correctly and competently write an explanatory note at work to your boss or director

What are the reasons for an explanatory note at work?

There are many reasons why a manager may require a subordinate to describe an incident in an explanatory note. Among the most common:

  • late
  • no-show
  • absence from work
  • unauthorized leaving before the end of the working day (shift)
  • refusal to perform duties
  • errors in work
  • failure to fulfill official duties
  • detection of violations by commission, inspection
  • violation of labor discipline

You should not immediately take hostility to the manager’s proposal to write an explanatory note. A written explanatory note is a statement by the employee of his own vision of the situation. This document will not allow superiors to interpret everything in their own way and punish an innocent subordinate.

IMPORTANT: The Criminal Code of Russia warns that no one is obliged to testify against himself. Therefore, if the facts stated in the explanatory note confirm the guilt of the employee, he is not obliged to write it.

If the manager has not received an explanation 48 hours after the employee was asked to provide it, he has the right to apply disciplinary punishment.

IMPORTANT: All explanatory notes are filed with the employee’s personal file and are stored for 75 years.

What are the reasons for an explanatory note at work?

Explanatory note about violation of deadlines for responding to a letter

I'm late for several reasons. I travel by car - the road is unpredictable and I consider risking my life for 10 minutes of working time the height of idiocy. Since see point 2 I don’t smoke, and this means that, unlike 90% of office employees, instead of taking 5 smoke breaks of 10 minutes each, or rather 50 minutes a day, while the rest are kicking the bullshit, I’m on my workplace and WORK! Further see point 3 Since I am a responsible person, at least 2 times a month I have to sit at work until 23-00 (then the office closes) and WORK! Because those who smoke 50 minutes a day accumulate 16 hours in a month and fail to cope with their work let me down. Thus, 16 hours of smoking breaks + 8 hours of overtime = 24 hours a month I WORK more than anyone else in our office, and I am late by a maximum of 2 hours a month. If management does not see any economic benefit in my tardiness, they may fire me and find another more punctual employee. I wish that he was a smoker and, by coming to work on time, he “stole” 2 working days from you every month.

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Insult her - I didn’t insult her! I didn’t scream, I didn’t make any noise, I just quietly told her: “Why are you staring at me like a stupid fish?” I agree, I should have said “deep sea fish,” but I was so worried that I swallowed one syllable out of excitement. This is my fault.

In whose name is an employee’s explanatory note at work written?

Every employee can find out in whose name an explanatory note should be written. To do this, just look at the “Internal Labor Regulations”. The managers under whose direct subordination the employee is are clearly indicated there. The explanatory note must be written in the name of one of these people.

If a group of workers is assembled from different departments, then all these people are subordinate to the group leader for the duration of the work task. Consequently, the manager may demand an explanatory note, which will be written in his name.

In whose name is an employee’s explanatory note at work written?

How to correctly write an explanatory note so as not to be punished: tips

A correctly drafted explanatory note will help you avoid punishment for a violation.

IMPORTANT: There is an opinion that an employee who writes an “explanatory” note already agrees that in the future he will be blamed for what happened. But if you write “explanatory” or “explanatory”, he will be found innocent. This is a misconception, so you should not come up with new names for the explanatory note, but rather compose its text correctly.

The success of an explanatory note depends on the accuracy of compliance with the following rules:

  • The information must explain the situation clearly and concisely.
  • The style of the note should be businesslike. Ornate phrases and eloquent turns of phrase are inappropriate in the explanatory text.
  • Under no circumstances should you try to shift the blame onto another employee or hide significant facts.
  • At the end of the story, an apology and promises to be more attentive in the future would be appropriate.
  • You should use a blank sheet of paper to write your explanatory note, write legibly and neatly.

IMPORTANT: When composing an explanatory text, it is better to refrain from using words whose correct spelling raises doubts. You need to make sure that there are no mistakes when writing, or replace this word with a synonym.

How to correctly write an explanatory note so as not to be punished

How to write an explanatory note at work about an error: sample, template, examples

If an employee makes a mistake, he will have to write an explanatory note, regardless of what caused his inattention. Most mistakes at work occur due to fatigue, stress, inattention or lack of experience. Any of these reasons can be indicated in the explanatory note. The main thing is at the end of the note to promise to be more attentive in the future, and to make efforts in life to ensure that this does not happen again.

How to write an explanatory note at work about an error: sample, template, examples

How to write an explanatory note at work

Explanatory note (sample) about an error in work

Now let’s look at a case where it’s much harder to make excuses. Porfiry Zhuchkov forgot to turn off the lights in the office before leaving home. As a result, the light bulb burned out.

The form of this type of document is similar, with the exception of attachments. But on the third point we will give some explanations:

  1. Zhuchkov must state the essence of his mistake and its reasons.
  2. It is recommended to mention the consequences as well. This way the manager will see that the employee is assessing the situation soberly.
  3. The mistake should be admitted and the blame should not be shifted to others. But objective circumstances, if any, can be cited.
  4. In conclusion, it is good to note that this will not happen again.

Explanatory note to the police

There are situations when explanations have to be written to the police. Such a need may arise in the following cases:

  • Calling the squad, who has to give written assurance that there was a response to the call.
  • Committing unlawful acts against the applicant, who explains what exactly happened.
  • Execution of a document by the offender, which explains where he was and what he was doing at a certain point in time.

The document contains standard information about the recipient of the explanatory note, the originator, the essence of the document, the date of execution and signature. A sample can be viewed here.

Explanatory note to the tax service

Each reporting period, the organization must submit the necessary information to the tax service; this can happen in the following cases:

  • failure to submit a tax return to the service on time;
  • identifying errors in the declaration when writing words or numbers;
  • discrepancies between the data available to the tax office and those submitted by the organization.

The explanatory note is attached to the amended declaration and can be submitted either in person or sent by mail. It needs to answer in detail, but not in a very large volume, the questions that the tax inspector has, for example, why this final figure was obtained, methods for calculating taxes, or for what reason errors were made.

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Explanatory note from the cashier

The work of a cashier is very responsible, as it is carried out in close contact with funds. Therefore, every erroneous action must be accompanied by an explanation and, if possible, evidence attached to it. A note is drawn up in the following cases:

  • when a check is bounced for the wrong amount;
  • making returns on a receipt tape;
  • incorrect calculation, which resulted in a shortage or surplus of funds in the cash register;
  • improper maintenance of cash documents.

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The main part of the explanatory statement indicates the date of the error, the incorrect amount, the difference in data, check numbers, and the reason for this action. You can also indicate whether it was corrected and in what way. Afterwards, confirmation receipts with the cashier’s signatures, if any, are attached.

Explanatory note in kindergarten

Parents usually write explanations to kindergarten in cases where the child missed several days, but not because of sick leave, or did not visit a doctor, but was treated by the parents themselves.

The note is written not in the name of the teacher, but in the name of the director of the kindergarten. It indicates the child’s name, how many days he missed, what dates they fell on and the reason for the child’s absence.


How to write an explanatory note at work regarding a complaint: sample, template, examples

Explanatory note
A complaint against an employee can be left by clients who are dissatisfied with the level of service or the quality of the services provided. It is more difficult to write an explanatory statement about a complaint than an explanatory statement about any other matter.

The text of the note should reveal the problem, truthfully describe the current situation and justify the employee. On the other hand, explanatory notes of this kind must necessarily contain words of repentance and a promise to prevent such situations in the future.

But what to write if it was the client who initiated the conflict, and the employee does not see his own fault in what happened?

  • You should think carefully about your explanation or consult a lawyer.
  • There is no need to admit to something that cannot be verified and proven.
  • The text may mention the employee’s integrity and diligence, and his lack of disciplinary punishments in the past.
  • Draw the employer's attention to any extenuating circumstances.
  • Make yourself an explanatory photocopy.

IMPORTANT: If the explanatory note describes objective circumstances that justify the employee in the current situation, he will most likely be able to avoid punishment.

Explanatory handwritten

If you don't understand, I'll explain it to you. Talking about the Labor Code after 8 years of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and words like “if this is your immediate superior, then he is always right, by definition” in the “Legal Branch” is, at the very least, incorrect and speaks only about your “knowledge” in this field (legal) and somehow smacks of Soviet Deputies.

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Read the TS question carefully again. Pushkin, of course, is a good poet, well, damn, not in the “Legal Branch” and here you are right “If necessary.” My remark regarding the Labor Code and about the “boss of God” is off topic? About “Before making comments to other people on the forum” and what the fuck bothered you? Let’s be specific about “I advise you to first pay attention to your posts.” You will give advice to your wife (friend) on how to cook fucking cabbage soup for her. (I do not claim authorship).

How to write an explanatory note at work regarding a misconduct: sample, template, examples

A disciplinary offense is a failure to perform or insufficient (improper) performance of labor duties without valid reasons. Punishment for committing an offense is provided for in Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • comment
  • rebuke
  • dismissal

For employees of the prosecutor's office, customs and civil servants, the law provides for more severe penalties, including deprivation of ranks, reduction in rank, warning of non-compliance and others.

But in order to punish an employee for misconduct, the employer will have to prove:

  • illegality of the employee's actions
  • the very fact that the employee committed an offense
  • employee's guilt

Therefore, when writing an explanatory note, the employee needs to think about every word. Otherwise, the employer will be able to use even the smallest “clue” to punish a subordinate for misconduct.

IMPORTANT: An employee cannot be held accountable for an offense if the document familiarizing him with the provision that he violated does not contain his signature.

How to write an explanatory note at work regarding a misconduct: sample, template, examples

How to write an explanatory note at work about an incident: sample, template, examples

A workplace incident is an unintentional, sudden interruption of a process that may result in injury, death, loss of property, or other damage.

Depending on the type of incident and the employee’s guilt in it, punishment will follow. At best, this will be a reprimand and loss of bonus, and at worst, dismissal.

The explanatory note should truthfully describe the incident, noting your role in it. It is important to indicate the time accurately. In some cases, it is better to draft the text together with a lawyer.

How to write an explanatory note at work about an incident: sample, template, examples

Required details

The explanatory note, like any other document, must indicate a number of details.

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These include:

  • name of the organization, structural unit;
  • the addressee, often the head of the organization;
  • addressee, that is, the direct violator;
  • name of the document type;
  • registration number. Indicated in the HR department upon registration;
  • document text;
  • date of writing;
  • compiler's signature.

If you take into account all the listed details, after writing you will get a document similar to this:

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