Since January 10, 2002, the federal law “On Environmental Protection” has been in force in Russia, one of
The Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT) is a special tax regime to which everyone can switch
02/18/2019 The review was prepared on release, but for at least a year the configuration has been accruing and
Working year A working year is a period of time starting from the day and month when
Those who are required to maintain accounting must prepare and submit financial statements. And that's all
Not long ago, the rules for making a decision based on the results of tax audits changed. Moreover, innovations have been added
When starting their own business, entrepreneurs do not always pay due attention to the issue of accounting. Someone heard that
The site is a computer program (Article 1261 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, creating a website is development
Filling out payment orders is a fairly common operation. For greater convenience of its design and
Photo from the site The agreement between the seller (supplier) and the buyer very often clearly