How to reduce payments for insurance premiums when combining simplified taxation system and PSN?
The simplified taxation system is one of the most popular special regimes. It is used by small businesses -
Conducting initial training on labor protection - goals, participants, program
Concept and types Instruction in the workplace involves setting out the basic requirements for methods, order
Receipt agreement for services of motels, campsites, hotels - form bo 18
Hotel forms The second copy (copy of the safe receipt) after filling out the order to the cashier in it,
The procedure for filling out line 022 (previously page 140) of form 6-NDFL
General principles for the formation of the 1st section of the form Starting with reporting for the 1st quarter of 2021
Features of corporate card accounting
Which card is better to have - debit or credit? For corporate purposes it is possible to issue various
UIP principles
UIP - what is it in a payment order? Unique payment identifier
A payment order (hereinafter referred to as PP) is a type of payment form documentation that is generated by the payer.
Collection of bailiffs accounting entries
Receipt of writs of execution A writ of execution can be received by an organization from a bailiff (as a rule,
Inventory before annual reporting. Features of inventory 2020
O.I. Prokhorova author of the article, Ascon consultant on accounting and taxation All organizations are obliged
Who can be checked and how outside the scope of a tax audit?
From November 25, 2021, new application forms for registration of legal entities and
costs associated with production and sales
Costs associated with production and sales of products
Owning a business is always associated not only with profit, but also with expenses: for payment
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