Having received a certain amount of cash from an individual (buyer) as payment for the goods,
Justification: report on the operation of the tower crane (form N ESM-1); construction vehicle waybill (f.
Form 0504041 CARD OF QUANTITATIVE-TUMAL ACCOUNTING OF MATERIAL VALUES “___” _____________ 200_ Download the ORDER of the Ministry of Finance
Entering information to generate information from documents confirming the validity of applying the zero VAT rate begins
What to write to tax authorities if they demand an explanation for a loss Tax officials send demands to explain why the company
The procedure for accounting for insurance costs depends on which accounting method you use (cash
Another tax period has ended. Organizations are preparing to submit their annual income tax return.
The specificity of monitors is such that, during long and active work, the screens lose color rendering quality,
Working year A working year is a period of time starting from the day and month when
Not long ago, the rules for making a decision based on the results of tax audits changed. Moreover, innovations have been added