Features of bills of exchange as securities Being an unconditional debt document, a bill of exchange can be: Simple, i.e.
Briefly about the regulatory framework The financial liability of the employee and the employer is established in three chapters of the section
Warehouse transfer and acceptance certificate. Sample and form for downloading 2021 Warehouse Transfer and Acceptance Certificate is
This or that property is classified as depreciable property if the following criteria are met: service life
New BCCs for 2012 New BCCs in the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund for 2012
Setting up KUDiR in 1C 8.3 Before you start creating this accounting book
At the end of last year, further amendments were made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. One of the innovations
The procedure for calculating and paying insurance premiums is regulated by the Tax Code. Report on all types of insurance
How to start a business from scratchOrganization of the sale of goods and services You probably met on the streets
Which holidays in November 2021 are paid double. size in Russia? According to