Instructions: application for accountable money from the cash desk of a budget organization
Often, business entities carry out their current expenses through accountable persons. They are, as a rule,
Sales of goods and services - sale of goods in 1C 8.2 and postings
Manufacturers are going online - should you choose an online store or a marketplace? Bloomberg recently announced that
The duration of the required process is 3 months from the moment the declaration is submitted for consideration to the tax office
Desk tax audit report (filling sample)
General information Draws up an agreement for a desk tax audit report by the Federal Tax Service. The preparation of the form is preceded by an analysis carried out
Features of synthetic and analytical payroll accounting
Company accounting provides users with reliable information. To generalize it, accounting data is systematized into
To carry out the required assessment, each employee must provide written consent.
Corporate income tax 2021: how to calculate the tax yourself?
What are the rates in 2021 The general income tax rate for 2021 is
Financial assistance 4000 in 2021: insurance premiums and personal income tax
Payment of financial assistance at the initiative of the employer The most common cases of payment of financial assistance are the assignment of financial assistance
Separate division - open, close and pay taxes
T. N. Milyutina author of the article, Deputy General Director for Audit LLC ALT-AUDIT In the last
FFD 1.2 - deadlines for transition to a new format of fiscal data
FFD 1.2 - deadlines for transition to a new format of fiscal data
Home • Blog • Online cash registers and 54-FZ • FFD 1.2 - deadlines for transition to
On filling out a tax return on excise taxes on excisable goods
Why report excise taxes Excise taxes were developed as a taxation tool. This internal indirect tax is required
invoices forwarding receipt
Business lines: drawing up and submitting a claim to a transport company
A forwarding receipt is issued in cases where an enterprise engages a third-party transportation company to transport goods and materials.
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