» Inspections and fines In order to understand what Rospotrebnadzor checks, you need to clearly understand
The certificate of delivery and acceptance of completed work in form KS-2 is the primary document
Account 94: basic information Account 94 allows you to summarize the amounts of shortages and losses of goods, including
Rosstat claims that in 2021 in Russia, under an employment contract for remote work
Request-invoice (form M-11): Get the form for free! Register in the online document printing service MoySklad, where you
The process of submitting a declaration of conformity with working conditions Declaration form Regulatory documents Attention! Important changes C
Name of the territorial body of the FSS according to registration number Perovo111141, Moscow, Zeleny Prospekt, 13
The concept of materials and raw materials in accounting These item groups include assets that
Types of employment agreement An employment contract depends on its duration and nature of work: Agreement with
Conditions for the return of the tax deduction Receiving 13% of the amount deposited into the IIS is associated with