In the process of economic activity of each organization, the need may arise to recover funds from its
How is downtime due to the employer’s fault paid? To calculate insurance premiums, it is very important to correctly classify
This is the answer to the frequent question: irregular working hours - what is it? Ask
A busy schedule prevents you from attending professional development events? We found a way out! Consultation provided
How to make an entry about a change of name in a work book Work book - a personal document
What is the SZV-M report? In accordance with Art. 3 of the Federal Law of April 1
Still, amazing news recently appeared on the Internet... The State Duma announced a competition for training
What are the main tasks of an accountant? In the production sector, there is a Regulation on the organization of accounting, because
Cases when an act of form T-73 is required. There are situations when it is necessary to perform some one-time work,
The procedure for bonuses to the general director always raises many questions among personnel officers and accountants. Director (general