How to Find Profit: Pre-Tax Balance Formula
The enterprise profitability indicator EBIT (Earnings Before Interest Tax) or operating profit is an analytical indicator,
Individual entrepreneur profit distribution
Added to bookmarks: 0 Individual entrepreneurship is the most common form of business organization. For physical
The Golden Rule of the Balance Sheet: Why Assets Equal Liabilities
“Assets are equal to liabilities”—everyone who begins to get acquainted with management accounting hears these words.
Individual entrepreneur reports for the third quarter
Rented to LLCs and individual entrepreneurs with employees monthly until the 15th day of the following month
What is the deflator coefficient for UTII and its value in 2021
Payers of UTII - who pays UTII and how, not all organizations could apply and
How to calculate the tax according to the simplified tax system for individual entrepreneurs at the simplified tax system of 6% in 2021? And again about the tax deduction!
How to fill out the table for calculation? After you have chosen the tax percentage
Recommendation R-48/2020 - OK MASH “General production and general economic costs”
Accounting: general production expenses During the reporting period, general production expenses are reflected in the debit of the account of the same name
insurance premiums, what budget is regional or federal?
How “digital” helps the Federal Tax Service collect taxes: just look at these graphs
Federal budget taxes Income tax is a very significant fee for any country, not only
Account 58 “Financial investments” in accounting
Characteristics of accounting account 58 Account 58 in accounting is represented by balance sheet lines 1170
Chart of accounts. Account 91 “Other income and expenses”
Audio version of the article, listen to 91 accounts in accounting are closed depending on the period: the difference
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