How to correctly fill out a consignment note if the goods are reloaded on the way to the recipient at an intermediate point?
Question Please tell me the rules for filling out form 1-T (TTN). Supplier in St. Petersburg delivers goods
Card for recording inventory and household supplies according to form 423-APK. Form and sample 2021
General provisions of the MB-6 form Nuances of filling out a personal PPE registration card Organization of accounting of issued PPE
Power of attorney from a legal entity to an individual
How to draw up a power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of an organization
A power of attorney is a document that is required quite often in the current activities of enterprises and organizations. WITH
Agreement for the transfer of equipment for free use
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Small businesses in 2021 will come under continuous statistical surveillance: who, when and how will have to report
In 2021, Rosstat launched an economic census of small businesses - as part of the continuous
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2013 N 23 Moscow “On the Rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards”
Are professional standards mandatory? Professional standards (to the extent determined by law) are mandatory for
Production calendar for November 2021 (6-day work week)
From the production calendar of a six-day working week you will learn about all working days, weekends and holidays
How to reflect receipt of a subsidy in 1C: Enterprise Accounting ed. 3.0?
Reflection of subsidies in accounting The definition of a subsidy as targeted assistance (PBU 13/2000) is the main thing
What is the cost of fixed assets
Stages of analyzing an organization's fixed assets 
Topic 2. Economic resources of the enterprise Topic questions: 1. Formation and composition of the enterprise’s property. 2.
Confirmation of expenses for paying for tickets and various fees: EMD, route/receipt, K-95
Methods for obtaining reporting documents 1. When issuing a ticket If you are going on a business trip and
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