Card of quantitative and total accounting of material assets sample
Form 0504041 CARD OF QUANTITATIVE-TUMAL ACCOUNTING OF MATERIAL VALUES “___” _____________ 200_ Download the ORDER of the Ministry of Finance
VAT refund taxpayer 3.0 instructions for filling out 2021
Entering information to generate information from documents confirming the validity of applying the zero VAT rate begins
UTII in the Moscow region: for individual entrepreneurs, adjustment factor, types of activities, rates
Since August 2021, it has become known for certain that such a taxation system is recognized by the state as
What to write to the tax authorities if they demand an explanation of the loss
What to write to tax authorities if they demand an explanation for a loss Tax officials send demands to explain why the company
Cancellation of form 2-TP air and transfer to Rosprirodnadzor
Who passes 2-TP (air) Who passes 2-TP (air) - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating in
Change of tax office and legal address - what's new in 2021
Legal address and location: what is the difference At the “everyday” level, the legal address is
Insurance premiums
How to take insurance costs into account when calculating income taxes
The procedure for accounting for insurance costs depends on which accounting method you use (cash
Note (explanatory note) to the financial statements
Why do you need an explanatory note to the financial statements? Preparation of annual financial statements, including
Where to go if you were not paid your salary upon dismissal?
In modern society, any employee knows that failure to pay wages on time entails
Transition to the simplified tax system: how to overcome “advance” difficulties
Companies wishing to apply the simplified system starting next year have very little time left to submit
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