Financial assistance 4000 income code and deduction code 2021 Financial assistance and certificate codes
Migration of personnel is only growing every year: companies invite non-resident employees to work with
The main essence of the tax The loss can be taken for previous periods when calculating the tax on
Transportation of passengers by minibus taxi When the carrier establishes an unregulated tariff, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 13.
A selection of schemes that allow you to save UTII Taxation system in the form of UTII (Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),
How to confirm belonging to a small business To do this, you need to obtain an extract from the Unified
If one fine morning a Sberbank client discovers that the card has been seized and the balance of funds
Instead of a preface, industrial capitalism owes its flourishing to the emergence of LLCs and joint-stock companies... in their modern understanding.
Which kosgu chainsaw from 2021? Here are the main criteria that should be followed when classifying
To account for production costs, account 20 “Main production” is used. As a rule, the account is closed in