In business practice, returns to the supplier are commonplace. It happens that a marriage is discovered, and if they reach an agreement,
When do unearned vacation pay appear? The following example will help you understand the mechanism by which unearned vacation pay appears. Technical graduate
The need to make payments under a writ of execution gives rise to disputes and misunderstandings between the debtor and employees
How to fill out a work book correctly According to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the work book has an established
The Russian Ministry of Finance and Rostrud are confident that the employment contract with the director is the sole founder of the company
Sometimes the reasons for termination of an employment agreement depend on external circumstances, for example, dismissal due to
ACCOUNTING FOR INTANGIBLE ASSETS 1. Intangible assets are accounting objects: a) that do not have tangible
Individual entrepreneur and self-employment - what is the difference? At one time, Russian Prime Minister D. Medvedev
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An order on the right to sign primary documents is written in cases where the head of the enterprise has