Let us remind you that the 6-NDFL report must be submitted by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs - employers with hired employees.
When are Forms 3, 4 and 6 of the balance sheet prepared? Forms 3, 4 and 6
Is a stamp placed on the invoice (nuances) Modern requirements for stamping documents have changed
If not an exact definition, then an understanding of what a balance most of us have.
Failure to withhold personal income tax as a result of a calculation error In case of an error with the calculation, additional tax must be withheld
Fixed assets are the material resources necessary for a company to conduct its activities. It could be
Initial data At what rate (of which city) should transport tax be calculated if the parent organization has changed
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Valuation of intangible assets can be considered as a comprehensive assessment of the company's fixed assets, including intangible,
Payroll settlements with company personnel for wages are accumulated on account 70. This