General taxation system in 2018: what kind of regime it is, what taxes are paid, transition procedure
General taxation system in 2021: what kind of regime it is, what taxes are paid, transition procedure
All business entities, based on the results of their work, are required to make certain contributions to the budget, targeted
Zero declaration under the simplified tax system for individual entrepreneurs
Zero declaration under the simplified tax system for 2021 for individual entrepreneurs, sample filling Income
A tax return is a report submitted by payers of a certain taxation system. For every tax
How to fill out an application to reduce the value of a patent
It's the beginning of March. In principle, we were ready to write this article and shoot a video.
The use of online cash desk depends on the purpose of the loan
Receipt and repayment of a loan with interest - in what cases is CCP used?
Consider the following situation: the founder deposits a loan to pay employees' salaries. Wherein
A simplifier won a government contract: what to do with VAT?
I know that VAT is a value added tax. What does it mean?
Vladimir Putin signed changes to the law on the use of cash register equipment
On July 1, the second wave of reforms in the use of cash register equipment will be completed. List of organizations
In what cases can you refuse the VAT exemption?
In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 149 of the Tax Code of Russia, a number of business transactions are not
New amendments to the law on cash registers: exemption for individual entrepreneurs on PSN, non-cash payments with individuals, new check details and more
Online cash register for non-cash payments with individuals Before the adoption of the commented amendments, there was uncertainty as to
New form RSV-1 in 2015: how to fill out and when to submit
Innovations in the RSV-1 form since 2015 Changes in the reporting of entrepreneurs to extra-budgetary funds
Contributions to funds from wages in 2021 for a disabled person
Insurance premiums for disabled people in 2021 From 2012 to 2014, insurance rates
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