Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 30, 2018 N 595
simplified tax system The value of the deflator coefficient used for the purposes of applying the simplified tax system has been increased from 1.481 to 1.518. Let us remind you that
The Document Preparation Department of the Housing Fund will help you legally optimize the payment of real estate taxes.
Property taxes 2021 for individuals. Tax calculator. Calculation example.
Payment of property tax for individuals from 2021 is carried out - based on the cadastral,
formula - yield 1
Asset Allocation Strategy - Part 2
What are current assets? Assets mean all own and attracted resources that are used
Watch on hand
How to correctly create a work schedule for employees every three days and how to pay for such work
Basic criteria for drawing up a work schedule In modern personnel records management, drawing up a work schedule is simplified by the introduction
sales receipt example 2020
Individual entrepreneur without a cash register in 2021 - in what cases is it possible
Do you need an online cash register for individual entrepreneurs without employees? Recent changes in legislation have established the need to use online cash registers
Reflection in accounting
What you need to know about transactions when paying for a third party
Business lawyer > Accounting > Primary documents > Sample letter about payment to a third party
Online cash register for individual entrepreneurs on a patent in retail trade
The patent taxation system (PTS) is used only by individual entrepreneurs (IP). And not all, but only
Balance sheet
How to fill out a balance sheet using a balance sheet (SAS)
What is a balance sheet and how to draw it up using a sample form? What shape does it have?
Tax deduction for life insurance: who can get it and how?
Tax deduction for life insurance is becoming as popular as, for example, for treatment or
Recommendations for filling out a universal transfer document: 9 main rules
How it works Previously, a more complex algorithm was used. For example, NPO Dobrovol sold goods, works,
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