Balance sheet for 2021, and what to do if it doesn’t add up?
Taxes and Law Have you ever heard about any accountant Maria Petrovna, a wonderful woman,
Is the regional coefficient calculated for the minimum wage in 2021?
When new rules apply New calculation rules were approved by Federal Law No. 175-FZ dated 06/08/2020.
How to correctly fill out a consignment note if the goods are reloaded on the way to the recipient at an intermediate point?
Question Please tell me the rules for filling out form 1-T (TTN). Supplier in St. Petersburg delivers goods
A decision has been received to refuse to issue a patent or to recognize the application as withdrawn. What to do?
Under certain circumstances, an entrepreneur may decide to terminate activities as a PSN payer.
Recognition of a deferred tax asset: reflected in accounting and reporting
Accounting and tax accounting in an organization Probably, any accountant knows that there are several types
Card for recording inventory and household supplies according to form 423-APK. Form and sample 2021
General provisions of the MB-6 form Nuances of filling out a personal PPE registration card Organization of accounting of issued PPE
Tax system for cargo transportation
Changes from July 1, 2021 on VAT for organizations transporting goods outside the Russian Federation
ConsultantPlus: Forums This is also a very relevant question for me, the situation is similar. I also work with clients but
Fine for non-payment of taxes
Fine for a company and an accountant: Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on administrative liability for tax violations
Timely payment of taxes is the responsibility of every legal entity and individual conducting business activities. Fine
Regional coefficient by regions of Russia in 2021: what it is, what it affects + table
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Pension Back Published: 03/27/2016 Time
In which section is the authorized capital reflected in the balance sheet?
Purpose of the article: displaying the state of the authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital) of a legal entity at the end
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