When an individual entrepreneur starts working and the first buyers appear, the question immediately arises - how to
okmirs Hello. April 25, 2021 a question was asked about automatic completion of the Profit Declaration
The article will discuss how the bankruptcy of legal entities by the tax inspectorate proceeds.
From 2021, the payment of insurance premiums comes under the control of the Federal Tax Service. Changes in administration are related
Personal income tax rate on dividends Until 2015, tax on dividends had to be withheld at
20 Dec 2017 The minimum wage in St. Petersburg will change from 01/01/2018 and
The UTII declaration for the 3rd quarter of 2021 has been changed, the new template recommended by tax authorities is given in
What is the SZV-M report? In accordance with Art. 3 of the Federal Law of April 1
Introductory information The budget classification code (BCC) is included in the group of details that allow you to determine ownership
2021-05-28 1851 One of the stable sources of replenishing the country’s budget is the personal income tax