Author: Ivan Ivanov Overpayment of insurance premiums may occur in case of incorrect calculation or indication
When receiving income from renting out an apartment, there is an obligation to report to the tax office
The obligation of an employer who sends his employee on a business trip is to reimburse the latter’s expenses. The employee is reimbursed for expenses
Form 4-NDFL is submitted by individual taxpayers receiving income from business activities or private practice
What are the K1 and K2 coefficients for UTII in 2021? Terms of such indicators
Previous forms of tax return and tax calculation for advance payment of property tax
Explanations to the Balance Sheet and Explanations to the Statement of Financial Results are included in
It follows from the amendments that the debts of individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, and other persons will be written off.
Laptop/computer – primary tool or not? This is one of the questions that arises when posing
Terms of payment in the organization The terms within which wages are paid in the institution are established