Cancellation of form 2-TP air and transfer to Rosprirodnadzor

Who takes 2-TP (air)

Who passes 2-TP (air) - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who operate stationary sources of air pollution in the process of economic and (or) other activities.

Information is provided by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, as a result of whose economic or other activities:

— the volume of permitted emissions of pollutants under the NDC exceeds 10 tons per year;

— the volumes of permitted emissions of pollutants according to the NDC range from 5 to 10 tons per year, inclusive, if the emissions contain air pollutants of hazard class 1 and (or) 2.

That is, in fact, ENVOS of categories 1, 2, 3.

The summation must be done according to the current emission permit; if there is none, then according to the actual quantity.

Temporarily non-operating organizations, where production of goods and provision of services took place during part of the reporting period, are provided with a federal statistical observation form on a general basis, indicating how long they have not been operating.

Bankrupt organizations that have entered bankruptcy proceedings are not exempt from providing information in the specified form. Only after the arbitration court has issued a ruling on the completion of bankruptcy proceedings and entry into the unified state register of legal entities of its liquidation (clause 3 of Article 149 of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”) The debtor organization is considered liquidated and is exempt from providing information in the specified form.


If the average headcount of your enterprise for the reporting period ranged from 25 to 99 people and you do not have an electronic signature, then you need to provide 2-TP (air) on paper with the obligatory sending of the form on electronic media.

If the average headcount for the reporting year was no more than 24 people, then reporting is allowed only on paper.

Where 2-TP (air) is delivered - to the territorial departments of the RPN in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. If a legal entity or individual entrepreneur has ENVOS in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation, then a report for each ENVOS is submitted to the corresponding territorial department of the RPN. If a legal entity or individual entrepreneur operates several ENVOS in one subject of the Russian Federation, then only one report is submitted, including all ENVOS located in this subject.

But filling out the report tables must be done for each ENVOS separately!

How to calculate the actual emissions of pollutants from sources - see here.

Who needs a report on Form 2 TP (air)

Filling out the form is a mandatory condition for the activities of a number of enterprises whose activities, to one degree or another, have an impact on the environment. So, who needs to file a report?

  1. Companies owning stationary sources of pollution with official permission to release.
  2. Enterprises for which standards for emissions into the environment have been established in the range of 10 tons and above per year.
  3. Industrial facilities working with substances of categories 1 and 2 classes.
  4. Companies whose work involves interaction with nitric oxide. For companies whose scope of activity includes the above features, submitting a statistical reporting form is a mandatory condition for working in the segment.

2-TP (air) - filling

Report 2-TP (air) is filled out based on primary accounting data.

Unfortunately, the 2-TP (air) report form for filling out is currently not available in the environmental user module. There is information on the RPN website that this form will soon be provided in the environmental user module. It is possible to provide a report through the personal account of the user of natural resources, which is discussed below (but there are some nuances there). In the meantime, the best option is to download the report form from the consultant and fill it out in Word. Also, the report form is in my VKontakte group under the corresponding article.

Let's consider filling out the 2-TP Air report using the main tables:

Section 1. Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, their purification and disposal

The section is filled out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for each ENVOS.

ONV code - filled in on the basis of the registration certificate of ONVOS or certificate of updating. If you have lost your certificates, you can look in the VET UONVOS register.

The OKTMO ONV code is the code of the object of negative impact, and not a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

OKVED2 ONV code - similar to the above.

OKEI code: ton - 168

All pollutants contained in waste gases from stationary sources of pollution available to the respondent and aspiration air are subject to accounting (except for pollutants from motor vehicles; substances generated and utilized during the purification of gases exhausted from reactors during the production of soot at carbon black plants are not taken into account , purification of gases exhausting from ore-thermal furnaces during the production of yellow phosphorus at phosphorus plants, purification of gases exhausting from "fluidized bed" furnaces during the production of sulfuric acid at chemical plants. At ferrous metallurgy enterprises, carbon monoxide contained in blast furnace gas is not taken into account, which is used as a process fuel. Substances captured by installations and systems of “double adsorption” and “double contact”, used to obtain products from waste gases of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy plants, chemistry, petrochemistry and other industries, are not taken into account. From the above cases of formation and release substances, only pollutants entering the atmosphere as a result of incomplete capture and gas leaks due to leaks in process equipment are subject to accounting; data on emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3) and radioactive substances are also not taken into account).

The amount of pollutants for the reporting period (total, solid, gaseous and liquid, and for individual ingredients) is indicated on the basis of instrumental measurements and calculations carried out in accordance with methods approved in the prescribed manner. This also includes pollutants released into the atmosphere as a result of pipeline accidents.

Emissions of pollutants from both organized sources of air pollution (in the volume MPE begin at “0”) and from unorganized sources (in the volume MPE begin at “6”) are taken into account.

column 2:

the amount of pollutants entering the atmosphere from all organized and unorganized sources actually used during the reporting period, bypassing treatment facilities, as well as those unrecovered pollutants that passed through gas cleaning and dust collection installations not intended for their capture (neutralization).

That is, if you do not have an OS, then the entire pollutant emission is shown.

column 3:

the amount of pollutants entering the atmosphere through specially equipped devices (pipes, ventilation units, aeration lamps, etc.), but not subject to preliminary cleaning, as well as those uncollected substances that passed through gas cleaning and dust collection installations not intended for their capture .

That is, if your sources are not equipped with treatment facilities (cyclones), then all emissions from organized sources are shown (in the volume, the maximum permissible values ​​begin with the number 0).

column 4:

data is included only on those pollutants (total and individual ingredients) that are received and purified in gas cleaning and dust collection installations (regardless of the actual operation of these installations).

If you do not have cyclones, then “-“ is displayed. If cyclones are installed, then according to the measurements taken on the cyclones.

column 5:

the actual amount of captured (neutralized) pollutants in the reporting year is given, except for the substances listed in clause 15 of the Instructions, namely:

except pollutants from motor vehicles, substances generated and utilized during the purification of gases exhausting from reactors during the production of soot at carbon black plants, purification of gases exhausting from ore-thermal furnaces during the production of yellow phosphorus at phosphorus plants, purification of gases exhausting from “fluidized bed” furnaces in the production of sulfuric acid at chemical plants. Ferrous metallurgy enterprises do not take into account the carbon monoxide contained in blast furnace gas, which is used as a process fuel. Substances captured by installations and systems of “double adsorption” and “double contacting”, which are used to obtain products from waste gases of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy plants, chemistry, petrochemistry and other industries, are not taken into account. Of the above cases of formation and release of substances, only pollutants entering the atmosphere as a result of incomplete capture and gas leaks due to leaks of technological equipment are subject to accounting; data on emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3) and radioactive substances are also not taken into account

Also, if cyclones are installed, then according to the measurements taken, otherwise “-“.

column 6:

includes the amount of captured pollutants returned to production and used or sold externally.

On most ENVOS = 0, i.e. "-".

column 7:

the total amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere (total, solid, gaseous and liquid, including individual ingredients) is indicated, both after treatment and emitted without treatment.

If the respondent does not have treatment facilities, a dash is placed in columns 4 - 6 of Section 1.

In this case, the values ​​of columns 2 and 7 of section 1 must be equal to each other.

line 106:

Line 106 reflects data on nitrogen oxide emissions, expressed in terms of NO2.

The formula for recalculation is contained in the “Methodological manual for the calculation, regulation and control of pollutant emissions at the Autonomous Research Institute for Accounting for the Transformation of Harmful Substances in the Atmosphere”, page 113).

MNOX (in terms of NO2) = (MNO2 + 1.53 MNO),

where: MNO2 - nitrogen dioxide emission power, MNO - nitrogen oxide emission power.

line 107:

This also includes data on methane emissions.

line 108:

Line 108 displays the total data on volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

For substances related to VOCs, see the current edition of the reference book “List and codes of substances that pollute and the List of specific pollutants, data on emissions of which are subject to priority reflection in Section 2”, then for each specific substance. We take the codes from the List.

If the emitted pollutants are not on the List, then the total for these substances is indicated as code 8888.

ONV code

OKEI code: ton - 168

Figures are shown in tons per year with three decimal places.

Section 3. Sources of air pollution

This section of legal entities must be filled out in full; an exception has been made for individual entrepreneurs - only column 1 is filled in. Filling out is also done for each ENVOS.

Another nuance:

Section 3 is completed by all enterprises, regardless of whether they have established standards, whether they are in the development stage, or whether work on them has not been carried out at all.

Enterprises that have not carried out work on regulating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere or have not completed this work in full and have not received the appropriate emission permit from the regulatory authorities, fill out line 301 only in columns 1, 2 and 4, and put a dash in column 3 .

Enterprises that have developed, in accordance with the established procedure, standards for maximum permissible emissions (MPE) and (or) temporarily agreed upon emissions (TAE) and received permits to release these substances, fill out lines 301 - 303.

Individual entrepreneurs are guided by the same principles, but fill out only column 1.

ONV code

OKEI codes: one - 642; ton - 168

column 1:

the total number of stationary emission sources (including fugitive ones) actually used during the reporting period, from those available at the enterprises, is indicated.

column 2:

data on organized sources of pollutant emissions is highlighted (starting in the MPE volume at 0)

column 3:

the volume of permitted emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary sources is indicated.

column 4:

indicates the total amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere from all emission sources.

Enterprises that have an emission permit, using the above columns in line 302, highlight data on emission sources for which the MPE standard is established for each substance entering the atmosphere, and in line 303 - the VSV standard.

If several pollutants are emitted from a source and for some of them the MPE standards are established, and for the rest (or at least one substance) - the maximum permissible limit, then the data for such a source are reflected in line 303.

Data in columns 1 and 2 are shown in whole numbers, and in columns 3, 4 - in tons per year with three decimal places.

Section 4. Implementation of measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere

The section is filled out only by legal entities for each ENVOS separately.

In columns 5 and 6, each number must be preceded by a “-“ sign.

Control and instrumental measurements, operational and adjustment tests, development of draft MPE standards and other activities, the implementation of which is not directly related to the reduction of emissions of air pollutants from stationary sources, are not taken into account.

ONV code

OKEI codes: one - 642; one thousand rubles - 384; ton - 168

column 2:

The code for assessing the implementation of the activity is given. If an activity to protect atmospheric air was started and completed in the reporting year, then “1” is entered in column 2; for other activities, “0” is entered.

columns 3 and 4:

shows the total cost of air protection measures for all sources of financing, respectively, for the reporting year and for the previous year. For activities with a performance evaluation code equal to “1”, column 4 is not filled in.

column 5:

The estimated annual reduction (according to the project, etc.) in the amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere, which was expected to be achieved during the implementation of this activity from the planned moment of its implementation until the end of the reporting period, is given.

column 6:

the reduction in the amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere is indicated according to actual data obtained from the results of the implementation of the activity from the moment of its actual implementation (completion) until the end of the reporting period.

Data in columns 3 and 4 are given in thousands of rubles with one decimal place, columns 5 and 6 - in tons per year with three decimal places.

Section 5. Emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from certain groups of pollution sources

The section is also filled out only by legal entities for each ENVOS.

ONV code

OKEI code: ton - 168

column 3:

provides data on pollutants entering the atmospheric air as a result of heat and power processes aimed at generating electricity and heat (including hot water supply) for industrial needs and for the needs of the population.

column 4:

shows data on emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air from technological and other processes (including fuel combustion) not related to the generation of electricity and heat (including hot water supply) for industrial needs and for the needs of the population, emissions from which are given in column 3 The category of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from technological and other processes includes technological emissions from the combustion of associated gas and oil refining gases in candles and flares, as well as emissions from the combustion of coal dumps.

line 505:

the volumes of emissions of hydrocarbons (including VOCs), with the exception of methane, are given.

How to correctly fill out and submit reports on Form 2-TP (air)

Form 2-TP (air)

– annual statistical reporting, which is filled out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have stationary sources of emissions of pollutants (pollutants) into the atmospheric air (you can see what is the source of pollutant emissions on the page Project MPE - what is it?), regardless of whether they are equipped your sources of emissions from treatment plants or not.

If a legal entity has separate divisions, the form is filled out both for each separate division and for a legal entity without these separate divisions.


Order of Rosstat No. 387 of 08/04/2016 On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of agriculture and the natural environment.

To whom and where should 2-TP (air) reports be submitted?

To the Federal State Statistics Service until January 22

after the reporting period, information is provided by a legal entity (separate division) or individual entrepreneur with an emission volume of more than 10 tons per year or with an emission volume of 5 to 10 tons per year inclusive, if the emissions contain air pollutants of hazard class 1 and (or) 2 .

It is difficult to say how form 2-TP (air) is issued in each subject of the Russian Federation.

All legal entities (separate divisions) and individual entrepreneurs, regardless of the size of the annual emission volume, or only objects of federal supervision, may provide information to the Office of Rosprirodnadzor, or the regional environmental control body, or just like the State Statistics Service.

Each region may have its own rules, you need to contact the regulatory authority and find out if you need it

submit statistical reports. The date for submitting the form is January 22 after the reporting period, but can also be postponed at the local level.

If you do not submit reports, the inspector can identify this during an inspection of the enterprise, and after the deadline for receiving reports, a list of violating organizations is formed.

Responsibility for failure to provide 2-TP (air) reporting is determined by Article 8.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (
20-80 thousand rubles
per legal entity) and Article 3 of Federal Law No. 2761-1 “On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reporting.” It is worth keeping in mind that the cost of preparing a 2-TP (air) report is much lower than the fine.

You can create the report itself in several ways:

  1. Use the On-line or off-line module “Filling out statistical reporting forms” on the website of the Federal State Statistics Service.
  2. Make a report in a program produced by a private company (there are paid and free ones, you need to be careful with the latter, as they are not always updated on time).
  3. Make the 2-TP (air) report completely yourself in MS Excel, to do this you need to download the form to fill out.


In accordance with Order No. 234 of June 29, 2010, statistical reporting is submitted to state statistics bodies only in electronic format, signed with an electronic digital signature.

Filling out form 2-TP (air)

Let's consider preparing 2-TP (air) reports without using software. When using programs, the principle is the same.

We assume that you have already downloaded the report form from Rosstat Order No. 387 and opened it in MS Excel. It is spelled out in great detail where and what to write in the Instructions that come with the 2TP (air) form, so let’s focus on the questions

that may arise when filling it out.

First page

- This is information about the enterprise. Everything is simple here, enter the information that you are asked to write.

Second page Section 1. Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, their purification and disposal.

  1. Not all substances are included in this section, but only
    those prescribed in the form.
  2. We round all values ​​to 3 decimal places (even if it turns out to be 0.000); if the column is not filled in, a dash must be added.
  3. If there are no treatment facilities, then everything is more or less clear, fill out columns 2, 3 and 7. Columns 2 (Emitted without treatment) and 7 (Total pollutants released into the atmosphere) must be equal to each other.
  4. If there are still treatment facilities, then it’s a little more complicated. In most cases, wastewater treatment plants are installed for solids. And here it is necessary to select from the entire mass the amount that is thrown away after treatment, it will go to column 6 (of which it is disposed of). Column 4 = column 6 /(100 - efficiency of treatment facilities) * 100. Well, column 5 (Of those received for treatment - captured and neutralized, in total), accordingly, is equal to column 4 (Received for treatment) - column 6.

Third page Section 2. Emission of specific pollutants into the atmosphere.

  1. The order of lines in the form cannot be changed. That is, if there are these substances in the emissions, we fill in everything as written in the form, first benz(a)pyrene, then sulfuric acid, then methane, and then everything else.
  2. This section does not cover sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
  3. In the form that we submit to the State Statistics Service
    , the section reflects only the substances listed in the Appendix to the instructions for filling out the form. All others are summarized and with code 8888 and the name Other are entered into the form.
  4. In the form that we submit to the environmental protection authorities
    , all substances are reflected in the section (except for those already indicated in section 1), lines with code 8888 are not.

Fourth page Section 3. Sources of air pollution.

  1. Legal entities fill out the entire section, individual entrepreneurs fill out only column 1 (Number of sources of air pollution at the end of the year).
  2. If there is a maximum permissible limit (MPE), data on the number of sources and the annual volume of emissions are taken from the project documentation.
  3. If the permitting documentation was not available for the entire reporting period, then fill in column 1, column 2 and column 4 in line 301. Dashes are placed in lines 302 and 303.

Fifth page Section 4. Implementation of measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

Control and instrumental measurements, operational and adjustment tests, development of draft MPE standards and other activities, the implementation of which is not directly related to the reduction of emissions of air pollutants from stationary sources, are not taken into account.

Sixth page Section 5. Emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from certain groups of pollution sources.

  1. Column 3 provides data on pollutants entering the atmospheric air as a result of heat and power processes aimed at generating electricity and heat for production needs and for the needs of the population.
  2. Column 4 shows data on emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air from technological and other processes not related to the generation of electricity and heat, emissions from which are given in column 3.

Explanatory note to reporting form 2-TP (air)

The explanatory note must contain the following information:

  1. Name of the enterprise (full, abbreviated), details: INN, OKATO, OKVED.
  2. Information about changes in the status of the enterprise (merger/division, change of ownership, re-profiling, etc.).
  3. Emission dynamics compared to last year (increase/decrease) for the enterprise as a whole.
  4. Reasons for the increase/decrease in emissions for the enterprise as a whole, incl. according to ZV.
  5. Justification of the qualitative and quantitative composition of pollutant emissions (pollutants): calculations of emissions indicating the calculation methods used, results of analyzes of instrumental measurements indicating determination methods (protocols of measurements taken), information on the operation of dust and gas cleaning equipment (GOU efficiency).
  6. Information about unfulfilled activities, reasons for non-fulfillment.
  7. Information about emergency emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere: description of the accident, what pollutants entered the atmospheric air as a result of the accident, in what quantities, etc. (in the presence of).
  8. Information on the implementation of measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere during the NMU period, indicating the amount of reduction in tons.
  9. Calculation of the quantitative composition of nitrogen oxide emissions for line 106 of section 1 of form 2-TP (air) taking into account the transformation process (for emissions caused by production processes associated with the combustion of various types of fuel) is carried out using the formula: MNOx (in terms of NO2) = ( MNO2 + 1.53 MNO).

Submitting reports

  1. Form 2-TP (air) is submitted to the State Statistics Service only in electronic form, signed with an electronic digital signature.
  2. Form 2-TP (air) can be submitted to the territorial environmental protection authorities in electronic form, signed with an electronic digital signature or on paper (bring with you an electronic version of the report and a power of attorney to represent the interests of the organization).

For all questions, including if you need help, advice or you want to order the preparation of 2-TP (air) reports

, write to our email address or to our Contacts.

We remind you that the activities of each organization, regardless of size, generate production and consumption waste.

In law

For each waste of hazard class 1-4, waste passports must be developed and agreed upon, and the enterprise must also develop a PNOLR, or annually submit SMSP reports (waste reporting for small and medium-sized businesses).

In addition, every year all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs must submit a waste reporting form 2-TP (waste).


Rules for filling out form 2-TP (air)

  1. in each line, each column must be filled in: either a number or a “-“ sign, in this case: it is allowed to leave only those lines (columns) blank in all columns (rows) of which there are no indicator values; That is, if the entire line is empty, then you don’t have to fill in anything. It’s actually easier to settle on the option: either a number or a dash.
  2. We strictly observe the units of measurement, look in front of the table. If it is written in thousand rubles, but you show it in rubles, then this will be a mistake.
  3. All tables are filled out for each ENVOS separately.

2-TP Air

Form 2-TP (air) “Information on the protection of atmospheric air” is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the following legislative acts:

Law of the Russian Federation “On the protection of atmospheric air” (No. 96-FZ dated 05/04/1999)

Art. 30. “Legal entities that have stationary sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air are obliged to: keep records of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and their sources. Reporting is carried out annually according to form No. 2TP-air. Order of Rosstat (N 194 of August 18, 2008)

In accordance with clause 5.5 of the Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/02/2008 N 420, and in pursuance of the Federal Statistical Work Plan for 2008-2010, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2008 N 671- r, I order:

Approve the attached forms of federal statistical observation with instructions for filling them out and put them into effect;

Including form N 2-TP (air) “Information on the protection of atmospheric air”;

Establish the provision of data on federal statistical observation forms to the addresses and deadlines established in these forms.

Federal state statistical observation form N 2-TP (air) “Information on the protection of atmospheric air” is submitted by:

• legal entities, their separate divisions that have stationary sources of air pollution, which were issued an emission permit by the territorial authorized body of the specially authorized executive body in the field of atmospheric air protection;

• legal entities during the transition to types of economic activity maintain continuity of industry supervision in terms of the completeness of protection of large and medium-sized enterprises in the following industries: electric power, oil production, oil refining, gas, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy;

• legal entities of other industries and other sectors of the economy; the development includes enterprises for which the permitted emission standard is 10 tons or more per year;

• enterprises with pollutant emissions of up to 10 tons per year submit a report in Form 2-TP (air) if there are emissions of pollutants of hazard classes 1 and 2. For this group, enterprises that do not have substances of hazard class 1 are included in the list of objects of observation, and from substances of class 2, only nitrogen oxides (in terms of NO2) are emitted in an amount of less than 5 tons per year.

The list of specific reporting business entities is determined by the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor.

Violation of the procedure for presenting statistical information, as well as the presentation of unreliable statistical information, entails administrative liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (No. 195-FZ of December 30, 2001)

Article 13.19. Violation of the procedure for presenting statistical information Violation by an official responsible for the presentation of statistical information necessary for conducting state statistical observations of the procedure for its presentation, as well as the presentation of unreliable statistical information, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand to five thousand rubles.

Law of the Russian Federation “On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reporting” (No. 2761-1 of May 13, 1992) Article 3. Establish that enterprises, institutions, organizations and associations shall, in the prescribed manner, compensate statistical bodies for damages arising in connection with the need for correction results of consolidated reporting in case of presentation of distorted data or violation of reporting deadlines.

Instructions for filling 2-TP (air) in the personal account of the user of natural resources

You can download instructions for filling 2-TP (air) in your personal account as a natural resource user here:

Through your personal account as a natural resource user, you can also generate and submit a 2-TP (air) report in electronic form.

Login via the link -

Next, go to your personal account, in the menu, select YOUR REPORTING, then - 2-TP (air).

To generate a report, you need to create a new card and fill out the tabs.

In the report card, fill in the required information about your enterprise, including emissions. Click save.

Generating a report is much more convenient than in Excel, so I recommend filling it out through the natural resource user’s personal account.

State statistical reporting 2TP-air (urgent)


Category : Environmental regulation
Replies: 5

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Anastasia [email protected] Russia, Novosibirsk
Wrote 16 messages Write a private message Reputation:
Good afternoon! Tell me how the reporting is done, which must be submitted before July 7 - 2TP-air (urgent). Or where you can see how it’s done.
I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

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Olga [email hidden] Russia

Wrote 1829 messages Write a private message Reputation:

#2[1774] June 17, 2021, 11:41
Anastasia, 2tp air (urgent) has been canceled this year. No need to give up. I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

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Artem [email hidden] Russia

Wrote 35 messages Write a private message Reputation:

#3[1779] June 20, 2021, 7:25
And thank God it was cancelled. These reports are a waste of time, effort and paper. They are not much use. I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

Notification is being sent...

Anastasia [email protected] Novosibirsk, Russia

Wrote 16 messages Write a private message Reputation:

#4[1782] June 20, 2021, 9:40

Olga wrote:

Anastasia, 2tp air (urgent) has been canceled this year. No need to give up.

where can I read this resolution that was cancelled?

I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

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Olga [email hidden] Russia

Wrote 1829 messages Write a private message Reputation:

#5[1784] June 20, 2021, 10:22
Form N 2-TP-air (urgent) becomes invalid as of the report for the first half of 2021 due to the publication of Rosstat Order No. 344 dated July 28, 2015. 100026 . And to be completely confident in this information, I also called Statistics, where the information about the cancellation was confirmed. I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

Notification is being sent...

Anastasia [email protected] Novosibirsk, Russia

Wrote 16 messages Write a private message Reputation:

#6[1788] June 20, 2021, 1:12 pm

Olga wrote:

Form N 2-TP-air (urgent) becomes invalid as of the report for the first half of 2021 due to the publication of Rosstat Order No. 344 dated July 28, 2015. 100026 . And to be completely confident in this information, I also called Statistics, where the information about the cancellation was confirmed.

It's clear. Thank you

I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

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Checking the report

If you do not fill out the report digitally, then it is imperative to check the calculation:

List of specific pollutants, data on emissions of which are subject to priority reflection in section 2

Main errors according to the on-load tap-changer information

Typical superficial violations when filling out and submitting reports include:
Indication of OKTMO of the respondent, and not the object of the NVOS; Indication of the OKVED code of the respondent, and not the object of the NVOS; Signing of reports by an unauthorized person. Moreover, this applies to both electronic documents and paper documents. ⠀ To reduce their number (or even eliminate them altogether), please pay attention to the following. ⠀ 1. It is the OKTMO of the NVOS facility that is to be reflected in the reporting, which is established in accordance with “OK 033-2013. All-Russian Classifier of Municipal Territories”. The current version of OKTMO can be found on the official website of Rosstat in the “Open Data” section ( ⠀ 2. OKVED should also concern only the object of the NVOS, and not the respondent. The code is determined according to “OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2). All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities”, approved by order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 N 14-st (with subsequent amendments and additions). ⠀ 3. When sending reports, it is necessary to ensure that the official specified in the reporting matches the official specified in the power of attorney, and, of course, the official who signed the reporting. This is all especially relevant for electronic documents, because the situation is trivial when Lozhkin is listed as the signatory, while Petrov’s digital signature is used, and checking the key certificate points to Skvortsova. ⠀

Responsibility for violation of the provision procedure

If statistical reporting is not submitted, or there are delays in it, or false information is provided, the company and the officials who work in it, as well as individual entrepreneurs, may be held administratively liable. The regulation in this case is Art. 2.4, as well as Art. 13.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the standards of current legislation, officials and individual entrepreneurs pay a fine in the amount of 10,000 - 20,000 rubles. Organizations - 20,000 - 70,000 rubles. for a primary offense.

If it is repeated, officials pay 30,000 - 50,000 rubles, enterprises - 100,000 - 150,000 rubles. The largest fines are observed in relation to organizations that have committed repeated offenses.

Additional information on filling out the report on Form 2-TP (air) is presented below.

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