Absolutely all commercial enterprises that operate on the territory of the Russian Federation must report
Controllers reason as follows. Accountable amounts for which the employee did not report are his
From the moment of registration, individual entrepreneurs report for their work to the tax authorities and funds. IP
Who can apply the reduced contribution rate During 2017–2021, those employed in
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from short-term financial investments (account 58 minus the provision for impairment formed on the account
In 2021, accountants are offered at least three ways to submit reports to
Who reflects reduced insurance premiums in the RSV From April 1, 2020, a number of employers can pay insurance premiums
“Simplified” offers a choice of two options for the object of taxation: “income minus expenses” (STS 15%)
When registering an LLC or individual entrepreneur, the applicant indicates the main type of activity according to OKVED, from which