What is a workplace certification card for and what does it look like?

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Published: 08/14/2016

Reading time: 9 min



Ensuring labor safety and eliminating factors that pose a risk to the life or health of workers is one of the main obligations of every employer. To achieve this goal, he must periodically inspect the workplaces of his subordinates and eliminate all possible risks.

The document that is drawn up is called a workplace map. Its purpose, structure and filling rules are worth considering in more detail.

  • Legislation
  • Purpose of the document
  • What points are included in the map? Comprehensive assessment of working conditions (WC) that are present at a specific workplace (or in a group of such places)
  • Injury safety assessment
  • Establishment of additional benefits and compensations
  • Filling rules
  • Features of filling out a card for some professions
  • Legislation

    Previously, conducting workplace certification (WW) was a procedure from which some business entities (in particular, representatives of small businesses) were exempted.

    But, since the beginning of 2014, this procedure has become mandatory for all employers, without exception, as established by the 2013 Russian Federation Law “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions.”

    In accordance with this law, the concept of workplace certification is replaced by a special assessment of working conditions. As for the document in which the results of the procedure are entered (that is, the automated workplace card), its form is also approved by law, with the help of Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2011 N 342n “On approval of the Procedure for certifying workplaces based on working conditions.”

    Workplace certification card for working conditions

    The amount of additional payments (percentage of the tariff rate, salary) is determined in accordance with the Standard Regulations on the assessment of working conditions in the workplace and the procedure for applying sectoral lists of work for which additional payments to workers for working conditions can be established, approved by the resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated October 3 1986 No. 387/22 –78. They use the data of instrumental measurements of the levels of harmful production factors included in the Map - compare the results of the obtained measurements with the maximum permissible concentrations of physical parameters and the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances, which are established by sanitary norms and rules.

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    Each Card has its own number. It records the name of the profession and position of the employee. Codes of professions and positions of workers are indicated in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes OK 016-94 (approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 367, as amended and supplemented in 2000).

    Purpose of the document

    An automated workplace map is drawn up for each workplace name, that is, one copy of it can be issued for several similar workplaces at once. It is a document that is designed to display basic data about the following working conditions at the enterprise:

    • organization and equipment of work areas;
    • assessment of workplaces;
    • material support for employees (material compensation, personal protective equipment);
    • Availability of benefits and special working conditions for staff.

    Its preparation is necessary to achieve the following goals:

    1. Allocation of jobs that do not meet established criteria. If normal indicators and data obtained as a result of measurements have strong deviations from the norm, then further work at this place may be prohibited. Penalties will be imposed on the employer.
    2. Development of an action plan to improve working conditions. This is possible if violations identified at the workplace are subject to elimination and can be eliminated within a certain time.
    3. Justification of benefits and compensation provided to employees annually. If the card indicates that certain workplace conditions differ from normal, the employee may be provided with benefits, additional payments, and compensation for this. If this does not happen, the subordinate may seek protection of his interests in court or the labor inspectorate.
    4. Introducing new employees to future working conditions. This is especially true in situations where there are harmful or dangerous factors in the workplace. The subordinate must be familiar with such information.

    The card can be intended for both external and internal use. The document must be kept completely completed and kept up to date at all times, as it protects the interests of both the employer and the employee.

    Map of working conditions at the workplace No.___

    The number of points for each significant factor is indicated in the “Working Conditions Map”. When assessing the influence of this factor on the state of working conditions, the duration of its action during the shift is taken into account. Points determined by the degree of harmfulness of factors and the severity of work Xst are adjusted according to the formula Xfact = XstT, where T is the ratio of the time of action of a given factor to the duration of the shift. If the duration of this factor is more than 90% of the work shift, then T=1.

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    The degree of harmfulness of factors in the working environment and the severity of work Xst is assessed in points according to the criteria given in Table 2 in accordance with the “Hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions” (No. R 2.2.013-94). In this case, working conditions are divided into three classes: I - optimal, II - acceptable and III - harmful.

    What points are included in the map?

    The document is presented in the form of a form with the corresponding columns located on several sheets. At the very beginning, information about the employer who conducts the certification is indicated, namely:

    • full name;
    • address;
    • Full name of the head;
    • TIN;
    • various codes (OKPO, OKOGU, OKVED, OKATO).

    Next, enter the card number and indicate information about the employee (his profession or position). The document also contains information in several areas:

    Comprehensive assessment of working conditions (WC) that are present at a specific workplace (or in a group of such places)

    Each of them has its own established criteria. In particular, the following factors are subject to assessment:

    • chemical;
    • infrasound;
    • biological;
    • noise;
    • vibration;
    • ultrasound;
    • the severity of labor;
    • microclimate;
    • labor intensity;
    • light environment;
    • ionizing radiation.

    For each factor, its maximum permissible level (or concentration), actual level and duration of exposure are indicated.

    Injury safety assessment

    This clause must be present in the document, because the main purpose of its preparation is precisely to protect the employee from various harmful and dangerous factors.

    Establishment of additional benefits and compensations

    In particular, the following types are provided:

    • increased wages;
    • provision of annual additional leave;
    • establishment of reduced working hours;
    • provision of milk or other equivalent products;
    • provision of therapeutic and preventive nutrition.

    For each type of compensation, its actual availability is indicated, as well as the necessity and basis for its establishment.

    The document also notes that the subordinate has the right to early retirement, the need for routine medical examinations and recommendations for further improvement of working conditions.

    Drawing up a Workplace Certification Card for working conditions

    ___________________________________________________________________ Evaluation criterion code ______ List No. ______, type of production _________ type of work _______________________________, location of profession, position (code according to the List) _____________________________________________ 9. Recommended work and rest regimes ________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ a) regulated breaks (number, duration, breaks) ___________________________________________________________________ b) necessary moving from one operation to another (yes, neg) ________ ___________________________________________________________________ c) other recommendations_______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

    1. The certification card of the workplace(s) for working conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Card) is a document containing information about the actual working conditions in the workplace, applied benefits, compensation, additional payments to employees and their compliance with current legislation, standards for issuing special clothing and protective equipment, as well as recommendations for improving working conditions in a given workplace or group of similar workplaces and, if necessary, proposals for the abolition of benefits and compensation or the introduction of new ones.

    17 Jul 2021 stopurist 451

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    Filling rules

    Detailed instructions and recommendations for filling out the document are contained in Appendix No. 3 to the Procedure for Certification of Workplaces for Working Conditions. These recommendations are given for each line of the map.

    The responsibility for filling it out rests with a specially created certification commission, which includes:

    1. Heads of departments or divisions of the company. This category of employees belongs to the management level, so their main responsibility is to check and optimally organize workplaces.
    2. Lawyers. These specialists are necessary to ensure that the certification procedures and registration of the automated workplace card are carried out as correctly as possible from the point of view of legislation.
    3. HR workers. They can help in the correct organization of workplaces in terms of their territorial location. They also perform an organizational function: they compile a list of jobs, correct titles of positions and professions, etc.
    4. Labor and wages specialists, accountants. With their help, you can most accurately calculate possible additional payments and compensation allowances for employees.
    5. Medical workers. Their goal is to preserve the health of employees and minimize the negative impact that work environment factors have on them.
    6. Occupational safety specialists. These categories of workers are responsible for drawing up documentation related to their field: labor protection instructions, certification schedules, etc.
    7. Trade union representatives. They protect the interests of the employee and monitor compliance with labor safety rules and requirements.
    8. Representatives of the certifying organization. This organization has the form of a legal entity and is invited to participate in the procedure on independent terms. The presence of its representative on the commission is mandatory.

    After the certification, all members of the commission put their signatures on the completed certification card form.

    A sample workplace certification card form can be downloaded here.

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