Agreement for the transfer of equipment for free use



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AGREEMENT No. ________, ________________ "___"__________ 20___ _____________________________________________________________________, (full name of the organization) hereinafter referred to as the “Seller” (Lender), represented by ______________ ___________________________________________, acting on the basis of (position, full name) ___________________________________________________, on the one hand, and (Charter, Regulations) _____________________________________________________________________, (name of the borrower company) hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer” (User), represented by ___________ _____________________________________________________________________, (position, full name) acting on the basis of ___________________________________________, (Charter , Regulations) on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows: 1. Subject of the agreement 1.1. Under this agreement, the Lender undertakes to transfer for free temporary use to the User ____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________, (name, quantity, technical characteristics of the thing) hereinafter referred to as "Equipment" for trial operation, in a condition suitable for using the Equipment for its intended purpose for a period of ____________(_____________) month. The borrower undertakes, after the expiration of the time of use of the Equipment, to pay the cost of the Equipment in accordance with the terms of the supply agreement No. ______ dated “____”____________ 20__ concluded between the same parties, or to return the specified equipment in the condition in which he received it, taking into account normal wear and tear ( or ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________). (other condition of the transferred equipment) The equipment is provided for trial operation with all accessories and related documents: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. (operating instructions, technical passport, etc.) 2. Rights and obligations of the parties 2.1. The Lender undertakes: a) to provide the Equipment in a condition consistent with the terms of this agreement and its purpose; b) provide the Equipment with all its accessories and related documents. c) install the Equipment (on the User’s territory); d) train the User’s employees to work on the Equipment; If the accessories and documents specified in Appendix No. 1 were not transferred and without them the Equipment cannot be used for its intended purpose or its use significantly loses value for the User, the latter has the right to demand the provision of such accessories and documents or termination of the contract. 2.2. The User undertakes to: a) maintain the Equipment received for trial operation in good condition, including carrying out routine and major repairs; b) bear all costs of maintaining the Equipment; c) at least _________(________) once a month to allow the Lender’s employees into the territory where the Equipment is located to check the condition of the Equipment. 3. Responsibility of the parties 3.1 The lender is responsible for defects in the property that he intentionally or through gross negligence did not stipulate when concluding this agreement. If such defects are discovered, the User has the right, at his choice, to demand from the Lender the elimination of defects in the Equipment free of charge or reimbursement of his expenses for eliminating the defects of the item, or early termination of the contract and compensation for actual damage incurred by him. 3.2. The Lender, notified of the Recipient's requirements or of his intention to eliminate the defects of the Equipment at the expense of the Lender, may without delay replace the defective item with another similar item in good condition. 3.3. The Lender is not responsible for defects in the Equipment that were specified by him at the conclusion of the agreement, or were known in advance to the User during the inspection of the item or checking its serviceability when concluding this agreement or during the transfer (installation) of the equipment. 3.4. The User bears the risk of accidental death or accidental damage to the Equipment in his use. The User is also obliged to reimburse the Lender for the full cost of the Equipment if it was damaged (destructed, disappeared) due to the User’s fault, including: if it was not used in accordance with this agreement or the purpose of the Equipment, or the User did not prevent unauthorized access to the Equipment, or transferred the Equipment to a third party without the consent of the Lender. The User also bears the risk of accidental death or accidental damage to the Equipment if, taking into account the actual circumstances, he could have prevented its death or damage by sacrificing his property, but chose to keep his property. 3.5. The Lender is responsible for damage caused to a third party as a result of the use of the Equipment, unless it proves that the damage was caused due to intent or gross negligence of the User or the person who acquired this Equipment with the consent of the Lender. 4. Refusal of this agreement and its early termination 4.1. Each Party has the right to withdraw from this agreement at any time by notifying the other Party ______________. 4.2. The Lender has the right to demand early termination of this agreement in cases where the User: - uses the Equipment not in accordance with the agreement or the purpose of the Equipment; - fails to fulfill obligations to maintain the Equipment in good condition or its maintenance; — significantly worsens the condition of the Equipment; - transferred the Equipment to a third party without the consent of the Lender. 4.3. The user has the right to demand early termination of this agreement: - upon discovery of deficiencies that make normal use of the Equipment impossible or burdensome, the presence of which he did not know and could not know at the time of concluding the agreement; - if the Equipment, due to circumstances for which he is not responsible, turns out to be in a condition unsuitable for use; - if, when concluding the agreement, the Lender did not warn him about the rights of third parties to the transferred item; - if the Lender fails to fulfill the obligation to transfer the thing or its accessories and documents related to it. 4.4. This agreement is considered terminated from the moment of termination of the supply contract No. ______ dated "____"__________ 20__ concluded between the same parties. 4.5. The Agreement terminates in the event of transfer of ownership of the equipment to the User. 5. Change of the Parties to this agreement and its termination 5.1. The Lender has no right to alienate the Equipment or transfer it for paid use to a third party. 5.2. In the event of reorganization or liquidation of the Lender, the rights and obligations of the Lender under this agreement are transferred to another person to whom the ownership of the Equipment or other right on the basis of which the Equipment was transferred for trial operation was transferred. 5.3. In case of reorganization of the User, his rights and obligations under the agreement are transferred to the legal entity that is his successor. 6. DISPUTES AND DISPUTES 6.1. All disputes, contradictions and controversies that may arise between the parties and/or in connection with this Agreement are subject to final settlement by the arbitration court of _________. The decision made by the arbitration court is final and binding on the parties. 6.2. The applicable law under this agreement is the legislation of the Russian Federation. 7. OTHER CONDITIONS 7.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing. 7.2. All additions and annexes to this Agreement are valid if they are made in writing and signed by both parties. 7.3. Neither party has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties without the written permission of the opposite party. 7.4. This agreement is drawn up in 2 (two) copies, one for each of the parties, having equal legal force. 8. LEGAL ADDRESSES AND DETAILS OF THE PARTIES User: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________; Lender: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. Signatures of the parties: Lender User ______________________ ________________________ M.P. M.P.

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Free transfer of property

The terms of the agreement can also include a provision according to which the organization in whose favor the property is transferred may at any time refuse to accept it until it is directly available and until the relevant assets are transferred. In this case, as a rule, it is indicated that the organization refuses the donation in writing. As soon as the Donor receives the corresponding document, the contract is considered terminated.

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Agreement for the transfer of equipment for free use

Here is the text of the lease agreement for non-residential premises.

If there is an opportunity to help, I will be immensely grateful.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1 The Lessor undertakes to provide the Tenant for temporary use for a fee with non-residential premises with a total area of ​​13 sq.m., located at the address..., hereinafter referred to as the “Property”. Renting out the Property does not entail the transfer of ownership of it.

1.2. Lease period from May 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005.

1.3. The leased Property is transferred to the Tenant in a condition that complies with the terms of the contract and is suitable for its normal use.

2. Rights and obligations of the lessor.

2.1. The Lessor transfers the Property to the Lessee for use under the transfer deed. (Appendix No. 1)

2.2. Notify the Tenant in writing about changes in the amount of rent no later than 1 month before the change comes into force.

2.3. Upon expiration of the lease term, accept the Property from the Tenant under the transfer deed, taking into account its standard wear and tear.

3. Rights and obligations of the tenant.

3.1. The Tenant is obliged to maintain the rented Property in the manner prescribed by sanitary and fire safety regulations.

3.2. Refurbish and redevelop the rented Property only with the written consent of the Lessor.

3.3. Compensate the Lessor for damages in the event of damage to the leased Property, as well as the equipment located in it, that occurs during the period of use of the Property.

3.4. Bear the costs of maintaining the Property and make routine repairs at your own expense in a timely manner.

Pay the Lessor the cost of the ongoing repairs of the Property that are not his responsibility, in case of abandonment of the property before the expiration of the lease term or in connection with the reduction of the validity period of this Agreement, if the repairs were not made.

3.5. Notify the Lessor no later than two weeks in advance about the upcoming vacancy of the premises, both in connection with the expiration of the term of this Agreement, and in case of early vacation, and hand over the premises in good condition to the Lessor according to the return certificate (Appendix No. 2).

3.6. The Tenant has no right to sublease (sublease) the rented premises, either in whole or in part, not to provide the Property for free use and not to transfer its rights and obligations under this Lease Agreement to other persons (release) without the written permission of the Lessor.

4. Payment procedure.

4.1. The rent is transferred to the current account monthly no later than the 10th day of the month due for payment, or is deposited into the Lessor's cash desk.

4.2. For the specified premises, the Tenant pays the Landlord rent at the agreed price of 300 rubles. for 1 sq.m. per month.

Per month 13 sq. m*300 rub. = 3900 rub. (three thousand nine hundred rubles), including VAT based on the current rate.

4.3. The cost of utilities: electricity, heating, water supply, and wastewater treatment are included in the contract price. The rent does not include the cost of telecommunication services (telephone).

4.4. If the cost of utilities and the base rate changes, the cost of rent is specified by the Lessor, and the Tenant undertakes to accept it for payment in an undisputed manner. Rent calculations may be revised.

4.5. Failure to use the leased Property by the Tenant cannot serve as a basis for refusal to pay rent to the Landlord.

4.6. If rent is not paid more than two times in a row after the expiration of the period established by the Agreement, the Lessor has the right to terminate the Agreement and demand compensation for losses caused by the delay.

4.7. In case of untimely transfer of the leased Property to the Lessor at the end of the Agreement, the Tenant shall pay the Lessor lost profits in the amount of the rent established by this Agreement for the period before the lease of the Property to another tenant.

5. Prolongation and termination of the contract.

5.1. The Tenant who has properly fulfilled the obligations under this Agreement has the right to renew the agreement.

5.2. Early termination of the contract is possible at the initiative of the Tenant.

5.3. Early unconditional termination of the agreement at the initiative of the Lessor is possible in the event of violation by the Lessee of its obligations under this Agreement.

6. Legal addresses and bank details of the parties.

What follows is Appendix No. 1 - Acceptance Certificate of the leased property.

But Appendix No. 2 is not...

Once again, thank you so much in advance!

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  • Agreement for free use of a car
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  • Agreement for free use of property (cooler)
  • Agreement for free use of property 1
  • Agreement for free use of property
  • Agreement for free use of non-residential premises (2)
  • Agreement for free use of non-residential premises
  • Agreement for free use of the training track
  • Agreement for the free use of part of the residential premises
  • Certificate of transfer of equipment, components and technical documentation (annex to the agreement on transfer of equipment for free use)
  • Certificate of acceptance of materials and technical documentation (attachment to the contract for the performance of works and services for the transfer of equipment for free use)
  • Certificate of acceptance of materials and technical documentation, taking into account the customer’s comments (attachment to the contract for the performance of works and services for the transfer of equipment for free use)
  • Acceptance certificate for equipment, components and technical documentation, taking into account comments on incompleteness or malfunction of equipment (appendix to the agreement on the transfer of equipment for free use)
  • Certificate of acceptance of works (services) (annex to the contract for the performance of works and services for the transfer of equipment for free use)
  • Free use agreement
  • Agreement for free use (transfer of an apartment by a citizen to a legal entity)
  • Agreement for free use of an apartment concluded between citizens

Free transfer of property between legal entities

Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation guarantees subjects of civil relations the right to freedom of concluding transactions - both those provided for by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations, and those that are not specifically regulated by law. If the transaction concluded by the parties is not mentioned in legislative acts or includes elements of several contracts, then, in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article, the provisions that are provided for contracts with similar features should be applied to it.

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Free transfer of property between legal entities

  1. The process of agreeing on the transfer of part of the property between companies (their representatives).
  2. The donating company documents the ownership of assets transferred to another legal entity.
  3. Drafting a statement from the company making the gift declaring this intent.
  4. Drawing up an agreement on a gift or gratuitous transfer (loan).
  5. Certification of the contract by a notary in the presence of representatives of both legal entities.
  6. State registration of the agreement in the local Office of the Federal Registration Service.
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